Unfazed reader (Malleus x Reader)

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bryzie27 requested:
could you do headcanons of fem mc who's unfazed/unafraid of malleus' draconic features(tail, wings, horns, tongue)? teasing the mc with them would be nice too if you like


🐉 Many NRC students were afraid of Malleus. It might be of his great skills of magic or because of his appearance. His tail, horns and so many other features that the old fae had, were scary for the young students.

🐉 But then one magicless person appeared at the college. A young woman who met the draconic fae and she was not afraid of him at all.

🐉 This one new student actually surprised the blackhaired tall fae, as he tried to understand why she seemed to be so unfazed.

🐉 After questioning some Diasomnia students, he thought about one thing that many of them suggested. Even Lilia mentioned it a couple of times... "Maybe (Y/N is in love with you and therefor not scared of you."

🐉 In love? Maybe you had no feelings of affection for the fae, but were just interested in the dragon-like features he had. But how does the curious fae gets answers...? How...? Maybe he should go and ask the oldest person at school about it...

🐉 He even got an answer of the vice-leader! "Just tease (y/n). Mayhap you might get an answer. Fufufu!~"

🐉 And that is what the old fae does! He listened to the guardian of his and tried to tease you...

🐉 When you were nearby and walked into his direction, Malleus would touch his own horns or even ask you to take a look at his wings, for they pained him a little bit and you should tell him if they looked healthy. Sure, you were just a normal human being, but you could help him out with his wings and tail at least, right?

🐉 "(Y/N)... You are staring at my tail again... Mayhap you want to touch it?" His lips formed into a small smirk as he saw you blushing at his question.

🐉 "S-Stop teasing me...." He would have normally stopped by now, but seeing you react so sweet and adorable, made the fae just happy and tease you more and more!

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