s/o who fears men (Leona, Jamil, Vil, Rook)

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jayv-331 requested:
Helloooooooo remember the request of the s/o who has a fear of men, well I really wanted to see it done with Vil, Leona, Jamil, and Rook. Thank youuuuuuuu!!!! Have a good day!!


Leona Kingscholar

🦁 Bad teasing lion! Bad! Stop it! But welp, Leona doesn't care and will defiantly tease you by wanting to cuddle with you or just pulling you near him.

🦁 Laughs his ass of, when the big bad lions sees you punching students by being to near.

🦁 He has a good nose, which is why he is good in finding you. So whenever you try to hide, he will be there and tries to calm you down.

🦁 "Come on... Nothing will happen. I will be there if something happens to you, (Y/N). Let's go. I want to take a nap."

Jamil Viper

🐍 He is not as mean as Leona, but Jamil would tease you once or twice a week. But he knows when to stop, so the blackhead doesn't have to feel your furious punches!

🐍 Tries to stop the male students to be around you, so you won't get too scared.

🐍 Like Trey, he will ask you for permission to hold you or take your hands.

🐍 "You are hiding again...? Come, (Y/N)... I made some curry. You are probably hungry, right?"

Vil Schoenheit

👑 He cares for you deeply, even when you might not see it. When people try to get to close to you, Vil will try to scare them of for you.

👑 He knows about your fear, which is why he would never do something impropriate in case of you getting angry at him.

👑 He needs to be careful, because of his makeup...

👑 "Come, I need to apply new makeup on and you, my sweet potato, do not want to be here anyway..."

Rook Hunt

🏹 Rook was the first one to ever see you punching some student and hearing of your fear, before the two of you started dating.

🏹 He will stalk you, which is why he is good at making people disappear, so you don't have to meet a few of them.

🏹 Compliment you and kisses your hand. The blond hunter is also very good at dodging your punches, if he ever becomes too much with his compliments and showing his deep affection to you...

🏹 "My beloved treasure! You look so great and sweet!~ Just look at you, crouching around like a beautiful rose!"

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