starting a project- (A/N)

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Merry Christmas!!

I did make this list a while ago and the draft for this post a while ago, too, but I completely forgot about them-

Doing a 30-day otp challenge to help my motivation.
No, these won't be in a specific order. The list is just to remind me what ship is put onto each part since that will help me make ideas. No, these won't be daily, I defo won't be able to do that since my motivation is constantly questioning itself. Some of the assigned ships might change around, but I think I'll try sticking to the list pretty closely- Hopefully, I'll be able to do these pretty often, but I can't garrentee it.

Here's the list that I'll be using. I changed the Fairytale prompt to something different because I couldn't think of anything, and I'd rather think of something like the human au or a fantasy au-

1 —Lost somewhere (Poth)
2 —Pet names (Lurik)
3 —Patching eachother up (Lurik)
4 — Hospital visits (Poth)
5 —Scar worship (Lurik)
6 —Making fun of one another (Lurik)
7 —Death of someone close (Lurik)
8 —Sleeping in (Poth)
9 —Hugging (Lurik)
10 — Watching the other sleep (Lurik)
11 —Drawing each other (Poth)
12 —Having a lazy day (Lurik)
13 —Fairytale/Fantasy Au/Human (Poth)
14 —Geeking out about something (Poth)
15 —Teaching how to do something (Lurik)
16 —Needing eachother (Poth)
17 —Washing Something (Lurik)
18 —One is sick (Lurik)
19 —Spoiling each other (Poth)
20 —Shopping together (Poth)
21 —Buying flowers for the other (Lurik)
22 —Competing (Poth + Pastel)
23 —Being old together (Lurik)
24 —Dealing with children (Lurik + Dull and Astrophel)
25 —Trying to seduce one another(Poth/Goh horribly failing at subtly seducing Pal until the very end)
26 —Interacting with family members (Poth + Pastel)✅️
27 —Moving in together (Poth)
28 —Falling in love (Poth)
29 —Doing chores together (Poth)
30 —Pillow talk (Lurik)

Luckily for you guys, I have a little Christmas special in the works today and hopefully it'll come out either tonight or tomorrow–the 28th- so stay tuned for these and thanks for being so patient!!

Poth/Fell poth(and maybe afterdeath too) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now