(Y/N) & Kagekao X WonderlandsXShowtime

Start from the beginning

I watched the two of them for a bit before deciding to try something out. I quickly rush downstairs and grab a bottle of wine from atop the cabinets along with a corkscrew, then run back upstairs with it held behind my back. I wait for Former and Sadie to eventually leave before slowly stalking over to Kagekao's door. I listened in for a bit before taking the wine and holding it before the door. I got ready to jam to corkscrew into the top when the door suddenly flew open, startling me.

"What the fuck. I didn't even open–"

"Thanks for the wine, (Y/N)-sama. Now get lost," Kagekao grinned, snatching the bottle from my grasp. "Wait, Kage WAIT–" I shouted, going to stop him just as he was about to slam the door back in my face. As I fought to keep the door open, I could see a bit into his room and...I saw something–or what appeared to someone looking over at me and Kagekao struggling with huge, curious eyes.

"Ne, Kagekao-san! Dare no sore...?" [Hey Kagekao, whose that?]

Kagekao turned and responded "D-Dare demonai! Goshinpaiaku!" [It's nobody, don't worry about it!]

I frowned and pushed against the door harder, "Kagekao, you've been locked up in your room for more than a week! What are you hiding, what's wrong with you?" I sneer. I use all my force and am able to overpower the trickster, knocking him backwards and stumbling into his room. When I look up, I see...some girl...

The girl's eyes widened as she watched me tumble into the room. She gasped, but her initial fear quickly turned into excitement and she jumped up from where she was sitting on Kagekao's bed, grinning at me excitedly. "O o o wakuwaku!!! Ya! Anatahadare...?" [Wowwowowowowow!! HI! Who are you...?]

I was trying to recollect my breath while eyeing the Japanese-speaking girl in utter confusion. Like no joke; why the fuck was there a very realistic video game looking character now staring at me like I was a stack of cash. The girl had short pink hair styled in a bob and big, pink eyes. She wore a pink sweater with smiley pins and balloon animal patches over what looked to be her school uniform and had a mischievous grin on her face.

"Uh.....Hi.....?" I mumble out, actually quite shocked by the reality of the girl. It was so strange...what the hell did Kagekao do?

The girl kept talking but she was speaking purely in Japanese so I was stuck unable to respond to her questions (unless you understand Japanese, you understood her but was at a loss for words) that were clearly directed towards me. Kagekao nervously tried to stand between me and the girl and eventually cut her off, growling at me, "Why do you have to be so nosy, jeez...she wasn't supposed to see any of you bozos yet..."

"Who is she??" I question, narrowing my eyes at Kagekao. Kagekao hesitated to answer for a long time, whilst this strange girl giddily smiled between me and Kagekao before giggling and suddenly jumping to pose on one leg, spreading her arms out comically while she beamed at me.

"Ichi...ni...san....WANDAHOIIIIIIII!!!!" [Wonderhoi!]


Kagekao sighed and facepalmed before snapping something at the girl in Japanese, causing her to stand normally again and look between the two of us with a quiet curiosity. He then faced me and muttered, "Fine, I guess it's no use hiding it now. (Y/N)-sama, this is Otori, Emu [Ehh-mu]! She's from that game I've been playing the past few days...I got so angry when Slende-sama took the game away from me so with a little help from BEN I was able to bring some of the character's into reality!"

"SOME?" I side-eyed him. He nodded and his usual smirk returned on his face. "If I can't have the game, then I'll keep some of my favorite characters around to keep me company. In the end, Slende-sama still loses and that's all that matters...right Emu?"

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