1: Info

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Info needed:

Wally Darling:
Pronouns: He/him (he doesn't mind though, he'll take any)
Sexuality: Asexual, aromantic (aro/ace)
Gender identity: cisgender male
Age (physical): 23-29
Age (mental): Constantly differing from 3-30
Occupation: Painter
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: Mid-functioning Autism, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), moderate depression, severe insomnia, social anxiety
Height: 3'0/12 apples tall
Best friend(s): Barnaby B. Beagle, Eddie Dear, Frank Frankly, you
s/o(s): None
Wally has DID, and one of his alters is around 4 years old. (That alter's name is also Wally, but everyone just calls him Wallz/Walls)
Wally views Eddie and Frank as parental figures, even when he's not age regressing. (In my AU, Wally didn't have loving parents when he was younger. He developed DID due to them being physically abusive.)
Wally like red apples, he likes admiring them and eating them.

Eddie Dear:
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual/biromantic
Gender identity: cisgender male
Age (physical): 31
Age (mental): 25-30
Occupation: postman/mailman
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: high-functioning Autism, ADHD
Height: 4'7
Best friend(s): Wally Darling, Julie Joyful, Samuel Smith
s/o(s): Frank Frankly (married)
-Eddie is very caring.
-Generally forgetful
-Likes crafting and collecting things like stamps
-He is oblivious to how much he talks and how it annoys some of the others, like Howdy.
-He picks up on certain signs that Wally shows with different things. For example, Eddie can tell when Wally is disassociating, generally spacing out, or is a different alter than the host.
-He's aware of Wally's past.

Frank Frankly:
Pronouns: they/he
Sexuality: gay
Gender identity: nonbinary
Age (physical): 31
Age (mental): 32-35
Occupation: Entomologist (someone who studies bugs)
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: High-functioning Autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (It's not too bad), social anxiety
Height: 4'5
Best friend: Julie Joyful
s/o(s): Eddie Dear (married)
-Frank can be caring if they need to be.
-He's fine with taking care of Wally.
-They're aware of Wally's past, and his alters.

Julie Joyful:
Pronouns: Any (mostly she/her)
Sexuality: demiromantic, questioning
Gender identity: Gender-fluid
Age (physical): 29
Age (mental): Constantly differing from 4-29
Occupation: None, but likes organizing fun games for others and playing pretend
Disorder, mental illnesses, etc: ADHD, high-functioning Autism
Height: 3'1
Best friend: Frank Frankly, Wally Darling
s/o(s): None
-She is extremely energetic
-She age regresses sometimes
-She isn't aware of Wally's past, but she is aware of his alters

Sally Starlet:
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: questioning
Gender identity: demigirl
Age (physical): 33
Age (mental): 28-39
Occupation: Actor, director
Disorder, mental illnesses, etc: Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD)
Height: 3'4
Best friend: Julie Joyful, Poppy Partridge
s/o(s): none (don't actually know yet)
-they are your typical theater teacher, voice and everything
-she overestimates what others' abilities are, but she tends to do this with herself more than the others
-She can be talkative, but tried to control it

Barnaby B. Beagle:
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual and fruity
Gender identity: Cisgender male
Age (physical): 32
Age (mental): 38
Occupation: Comedian
Disorder, mental illnesses, etc: None
Height: 7'5
Best friend: Wally Darling, Howdy Pillar
s/o(s): none (don't actually know yet)
-He bullies Julie and Frank sometimes :(
-He is like an older brother to Wally, and he is definitely one of his caregivers
-Someone hurts Wally or Howdy, he's turning southern and grabbing Eddie's gun :>
-He loves annoying people
-He acts like a dog and a human at the same time, it just depends on how he feels
-Not aware of Wally's past, but is aware of his alters

Howdy Pillar:
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: demiromantic, asexual
Gender identity: cisgender male
Age (physical): 37
Age (mental): 30-45
Occupation: Storeowner/shopkeeper
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (on meds for certain symptoms)
Height: 7'6
Best friend(s): Barnaby B. Beagle
s/o: None (Don't actually know yet)
-Howdy actually has a pretty good relationship with Wally, he just doesn't like one of Wally's alters: Damien, who is a trouble maker.
-Howdy sometimes brings Wally free red apples, because why not?
-Howdy and Barnaby love joking together and hanging out, and I might start shipping them. (I just don't know yet.)
-Can be extremely manipulative and deceptive if he wants to be, kindo of a conman (but not often, he tried to act kind for the most part)

Poppy Partridge:
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender identity: transgender female
Age (physical): 35
Age (mental): 25-40
Occupation: baker, mother figure (she considers this a job that she loves)
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, ADD.
Height: 7'10
Best friend(s): Samuel Smith, Sally Starlet, Eddie Dear, Wally Darling
s/o(s): none
-She likes to bake with Samuel and Eddie on occasion.
-Wally, Samuel, and Eddie like helping her with random tasks.
-She can be clumsy and forgetful, which is something she and Eddie bonded over. :)

Pronouns: he/it (Though they really don't care, you can use she/her, they/them, neos, he really won't mind.)
Sexuality: aro/ace
Gender identity: agender
Age (physical): unknown
Age (mental): unknown
Occupation: None
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: unknown
Height: 10'11
Best friend(s): Wally Darling
s/o(s): none
-Home himself isn't the bad guy.
-Home is fine with watching over Wally when he's age regressing.
-Home speaks using morse code
-He has a different physical form other than the house, but it prefers not to use it that often.

Samuel Smith (OC):
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: biromantic, asexual
Gender identity: transgender man
Age (physical):
Age (mental):
Occupation: Medic, therapist (for free), protector (not official), artist, unpublished author
Disorders, mental illnesses, etc: high-functioning Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, depression, generalized anxiety disorder
Height: 7'5
Best friend: Wally Darling, Eddie Dear, Frank Frankly
s/o(s): Dakota Smith (married)
-He writes books and occasionally illustrates them, in his free time
-He knows Morse Code
-protective of the neighbors

If you see a new character on here that isn't in any of the chapters, then that means there's a chapter coming up that will have that character, or I wanted to get that character's info out of the way.

Requests are open, I'd refer if you'd request anyways. There is a request page after this, so please request from there. :)

What I'll do:
Character x character (This will mostly be if they are caregivers for a little, this is before anyone actually age regresses, or you just want it to be slight background info)
Age regression sfw
Disorders that may cause age regression naturally (like DID, etc)
Age regressing without a disorder

What I won't do:
Age play
"Kinky" stuff. = :(
Long story short, if you have common sense, then use it when requesting.

Category list:

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