"Yeah I'm ok but I talked with AJ a week ago about it and he said that he would tell you first but I guess he didn't."

"No I haven't been able to get a hold of him for days now"

"I don't know Delano I think he in some trouble and Renae has been hanging around him alot I just don't want her to get hurt."

This the same shit my Kya was explaining to me.

"The cop found two men who broke into my apartment, two men showed up at my mom's house looking for AJ and you got ambushed by two men looking for AJ"

"Probably the two men who broke into your apartment were looking for something - AJ" Trinity nodded her head.

"Yeah but where is AJ?"



"Sorry about the mess this is actually my sister's room."

"She out the city for the weekend or.."

"It's complicated" I answered

I'm hoping she'll be back before college starts

"As long as I got some place warm to stay I'm good"

"Great. I'm gonna put these in the washing machine and get some clean sheets. " I told her before leaving the room.

As soon as I put the sheets in the washing machine and pulled out the detergent I instantly felt nauseous. I don't know why because the scent never bothered me before.

I made my way back to the room to help A'kyiah unpack and settle in.

"So what's going on between you and my brother" she asked, giving me a curious look.

"What you mean?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

"He not really into girls like you"

"Oh wow" I jerked my head back.

"No not in a bad way you're wayyy different than his usual type."

That got my attention that I wanted to know more

"Most of the girl he dated were trifling." she rolled her eyes.

"To be honest I don't ever think he told me about his ex's" I said

"After what happened with his girl best friend Nylah, I don't blame him cuz that girl traumatized him for real."

"Oh Nylah?" I scrunched my eyebrows. "But they seem cool tho"

"Wait you met her? She lives in the city?" her eyes widened and I nodded my head.

"Ayeee blood of Jesus" A'kyiah clapped her hands.

Could it be that bad

"She used to work at Genie's club" I told her.

"He really changed" she shook her head.

"So what happened girl?" I asked, because this seemed so interesting.

"Nylah done fucked his opp behind his back"

"Oop" I covered my mouth.

"She's trifling on god" A'kyiah shook her head.

"I think she has something against me because she keeps giving me these looks and acting like a bitch."

"You must be doing something right. Girl she don't want no girl coming in between her and her 'man' " she quoted with her fingers.

"Makes sense" I nodded my head

"Anyways girl any Walmart near here cuz I need a few things."

"Yeah there's one close by. I could take you?" I offered

"Thanks your so nice" she smiled

"No problem" I shrugged her off. "Gimme a sec lemme go get my purse" I told her then exited the room.

Once I got it I head back to the room and dipped my head inside " Alright let's go"


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