"If I made myself more approachable, I'd be an easier target.
I'm not that much of a fool."

"Not everyone is out to get you, Mikaelson."

"I'm sure you've wished harm on me at least once in your lifetime."

Josie spent several moments thinking about their childhood, that's probably the only period where she had grown a sense of hatred towards Hope. The auburn sighed at the lack of response and leaned her head against the railings.

"Well, there was this one time on my 12th birthday..I was waiting for dad to take us to the movies but he was somewhere away on a mission with you and I basically spent the whole day without seeing him.."

Hope laughed shortly, although she didn't mean to taunt Josie. It was a bittersweet kind of laugh. Thinking about the times when everything was so much more simple, when she felt like she actually mattered.

"Pity time machines don't exist, isn't it?"

"There's a lot you could change if you could travel back in time.."

"Starting from the fact that I'm a tribrid."

"People would kill to be as powerful as you are, you know. You are a miracle to nature itself."

"You can't be a miracle and a mistake at the same time. I was never meant to exist, at least not like that.
Not if my life was worth more than others."

"That's where you are wrong. They died to prove how much they loved you.
And they did, Hope.
They loved you so much."

"Can we not talk about them?"


Josie went quiet again and leaned her head towards the railing, almost resting it against Hope's. She looked at the ceiling, the room felt empty and cold. Shivers ran down her body.
Just then a thought trailed in her mind that made her start whispering some kind of spell.

Just then a thought trailed in her mind that made her start whispering some kind of spell

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"That's some advanced magic, Saltzman."

Hope said with barely a smile on her face while looking at the ceiling which looked like the most mesmerising night sky you could possibly imagine.

"Makes this place look less dreadful."

"Thank you."

Hope whispered.

In the morning, all Josie could feel was soreness and hunger. She had fallen asleep against the concrete railings just to keep Hope some company. Was it worth it? Not when she was about to be discovered by her sister and father, who had turned the school upside down to look for her.

"I'm telling you, I've looked everywhere!!
She never came back to our room."

Elizabeth put on her best act to distract her father from the fact that he was about to discover Hope in the dungeon where they were headed. What she didn't expect is that her sister had spent the night there.

"That's the last place we have to check, just a precaution!"


"What are you doing down here??"

"Well, it took you long enough to find us."

Hope said with a sarcastic voice. The chatter coming from the stairs had woken her up minutes ago.

"I don't understand. Why is Hope in a cell and why did no one inform me?"

"She probably went off the rails again and decided to contain herself, why else?"

Elizabeth said with a snarky attitude.

"You fucking bitch--"

The tribrid raised herself off the floor and grabbed onto the rails, shouting out with anger building up inside her.

"If I ever get my hands on you I swear you'll regret everything you've done to me!!"

"See, dad?"
"She's completely mental."


"Jo open up the cell, please.
And Hope let's have a civilized morning, yeah?"

Josie performed a spell that released the tribrid from captivity, and then they all headed back upstairs. Alaric made sure the girls were shortly separated as he promoted his daughters to class and invited the Mikaelson to his office.

"What happend, Hope?"

Hope sat on the chair, across his desk with arms crossed. How could she convince him she wasn't the villain of the story when his daughter had done such a fantastic job of coming up with fabrications?

"I was abducted last night.
Apparently a group of your bright students thought it would be funny to torture me and have a laugh about it."

"You can't be serious."

"Wait, it gets even better."

The auburn looked down at her drenched shirt, with fresh blood from last night's events. She pulled it to the side showing off the damage over her collarbone.

"They think I'm damaged.
Which, don't get me wrong, is quite true.
However, I don't need to be reminded in such a sadistic way."

The man took several steps closer in order to inspect the wound. His eyes widened at the sight, it was almost too hard and too painful to keep his gaze on the ripped open skin.

"Why didn't you stop them, Hope??"

"Because you told me I need to control my magic. Isn't that what you wanted, huh?
Isn't that what's expected of me??"

Hope got out of her seat, and came face to face with the older man. She looked into his eyes deeply, her own drowning in a sea of anger and dispair.
She felt used.
Like a broken fucking toy.

"My magic is only ever good when you benefit from it."

Kindred Spirits In Revenge | Hosie Where stories live. Discover now