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Ares POV

After about two hours after I hung up the rest of the teams met up with me and Alfonso and Gianni were here,"Alright we tracked you now tell us what you found?" Alfonso says

"This..." I remove the leaves to show the door on the ground and Gianni started to analyse it,"so what's the plan?" I ask, if this thing we found is somewhat closer to finding my- I mean Chhaya

Don't feel nothing ass

Would you stop it

"Well the men we have now are all armed and ready but going in without a plan might be to risky"Alfonso said moving to the other side and steeping closer to Gianni

"Some men should stay here while the rest go down us three will follow after" Alfonso said as we all nodded, agreeing

Half our men went down the dark hole that had a ladder as me and the two Mariano brothers followed after them

We made it down and everything was dark our guns had flash lights so we were good, we looked around

"This place looks to be an old dungeon" Gianni said walking behind me with a gun waving it around, he was right it does look like that I wonder if they put her here

I hope not

Ignoring that we made it to the end and the last cell was the only one with a working light, me and Alfonso stepped inside, the was a chair in the middle of the room it looked to be ready to brake the side of the room was filled with hospital carts and tools on them

We looked around till I caught my eyes on a piece of fabric....white

Isn't that the material Chhaya was wearing on her birthday?

"Alfonso" I called as I picked it up, I was wearing cloves and so was he, the fabric was shimmering a bit with small stins of blood, "is that?..." He asked right beside me

"I don't know" we put it in a plastic bag and continued to search, we found nothing else so we decided to head back


"Run test to see whose blood that is and keep an eye out for that underground location just incase someone decides to show up" my father said as we made our way inside the base we stay at

"Do you think she was really there and we were too late" Alfonso said looking at us and our fathers, " I don't know let's just hope that's not her blood and if it is we are just a scratch on land with our lead but we can maybe find out who that location belonged to" Mariano said

God were ever she is I hope she's okay

Just wait a little more for me



"FUCK tell me you piece of shit" my very nice kidnapper said after punching me in the face

If you are wondering what he is yapping about it's all the secret locations of shipments and warehouses of my family, and to tell you the truth I know zilch about that

"I told you, you arrogant ass I. Dont. Know." That earned me another slap

God I'm so uncomfortable

This dress is killing me atleast he could have given me old rags I don't mind I just want out this thing, the lace is itchy

"I know you're lying if you don't tell me now consequences will occur" he looked at me with blood shot eyes, suprise how breath actually smells nice

I thought the bad guys had bad breaths you know match there persona

Same here

"Look man even though I was with them I didn't get involved in the crime side, I didn't even know we were the mafia till last month when the twins told me" that is not true at all but who's gonna know

"Huh the twins ey, let me guess the younger ones right" he had a smug look on his face

This is not good

"I think I should pay them a visit I heard little Gabby is going on a school trip or maybe the Rodriguez twins ah the adorable little 4 year olds" my breath started to quicken

Not my babies

"I'm telling the truth please I don't know nothing don't hurt them you can do what ever you want with me just not them" I already have blood stains on my self from the last location we were I passed out after a beating and woke up here it's a much more cleaner place the room is hella white to high light all the blood I had lost spread on the wall but that didn't matter, I won't let them hurt my beloved ones

"Hmm I'll think about it" he had a big grin on his face walking to the door, "Goodnight" he switched off the light leaving me in the dark and closing the door

The looked like...well it looked like nothing now it's like I closed my eyes but they were open

He didn't leave food

Consy it's been a week you know we only get it on Sundays

But it is Sunday

It is?

Yeah he only comes on Sundays to give us food a slap or two then leave

Oh well two weeks we can do it

You sure

Stop messing with my head

I am your head

I need to get a way out of here

It's been a month I'm sure since I left I have missed my baby brothers bday and Gabby promised me to give her left overs from her school trip

But at the moment I'm in a dark room in a bloody almost wedding dress, messy hair and empty stomach, so how's this gonna work what do the book tropes say come on dark romance this is your field

But this is real life

Shut up I'm thinking

I got nothing, I really hope my fam is finding a way to find me, maybe I should try and leave some clues if we do move again

But they look so expensive

This is not the time If we don't we will die

Ok ok

I'm starving


Hey everyone short chapter today been experiencing pregnancy fatigue and had dizzy spell so I had to be put on bed rest for a while but I'm back and reloaded

How are you beautiful people doing

We are somewhat getting closer to finding our girl

And he better not touch our babies all four of them

Ares finding his inner consy

Consy being consy

Well we will have to see what happens next time and merry Christmas I think next chapter will be coming next year Jan and happy New year

Hope you guys have a great and amazing year and if you didn't don't worry next year is your year

Well hope you have, are having or had an amazing day

And my last one for the year

Love you my little doodles❤️



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