my introduction

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As I a put my earphones in and play shuffle on the only playlist I saw

This class is boring I can't focus anymore, looking around I saw that half not even that all off my class dozed off and I was the only one with my head up

"Chhaya thank you for listening to me I know Math is not everybody's favourite subject" Miss Lin said

"No worries I actually love Math and..."the bell rang and that woke everyone up as they stood up and took there books

Miss Lin just smiled at me and gave me a small nod and I did the same and left

Luckily that was the last subject for the day and everyone was going home, I still had to go to the library and do my home work

I open the door to the library and was greeted by Mrs H or Mrs Horatia Caine but I call her Mrs H "Good evening Mrs H" I whispered and she heard me well and smiled

"Chhaya how are you did you have a good day today, I haven't heard of any announcements saying you gave been arrested" I laugh awkwardly and stand next to the receptionist desk

"Ha ha not today I'm clear and I have for a week now, I'm starting a new path and beside one more strike I'm going to juve but I think that's better then we're I live" I said and she slides away to go near her computer "I see but I'm happy I can now see you everyday here, ohh and are you happy that you'll be graduating in a week"

"Yeah and i still don't understand why they keep teaching us like we're leaving in a week " she laughed and didn't look or pay attention to me(not being overdramatic I mean)" Uhh Mrs H you good you smiling a little to much at a screen........Ohhh are you talking to Mr H " she looked at me and lowed her glasses " You know Chhaya if I could say so my self you love getting into people's business" she looked at me questionably and I fake gasped "Me, business oh please I just wanna know what's going on in life you know but it's fine I'll just stay away from YOUR love life bye." I said and she just nodded and continued to look at her screen


Hours past and I had already finished with my work and had just been reading books I could find Mrs H said the school is about to close but since the library is not inside the school and she owns it she said I could stay one more hour which I'm thank full for home is not where I wanna go right now

I mean it not like I don't like home it's just my parents are always either high or drunk, no no dont worry they're not those kind of parents that beat or swear at their children

They are like funny when their high and some times do weird things, like one time I saw them having se- in the living room and the next morning they don't remember but that was how my baby brother was made, I think that was about 18 months since that day and I still have nightmares, it's not nice coming home from school to your Mom doing the reverse cowgirl position

Anyway I have to go now, it's almost time for my parents annual naked fire- don't ask - walking to the receptionist I see Mrs H packing up

"Leaving already I thought you loved this place" I said and she looked up at me with a 'are you serious' look " Oh please I love this place more then I love you" she said and continued packing

"Wow I think I just got outloved by a library"

"No no Chhaya I'm not saying I don't love you but this library has been around before I was born and when I found it, it was in a very horrible state and took me years to get where I am, so think if it as more than a library it's my baby" she said wiping her tears "I understand Mrs H but why can't you love me as much I mean I am as beautiful and glamorous don't you think" I added and twirled my body

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