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Three weeks, three weeks I have been here with my new family but honestly I like it and we have gotten very close, all of us ever since the first day when we watched movies, the next day we went to the mall and some chick was harassing Vincent so I acted like his girl but she wouldn't leave so I kinda helped her to leave

Bitch you slapped her

Yeah I helped her to leave

But any who I got to learn alot of stuff about Italy and right now we're sitting in the living room playing board games

"Chhaya I never got to ask you?..." My mom said "ask me what mom"

"Your accent where is it from?" Mom asked and it got everyone agreeing with her " Well me and my adoptive parents travelled alot but we stayed most of my life in London so I got used to living there and adapted the accent" they all nodded in understanding

We played more games till dad cleared his throat and got everyone's attention "okay some..... business......partners from Spain are coming tonight so dress formal" he said

He still doesn't know that we know that they are the mafia

Yeah mom didn't tell dad but it's fine

"Okay what time?" I have to know to look snatched "at 7pm were are all going to meet them at a restaurant and Chhaya I want you to know that they are our family friends" dad said and I replied with a Okay

Today went by fast with us well me and Gabby bonding, this kid is something she reminds me of when I was young back in the-

Don't say back I the day that makes you sound old

O-okay a bit offended

The time was 5pm and I decided to get ready

Showered, did my hair, nails and toes, the outfit I was wearing was a white dress with pink flowers, the dress stopped just above my knees hugged my body perfectly and my neck and shoulders were exposed and wore a silver necklace and in the middle was a small pink diamond, for hair I curled it on only the bottom and did a side swoop and added white hair pins with light makeup and white pencil heels

Okay you do look snatched

Thank you

The time now was 6:36pm and I was finished so I made my self downstairs and my heels were heard all around the house and I liked it with my hair bouncing with each step I take, my family turned around and mouths were dropped "y-you look amazing Sorella absolutely gorgeous" Alfonso said and blushed by his comment with everyone agreeing with him

Everyone complimented me and we all head out and the were two cars waiting outside, in the car I was fitted to had the younger twins Gio, and Alfonso, the rest were in the other car

The drive was mainly us singing to songs on the radio and telling jokes to each other

"So what can you tell me about the Spanish?"I asked looking at Alfonso and he looked at Gio "well uh th-they are close people to us and are very nice they have four kids all boys but don't worry you'll like them all" Alfonso said and I just nodded in response

"Yeah but the younger ones always like taking all of the attention"Gabe said "Gabe they're five and adorable, we're eleven and getting old by the minute" Gabby added which made everyone laugh except Gabe "Gabby you're not old you're still going to experience alot in life but Alfonso h-he's old" Gio said which got slap on the back of his head in return

"I'm not old you ass, you're just jealous I look this good at 26" he said fixing his hair and all of us laughed at his silliness

"Okay okay stop laughing, we're here let's go" we all got out and mom, dad, Gianni, Vincent and Enrico were already here and waiting for us.

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