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Ares POV

Today work was hard but it's always hard, dealt with people paying my money back, killed here and there

"Ares son you back early what's the event" my mother says sitting on the kitchen stool and sipping coffee "well mother let me get straight to the point.....how did the Marianos end up finding the lost daughter?" This has been in my mind for a while now, they did say they haven't seen her since the day she was born which was about 19 years ago

"Well recently the people who took her all those years ago died and she was taken in by authorities and they did DNA sequence and found her real parents, why you ask?" She said, so that's how it happen but how "Well it's just weird how it took them all this long to find her"

"Well let me tell you this how are you going to find someone you only knew for one day and worse they were just a day old and was taken by people and went into hiding not even knowing were to start and how she even looks like now" okay that's fair, I just nod and leave to go to my room

"Wait Ares why you ask?"

"Just curious that's all anything can happen in the life of mafia so I just wanted to make sure things add up" I said, the mafia is a dangerous world filled with people you can and can't trust, so everyone is one high alert for when things start to get messy

My mother nodded her head and continued to drink her coffee

And another thing I'm curious about that I can't tell her yet is that I can't seem to get her out of my mind her smile, her voice, her laughter everything about her

It looks like she lived a good life by how she's presenting herself but anyone can hide anything behind a smile so don't be fooled by it

**Chhaya POV**

"Give it back you egghead" Gabby says, she and her twin are currently fighting for a snack bar

"No I saw it first so I get to have it" big mistake because Gabby threw her self control out of the window and ran to Gabe, which his face turned to fear

"I took it first and it don't matter if you saw it first you're more blind then bird a who can't see glass" okay that was good, she jumped on top of him and then a fist fight broke out and I just stood there watching it

Damn she's strong

Yep that's my little sister right there

"Make sure to chec- what the hell you two stop fighting right now" Alfonso walked in and saw the scene infront of me, he tried to break them apart but just ended up getting a slap on his face by Gabby and he stumbled back "God I forgot how strong you are" he said rubbing his cheek

"Kids break it apart" mom also walked in and didn't even look at them, she just went straight into the kitchen, Gabby stood up with a choco bar In her hand and a satisfied smile walking away, while Gabe laid on the ground looking at the ceiling with shook expression and breathing hard "how are we even twins?" He mumbled but it was heard by all of us

I just laughed and went into the kitchen "hey mom watcha doing"

"Making a snack you want?" She turned around holding chocolate covered pretzels, strawberries and marshmallows. My eyes light up and a wide smile was pressed on my face

"Yes please, but what's with all the sudden chocolate In this house?" I was registering on the fact that every corner I turn one family member is holding something involved with chocolate,"I mean Rico woke up with a slice of cake, Vincent asked if I wanted to join him in baking chocolate chip cookies, the younger twins fighting over a choco bar and you with chocolate covered things no offence" I said raising my hands up in defence

"None taken but I don't know about them maybe we just wanted the same thing you know" she shrugged her shoulders eating a strawberry, dad walked in and kissed mom


Wait I thought you left

Your conscious can't leave you unless you are singing the 6 dimension song I forgot the name of

Wait a minute, I think I left my conscious in the 6th dimension.....but I'm her right now just sitting in the clu-

"Chhaya you listening to me" dad snapped his fingers infront of my face "wha- yes yes what were you saying again?"

We didn't get to finish

Shut up

"I was saying that next weekend it's your birthday and people will be coming to see the long lost maf- I mean long lost daughter of mine" he said hiding the mafia word

"Dad I know about the mafia" his eyes widened and looked at mom then me

"You told her?" He asked mom and she nodded "and you didn't tell me"

"I wanted to find out how long it would take you to tell her yourself and it was a long time" mom looked back at me then dad who had a guilty face on

"I'm sorry sweetheart I wanted to tell you earlier but was overthinking on how you would react please" he looked at me with plead in his eyes

"It's fine dad I forgive you why would I ever stay mad at you" he smiled and came over to hug me tight "o-okay I can't breath" he let go of me and kissed my forehead

"Alright then you ready for your birthday" can't believe 19 years I have been on this ratchet planet I'm scared growing up but have no choice I had to grow up pretty early in life due to my old households situations and had to fend for myself that is why I got arrested so many times because I was always stealing from shops or pickpocketing people I saw as rich

But I made it to now so yeah I guess I just have to keep moving forward and see how life will continue to treat me now that I'm in a better environment and with people who actually care about me, and speaking of which I wonder how Mrs H is doing it's been a while since I have seen her and she probably thinks I forgot about her since I'm done with school but I would never forget her, Mr H and her library have been my second home for my whole life I consider them family and they will always have a place in my heart I might visit them one day and see how they are doing check out the old library as well

As I can tell you Mrs H has been there when I was starving for when my adoptive parents forgot about me or came home too drunk or high enough to even give me food or take care of me, I would leave the house in the middle of the night and knock on the library doors or sleep outside them till she found me in the morning

She is and will always be my second mother that I love and cherish in my heart forever

Aww so emotional now answer the question

"Scared but excited at the same time, so how will it go?" I asked looking at both of them

"That is a surprise you have to find out on you special day" mom said then continuing to eat her snack, I groaned in response

"Fine I know you won't tell me and I love surprises anyway they always lead to books or food or both but love you bye" I took one strawberry from mom and left I might just take a spin around the city, Gio came down the stairs and when he saw me he smiled

"Hey sis where you going?" He stopped right infront of me folding his arms

"Taking a ride through the city wanna come you can show me some spots and places" I said wiggling my eyebrows "Bet let's go I know some spots you'll love for sho" he took my hand and lead me to the garage

Well that was how I spent my day with Gio and amazing sights.


Word count:1 490

Hey every beautiful and handsome people hope you doing good and guys please don't hate me English is not my first language my boyfriend is the one helping me translate everything as he is good at it and was born in London

How do you think if this book so far is it good or bad please tell me I wanna know and be honest I know you guys are

Love you my little doodles


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