He leans back against the chair, with his arms crossed, attentive to her but never disconnected from his surroundings. He comes to a realization that Araminta, along with Hermione, is angry and annoyed. It's evident because Hermione looks stiff, with her back upright and not very relaxed, indicating that she is not comfortable.

From his perspective, he observes her head turning slightly to the right, indicating that she is intrigued by something. He traces her gaze to Alphard, who sits next to Dolohov on the opposite side of the classroom. The attempt to conceal the interaction proves futile. Some quiet conversation seems to transpire but abruptly ends when Alphard catches Tom looking and hastily averts his eyes.

Frowning, he notes Alphard and Hermione's behaviour as something he has exceptionally overlooked. He wonders how that happened, as being lenient isn't in his character.

Memories flood his mind of moments when he saw them together, from the very start of their acquaintance, during her arrival, in Myrtle Warren's bathroom, in the Forbidden Forest, on the Hogwarts train, in the Common Room... Tom raises his gaze towards Hermione, but restrains himself from using Legilimency even though he is aware of the Occlumency she practices. He feels uncomfortable with her lack of answers and is tempted to be more aggressive. He thinks about mentally breaking down her barriers one by one, since he has been more patient with her than anyone else.

"Tom?" She calls his name, his silence causing her confusion, suspicion, and a hint of fear. He watches as she moves her throat and lips, repeating her question once more. "Would you like me to begin making the potion or shall you start?"

Tom glances at the blackboard, focusing on the list of materials needed for the potion, while Slughorn's explanation fades into the background noise. He rises without fanfare, in unison with his partner, to retrieve the necessary materials and ingredients from the cupboard. As he returns, she deftly assembles the cauldron they will share, situating it on the work surface.

He arranges the ingredients, and when she offers to assist, he signals for her to stop and she stops instantly.

"I'll do it. I don't want you to spoil the potion."

Hermione automatically grimaced, rather annoyed that he was suggesting that she wasn't fit or clever enough to make the potion properly.

"It's for us to do together, to share. "

"You'll spoil the potion."

"You know better than that, Tom." The way she says it sends shivers down the back of his neck. "Isn't that why I'm here?"

"I'll do it. I don't want you to spoil the potion."

Hermione automatically grimaced, rather annoyed that he was suggesting that she wasn't fit or clever enough to make the potion properly.

"It's for us to do together, to share.

" "You'll spoil the potion."

"You know better than that, Tom." So the improved version is: The way she says it makes him shiver. "Isn't that why I'm here?"

Isn't that why she was here? Why was she here? And this question had nothing to do with the invitation to take part in this group, it was a question that had much more depth.

She's good with potions, he knows. Too good, but he is better. Nevertheless, she takes the knife from his hand and starts to cut the stems of the Angel's Trumpet. He almost reclaims it but refrains since Slughorn is observing them at that precise moment.

As she finely chops the stem of the flower into a paste, he meticulously divides the petals. In the distance, the sound of Nott expressing concern over Malfoy and Avery can be heard. Out of the boys, Nott is the most proficient in potion-making.

Venenumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें