Oct - Nov 2023 - The Grand Odyssey Pt. 2: Fight for the Future (Tokime's Story)

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On Aooni Island, I am known as Her Imperial Highness, Crown Princess Ejiri, but to the residents of Crossover City, I am simply called Tokime. My kingdom, Aooni Village, is small but prosperous. Unfortunately, I have not always performed at my best. My powers were sealed away when I assumed my title, as my parents feared that I might hurt my people. 


The rest of the world is very, very different from my kingdom. I first set out to explore it when I received a vision of a terrible future... one of a devastating event. I foresaw that a fallen hero and a cruel time master would erase our world, and build a new one in their image. But, in the midst of that chaos, I saw a ray of hope... a chance to change the future. A team of heroes, which I would be fighting alongside. And so, in accordance with my vision, I quickly reached out to Crossover City's most noble and fearless heroes for help. 

Atlas and Bo informed me that the fallen hero - an alternate version of Atlas from another timeline - sought powerful stones called Power Crystals and that Toropi-san (Insider's note - This is how Tokime refers to N. Tropy) was his contractor. In an enhanced airship dubbed the "Time Balance Odyssey", we set out to thwart this duo and save the timeline. 

I was accompanied by Ka Onopon, Atlas, Bo, Jade Myastan, Jazmine, the Mario Bros., Don-Chan, Leaf Green, Nova, Aero and Clover Chroma, and a few others. Our first destination was the Spear Pillar in Sinnoh, knowing that Fallen Atlas sought the Legendary Pokémon of time and space, Dialga and Palkia. 


At one point our journey was interrupted by one called Pirate Cookie, but we were assisted in defeating him by two odd creatures, Kirby and Space Doughnut. Shortly after, we found a train station above the stars that would take us to the Spear Pillar. 

Upon arriving, we immediately caught sight of Fallen Atlas, and Jade broke into action to lead the charge into battle. With the help of Leaf and her Jigglypuff, Fallen Atlas was quickly overcome, and Dialga and Palkia rescued from his grasp. Atlas caught them in order to keep them safe until our mission was close to its end. 


The following day, we departed for a small island to the east of Angeles Island to track down Fallen Atlas. It was here that we were intercepted by someone... rather strange. Our opponent here was "One-Shot Wren", armed with a mech called the War Wagon. Though he was defeated, we saw no sign of Fallen Atlas... until he revealed himself, and began to gloat that he had already found two Power Crystals. Not good at all. 


The next stage of our pursuit led us to the distant Flower Kingdom. Here I saw firsthand the unpredictable power of the Wonder Flower (courtesy of Fallen Atlas), which possessed reality-warping properties so chaotic that not even I could foresee its effect. The Mario Bros. were transformed into Goombas, Clover was turned into a Buzzy Beetle, Bo changed into a Blooper, and Deadly Rabbid became a full rabbit. Ka Onopon's transformation was by far the strangest, as they took the form of a fearsome dragon called a Dodonga. Adapting to the new forms they had taken on, they successfully managed to dispel the Wonder Flower's magic. Fallen Atlas fled before we could take further action against him, however, he'd accidentally left behind a Crystal in the process. A sliver of hope that we might be able to win...

11/17/23 - 11/18/23 

The final destination of our voyage led us to the supposedly abandoned WATT Tech Tower in Gearshift City. However, it appeared to be full of life by the time we arrived. Leaf suggested we take the elevator to find Fallen Atlas at the top floor. Along the way the elevator broke down twice, forcing us to battle enemies on each floor that Fallen Atlas had summoned. In the process, we discovered that Fallen Atlas was using the Crystals to restore energy to the tower. But for what reason? 

Fallen Atlas revealed that to us soon enough. While we were focusing on stopping him, he had already amassed nine other Power Crystals in addition to the one he already had. He had played us for fools, tricking us into thinking that he hadn't gotten far. In truth, that final Crystal he had was all he needed (the one he left behind was a decoy.).

Eventually, of course, we went to battle against Fallen Atlas and Toropi-san. The two displayed fierce fighting prowess throughout, yet it was Jazmine who crossed the line, and forced Fallen Atlas into a state of Crystal-powered madness. In response, I harnessed the same power to reveal my sealed true form- the Blue Oni. A being capable of future sight, time warping, and incredible defense and agility. (Mythology sure paints me in a generous light...)

Fallen Atlas was felled, but against his wish to finish him, we spared him, and returned him to his own timeline, leaving only Toropi-san left to defeat. An unexpected ally in the form of Pitaya Dragon Cookie showed up to aid Mario, Luigi and Jade in a dragon-mounted attack known as the Thunderous Inferno. With its tremendous force our triumph was set in stone - in the aftermath, Toropi-san had been defeated, and later captured.

Now with that journey at its long-awaited end, I have returned to Aooni Village to care for my people. Though I still do pay visits to the heroes who aided me every once in a while. I quite enjoyed my first adventure outside my home. And as such, I anxiously await our next odyssey. 

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