Atlas's Journal

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This is a journal of my own authoring. I am Atlas. I'm not of this world. I can't remember how I got here, or how long it has been since then. Although I am starting to become accustomed to my new environment.

Yes, the Angeles Archipelago, as it is called, is a wonderful place. It unites dimensions and brings all sorts of interesting creatures together. I am among those creatures.

My first encounter in this region was in the forest near Crossover City, on the largest of the islands. I met a little boy, one of draconian nature. I witnessed him burning down the very trees I walked among in a display of explosive fury.

Yet he was not furious, but having fun. How disgraceful, to find amusement in the destruction he causes.

He led me to a harbor, at which point I encountered another creature, this time, a siren by the name of "Bo". She piloted some sort of pod, a tank full of water, hovering just a few inches above the ground. This Bo offered to bring me to the residence of her friend "Vega". And I, having little other place to go, humbly accepted. However... we had to leave the dragon behind after undergoing a peculiar transformation...

Another creature crossed our path on the way to meet Vega, a humanoid named Grant. He seemed nervous in our presence. Unbeknownst to us, the dragon, in the form of a sentient plant, followed us to the residence. He attacked us after returning to his original state, but quickly left.

It pains me to know that there are such extraordinary beings in this world who will willingly use their power for evil. Someday I hope he will become aware of his transgressions, but until then, I swear to prevent him from hurting anyone else. 

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