Oct - Nov 2023 - The Grand Odyssey Pt. 1: Twinsanity (Atlas's Story)

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I am once again writing to chronicle my exploits in this land. Aside from assisting in the charge against the armies of the dead, another quest has revealed itself for me to take up. A quest to restore order to the fabric of reality. 

10/13/23 - 10/14/23 

It began not long ago. In the late hours of the night, I was alerted to a call for help from Treasure Wanderlust by Mario's eagerness to answer it. Puffy the Ram and Bo the siren accompanied me as well. Little did we know, the voicemail that Treasure sent was a forgery created by an "Alex Scribblenaut", the latter of which was anxious to see Mario again after being exiled from the Villains' Club and joining forces with another, whom he identified as "Kit". Strange indeed. 

He froze Puffy, stunned Bo, and even made an attempt on my life as the spark that lit the fire of our clash. We were victorious, but at a cost - an explosion that launched Alex towards the woods launched Mario as well. 

I quickly followed suit in order to help Mario back on his feet. Alex spotted us and started to throw blows once more, but only when I separated them did he cease. Mario and Alex then formed a temporary alliance in accordance with my suggestion, if only to put an end to the quarrel. 

We returned to the city square and, upon arriving, came across a mysterious crystalline stone. Alex identified this mineral as a Power Crystal and, in response to Mario's eerie fascination towards it, attempted to push him away. The two were knocked out, however, by an anonymous figure, later revealed to be Kit. Upon awakening, our group quickly retreated to the mountain ranges up north. 

Two young draconian beings joined our group then, Jade Myastan, and another whose name I am unsure of, therefore, I will refer to her simply as the Jasmine Dragon. We obtained another Power Crystal, but Alex's failed escape attempt from a pack of vultures sent him flying once again. Mario was safe this time, however. Alex, on the other hand... 

On our way to find him, I managed to spot Alex heading towards the Harbor, with Ambrose, Avery and Ivan hot on his trail... and Violet being dragged along. We followed them as well, but our encounter was cut short by the presence of a legendary pirate, one by the name of "Risky Boots". She made an attempt to take the Crystals off Alex's hands, but again, was interrupted, this time by the notorious Pirate Cookie. I managed to hold back his Banzai Bill attack thanks to the assistance of Bella Donna and Ayla, who followed us to the harbor out of curiosity and worry. Yet again, Alex and Mario were rocketed to another location, this one farther off than the rest, and we were forced to follow. (Bella, however, quickly retreated.) 

We were led to the Mango Islands, a smaller archipelago off the southern coast of Angeles Island. There, we were met with yet another who sought the Power Crystals - one far more dangerous. This being identified himself as "Nefarious Tropy". Ambrose immediately broke into laughter at the mention of his name, with Ayla giving him a look of disdain before we were forced into battle against our new foe. 

Yet again, victory was ours, and N. Tropy fled, swearing revenge. I had my suspicions that eventually, he would deliver on his words, as did Treasure. 

10/16/23 - 10/22/23

For a while, things were a bit calmer from there. Avery, however, insisted that we search for more Crystals outside our realm. With a larger party this time, we set off in Mario's airship, the Odyssey, in order to find them. 

It was here that we were made aware of the existence of another, potent evil - a syndicate known as the Anti-Blasters. These individuals brainwashed, abused, and tormented innocent creatures for their own gain. They even stole the armor of a robotic being called Golem Bomber. 

After defeating the Golem Rabbid, the creature who had stolen the Golem armor, we were rewarded with another Power Crystal, but had to return home with Bella's Halloween party on the horizon. (Yes, time does indeed pass faster in space.) 

This would not be the last of our adventures, though... 

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