Sticking to the Plan (TW)

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(TW/DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains mentions of m4ss murd3r and su1c1d3.)

My name, Tracey Pennison. My home, Crossover City. My goal? Don't know that yet. But I do know that this city is a lot more dangerous than I thought. 

From the moment I arrived here, I was thrilled for whatever was in store. I was ready to make new friends and explore. What I was NOT ready for was dealing with a body-snatching demon.

Let me explain. 

It has something to do with the first friend I made when I arrived, Ali. He's a really nice guy, but he has a rough history. Something about a massacre? I don't really know, but it doesn't sound pleasant. 

I tried to suggest we go to the cafè and talk about it, but then he just left without me! At first I didn't really think much of it. Until this weird spirit appeared saying that Ali was gonna die soon! Just to be clear: This spirit was stalking Ali waiting for him to die so he could take his body. Yikes. And he even said Ali was having su1c1d4l thoughts... 

So I decided I'd follow him to the cafè to talk to him... It only took a few minutes for him to cozy up to me, and the next thing you know, we're settled into an apartment together. 

Couple days later, he's out cold and landed himself in the hospital. 

And of course, I'm terrified for him. What happened? Why did he just pass out? Is he going to die? These are the sorts of things I was worrying about for the next few days. 

And guess who the culprit was? The spirit guy! To the surprise of absolutely no one... His plan was to knock Ali out and get rid of the guardian spirit or something that was protecting him... which backfired horribly. Luckily Ali healed up no problem, thanks to us. But I'm still really worried about his safety... 

Still, I won't give up on Ali. No matter how bad things get! Because that's what friends do... They help each other no matter what! 

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