October-November 2023 - The Battle of the Bands (Ivan's Story)

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So... how come nobody told me Crossover City does an annual Battle of the Bands? Apparently, every year in early November, there's this huge festival of music in the Crossover City Plaza. And at the center of it all is - you guessed it - the Battle of the Bands. The winner will earn a trophy called the "Golden Metronome". Which, if you ask me, seems like a really passive-aggressive way to tell someone that they have no sense of rhythm. But maybe that's just me. Anyway... 


I held auditions with the help of my sister Toffee in my new apartment/studio. Eventually we decided on a band consisting of myself, my old bandmate Leanne (who was visiting the city), Black Lemonade Cookie, and two other heroes, Jazmine and Remix Bomber. Together, we were BRA☆VA☆DO, and we were going to take the music world by storm. 

Or, at least I had hopes that we would. 


A few days later, Toffee sent word that I'd have to compete against my roommate. I couldn't afford to lose. So, my bandmates and I got together for virtual practice sessions for the rest of the next two weeks before the BotB. We had to bring our A-game, because if we lost to my roommate's band, the rest of the city would go down with us. The roommate in question? Dr. Zomboss. Yeah, I have a lot of strange roommates.

I also started warming up to this monster kid named Stitch. She's apparently a living weapon that Zomboss created... but she doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone at all. She's totally friendly. I told Stitch about how my high school did a Battle of the Bands every year... and I never won. So my bandmates sorta just gave up, and I couldn't take it. And you know what she said? She promised me that she'd support me no matter what. 


And she certainly delivered on that promise. 

Stitch told me that she was contacted by Vega Locke about her boss's plan... and agreed to help stop it, for me. (That was sweet...) Jazmine gave them access to Hatsune Miku's code, to use her as a way to disable Zomboss's equipment. 

When Zomboss hijacked the stage to send out an undead horde against the crowd, it was Vega who put Miku online, sure... But Stitch had the courage to meet her maker and deal him the final blow. Stage goes kaboom, crowd goes wild, and everyone wins. Except the bad guys, of course. 


After the whole ordeal, we claimed our prizes (we got a few bonuses for leading the charge in battle) and headed back to base. Oh yeah, forgot to mention - Stitch and I moved into the Heroes' Club that same day. 

I guess everything worked out in the end. Stitch finally broke free of the expectations that were piled on her, and I managed to finally win a BotB. Maybe I am cut out for the music industry after all. Wonder when we should go on tour...? 

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