September 2023 - The Travel Arc (Treasure's Story)

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My name's Treasure Wanderlust. I'm 17, was homeschooled by my dad, and am now the captain of an abandoned pirate ship called the Opal Essence. (I came up with the name myself.) And just a few weeks ago, me and my brothers Skipper and Jacques dropped our anchor at the Crossover City harbor and we've been living in the city ever since. Not sure if the move was the best or worst decision of my life. Let me explain...


When I first arrived in the Heroes' Club, things were pretty chill. I got acquainted with my new roommates and overall I was doing fine and dandy. But I was separated from my siblings - Jacques went to the Antiheroes' Club, and Skipper stayed on the ship. (Not sure why.) Yeah, things were ship-shaping up to be a-okay.

Until about 5 days later.

9/7/23 - 9/8/23

This was where I started to think that maybe moving wasn't the best idea. The Heroes' Club was ambushed by Dark Choco Cookie, and at that point, I got a firsthand look at the type of things the heroes of Crossover City would be dealing with for the next week. Spoiler alert, Dark Choco was brainwashed by Dimentio into killing his dad, Dark Cacao Cookie, for his Soul Jam. Dimentio... Ugh. I can't even stand the mention of his name.

A fellow hero named Berry Ranger Cookie heard about the incident, and immediately pieced together that Dimentio was after the Soul Jams. She swore that she would do everything she could to stop him and protect the Cookie Kingdoms.

Thankfully, that was all we'd heard of him for the time being. But just two days later, it got personal.


Jacques and I got in a fight about who was more fit to captain our ship the following Sunday. And I think he may have taken it a little too personally, because he willingly let Dimentio brainwash him into Captain Jacques so he could take my place by force! Luckily, thanks to the crowd that Skipper rallied up to help, I was able to defeat him and snap him out of his brainwashed state. Soon after, I'd learned that Dimentio was going after the Mango Islands next...

9/11/23 - 9/14/23

The very next day, I was determined to stop Dimentio in his tracks. He messed with my family, and NOBODY messes with my family. So, I rallied a crew. There must have been, like, 20 of us, maybe more, all ready to join the fight against Dimentio, or at least provide support.

A girl named Bee and her buddy Puppycat decided to tag along as well, so they could get off on another island.

Our first stop was Delfino Isle. Jacques suggested we make a pit stop there, and that seemed like a good idea, so we dropped the anchor and decided to do a bit of sightseeing. So yeah, everything was smooth sailing. We did some shopping, bought rations, all that. And that lasted for about 15 minutes before Bee, Puppycat, Mirage, and Patches ran off to who knows where, and came back 10 minutes later with, like, 9 other people, screaming, "HE'S ONTO US!" And I knew exactly who they were talking about. I immediately got all hands on deck and set sail again.

The next day, we finally arrived at the Mango Islands. Jacques told us once we arrived that Dimentio was looking for Mango Cookie. That being the case, we had to get Mango to safety on the ship.

On our way to the final battle, Berry Ranger met up with Tiger Lily Cookie, and we were eventually made aware that Dimentio was going after Ananas Dragon Cookie as well. That did not sound good at all. We ended up spending a few hours looking for their lair until we eventually found it.

And what do you know? A crew member of ours called Deadly Rabbid was captured by Lychee Dragon Cookie, who had been - you guessed it - brainwashed by Dimentio. We had to fight all three of them, and although it was sort of easy, it was still exhausting. Dimentio was captured by Shiver, Frye and Big Man (acquaintances of Mirage and Patches), and Lychee and Ananas were freed. And that was about it. Although there was one thing I didn't count on...


Fast-forward about a week, and Pitaya Dragon Cookie has invited the heroes to their wedding. We take an airplane there, I fall asleep during the flight, and then this happens.

Pan to my dream. I'm in some sort of auditorium with a girl named Bella, who was also on the flight with us. Onstage is someone named Prima Donna, who swore revenge on us for defeating her "partner in this timeline". That made me a little bit uneasy.

It got even worse during the actual ceremony. This is gonna go a little fast, so just bear with me.

We found out that Hollyberry was brainwashed, this time by Affogato Cookie and Prima. Who could've guessed?

Pitaya was defeated by the Mario Bros. while Hollyberry Cookie was freed from Affogato's spell. And then, out of pure frustration, Pitaya just straight up murdered her! Prima broke up the pandemonium... by shattering the snowglobe that Dimentio was sealed away in. Oh boy. We were doing THIS again.

And get this. He knew about the fact that Blood Moon Spirit Cookie was trying to kill my friend Violet and was trying to use the fact to distract us and escape.

For context, Violet was possessed by Blood Moon Spirit Cookie for a while before they were separated. Ever since then, BMSC has been hell-bent on getting payback. And she would have gotten it, had Jacques and Ayla not stepped in to stop her. 

Before all that, though, Patches made the extremely risky decision to use the power of the Wonder Flower against Dimentio. I still can't believe it worked in our favor.

Dimentio was sealed away again, and Prima came to her senses and went back to her timeline. Ayla discovered that she was an alternate version of Bella, who had found the sprout left behind by Captain Jacques, and was transformed into Prima Donna. She was under Dimentio's control and he didn't even know. I'm still baffled just thinking about it... After we got back, MS made sure to destroy every sprout that was left behind from the freed victims, according to Vega.

I'm still thinking about all that. Those were some crazy few days, but they were also exciting. I got to actually make some friends through our adventures on the seven seas. I don't know where things will go from here, but I won't ever pass up on anything else that might come my way.

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