Sibling Dissonance Pt. 1

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My name is Toffee Mackintosh. You might know me as the greatest pop star in Crossover City. And you're probably right. But what you probably don't know is how I got to that point.

It started all the way back in middle school. There was a talent show. I immediately signed up. I must have spent a solid 3 weeks practicing my song (a rendition of 311's Amber), because somehow it earned me the win. A few years later, when I started high school, I began performing at restaurants and party venues for a living. People loved me, they thought I was super charming. Maybe I just had it pretty easy, since I was just a kid.

And then... I moved to Crossover City. This was where I peaked. I started publishing cover albums under multiple different record labels, I got into graphic design in hopes of getting myself a bit more publicity... I even started learning songs in different languages like Spanish, Japanese, and French and publishing those too! After all, I want everyone to be able to enjoy my music no matter where in the world they are.

And then, one day... something changed. In the park, I found a little spotted brown bunny. He looked like he was interested in me. With no owner or carrying cage in sight, I took him in. From then on, Bunbon has been my performing partner. He definitely isn't an ordinary bunny... he copies my dance moves while I practice, he bounces around whenever he hears music, and instead of muttering or squealing, he squeaks like a dog toy! But what do I care? He's my best buddy, even if he's a little on the wild side!

And then there's my brother, Ivan... Ivan has never been the interactive type. He rarely raises his voice or gets startled. But when he does, he tends to react pretty strongly. Ivan and I never really saw eye to eye. My heart was with pop music and peppy techno, while he went down the path of punk rock and intense metal. Despite our differences, I love him all the same. That being the case, I was overjoyed to hear that he was moving to Crossover City too... less so when I found out he was in the villains' club. But to each their own, I guess.

As of right now, things are going well. My music career is as strong as ever, Bunbon is healthy and well, and Ivan... I assume he's alright. I've been going on all sorts of adventures as well, from a Halloween party at the Crossover City Institute of Education, to a quest on the high seas to stop the end of the world, to a distant planet to discover strange crystals! And no matter how rough it gets, I've enjoyed it all... I can't wait to see what's next!

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