Welcome to the Re-Color Café!

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My name is Sofia, but everyone calls me Softie! Or, well, they did. I had a lot of friends from all sorts of other worlds... until I died of decapitation. I don't exactly remember how it happened, but being a ghost isn't so bad. I found a new home, new friends, and most importantly, my first job! 

I work at the Re-Color Café in downtown Crossover City with three other people. First, there's Austin, who owns the café. He's really nonchalant and always thinking about something. Then there's Karen, who I think is a humanoid-cat hybrid? Nevertheless, she's a pro at handling difficult customers. And finally, there's Cherry Joe. I think I've bonded with her the most in my time working at the café. 

I first came to the RC Café around the end of July, when Austin and Cherry were the only employees. I ordered a donut and then promptly realized I didn't have any money... So I started working there! It's actually a lot more entertaining than I thought. I get to meet all sorts of people! And all sorts of new friends... 

For instance, a couple months after I was hired, I was going back home from work to the mansion I share with my roommates when I met a lost cat... Well, not quite. When I say "lost", I mean, as in a lost soul. Yep, this was a ghost cat, and Macaron was her name. She seemed to like me right away, so with no owner to be found, I decided to take her in! And what's more, a week later, Macaron officially became a member of the Re-Color Café's staff! Or should I say the Re-Color Cat Café?? 

Yessiree, we're doing pretty well for ourselves. Macaron is getting to interact with the customers, Austin is getting a break from the faster days, and I'm enjoying my afterlife just as much as I enjoyed my life prior. I do miss my old home and friends, but now that I've started a new chapter in my life, I'm excited to see where we might go from here. 

I wonder...?

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