Chapter 1 :- The Beginning

Start from the beginning

Amano casted his teleportation magic and opened a portal to the Master Ubayashiki's Mansion. As he emerged through the portal, Amano found himself surrounded by a field of flowers.

Amano held the baby monster tightly in his arms as he looked around the area. He spotted a lady nearby and spoke to her in a calm and gentle voice, "Hello, ma'am. I have come here on an urgent matter. Is Master not around here?"

The lady gave a slight bow and spoke softly, "I will give your message to him right away, please wait here."

Amano stood there, holding the baby monster in his arms. He couldn't help but feel conflicted about his actions. "We guardians are supposed to slay the monsters, but I can't bring myself to kill him. In this world, monsters and demons are the ones who want to take over the universe, and our job is to kill them and bring peace to this world." he thought to himself. "

And here I am, saving this monster. What am I even doing?"

He looked down at the baby monster, who looked back up at him with innocent eyes. "He is a monster, but he looks like a human," Amano muttered to himself. "I have to wait until Master comes."

As Amano pondered, he felt a soft breeze blowing through the garden, carrying the delicate scent of the flowers. It reminded him of the beauty of nature and how everything in this world has its own purpose.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching. Master Ubayashiki, in his elegant kimono, emerged from the mansion with a gentle smile on his face. He glanced at Amano and the baby monster, understanding the situation immediately.

Amano quickly knelt and held up the baby monster.

"Master, how are you?" Amano asked with a hint of nervousness.

Master Ubayashiki responded with a soft, soothing tone. "I am doing well, Amano. And what do we have here?"

Amano explained, "This is a baby monster. I found it and thought it best to bring it to you rather than slaying it."

Master Ubayashiki spoke in a soothing tone, "So what should we do with it?" He got right to the point.

Amano, feeling extremely nervous, remained silent for a minute before finally finding his voice. "I don't know, that's why I came here seeking your advice, Master."

Amano then spoke firmly, trying not to offend master. "Master, as the guardians and protectors of this universe, we are faced with a unique situation. This baby monster resembles to be a real human."

Master Ubayashiki responded, showing understanding. "I see. Are you suggesting that you want to raise it, despite it going against the rules?"

Amano was taken aback, but after careful consideration, he answered. "Yes, Master. If you permit it, I am willing to raise this baby monster. I understand the rules, but my desire remains."

Master Ubayashiki spoke, "Amano, I always thought that you hated monsters, but now that I have seen you, I realize you are quite soft-hearted."

Master Ubayashiki spoke in a cautious yet gentle tone, "I understand that this is a special case, but I can tell by the look in your eyes that you want to raise it. However, we must proceed with caution."

Amano held the baby monster close, still kneeling, and replied in a hopeful tone, "Master, I know this goes against the rules, but I still want to raise it. Please grant me permission."

Master Ubayashiki approached closer and took the baby from Amano's hands, nodding as he calmly spoke, "If this baby monster grows up to be a fine individual, I have no objections."

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