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I don't know how many days it's been, all I know is that I've been in here, stuck with him.

All my energy's gone, I feel like I'm going insane. I haven't eaten and I haven't had anything to drink either.

They brought me food but I don't eat it, I wouldn't be able to keep it down anyway.

He's tried talking to me but I managed to tune out his words. I think he's noticed because he gave up.

At least I thought he did. " I don't remember much of that night... I don't remember forcing you down and taking you... what I do remember is after the fact. You were laid on the ground, bleeding, passed out because of me..."

I clench my eyes shut as images of those night flood my mind.

"I was scared... I hurt the love of my lif-you don't love me." I spit.

I finally look at him.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't of hurt me! You wouldn't have slept with Alice! You wouldn't of left me alone!"

He looks away from me.

Tears form in my eyes, "I-I told you I loved you... and you know what you said? You told me to shut up!" I scream at him.

"I told you I loved you and you told me to shut up! You left me to die after you brutally fucked me! I woke alone, naked and aft-what's that noise?" He asks looking around.

"Don't try to change the to-" I'm cut off by him grabbing me. "Let Go of me! Don't touch m-no this isn't right." he pushes me down and lifts up my shirt.

I scream and try to force him away from me. "Help me! Get off of me! Amethyst please!" I plead for someone to help me. They can't hate me to the point they wouldn't help...right?

"Jasper please! I-I'm sorry! J-just do-" Suddenly Jasper is thrown off of me.

"What the hell are you doing!" I sob and pull my shirt down, backing up into the corner. Amethyst runs over to me and holds me, allowing me to cry in her arms.

"He-he tried to r-" I can't even finish the sentence.

"W-why would you L-leave him in H-here with me!" Amethyst begins to rock me back and forth.

"You sick fuck!" Karmen screams. Both her and Alec try to force him out but he struggles. "No! Stop! I wasn't trying to hurt her! She's pregnant!"

Everyone stops.


"Listen! There's three heartbeats!"

After a few moments of silence I hear it.

"Oh dear..."

I slowly touch my stomach only to pull it back when I feel movement.

"There's no way... right?" Karmen asks.

"Willow... did you and Lukka use a condom?"

I can't be pregnant... this is a trick to make me think I'm crazy.

"Willow-" Amethyst grabs my face.

"Did you and Lukka use a condom?"

"Yes... we did.."

"Who else did you have sex with?"

"No one I-"

It hits me and I begin to shake.

"No... no no no."

"They're mine." I break down at his words and hold Amethyst closer.

"Take him out of here." She demands.

He stares at me in shock as Karmen and Alec drag him out.

"I- they can't be his! I can't be pregnant!" I sob out. "Willow listen to me." She forces me to look at her.

"You're pregnant. I can hear their heartbeats." I shake my head.

"It's ok, everything will be ok. I'm going to get you out of here and then we will talk about what you want to do." She pulls a key from her pocket and unlocks the chain holding me to the floor.

She helps me stand up and walks me out of the cellar. In the yard Jasper and Karmen are yelling. "Willow, wait!"

"Come on dear." Amethyst guides me inside and sets me down in the kitchen.

"I don't want them..." I mumble. I look at Amethyst who sits across from me.

"Wi-I don't want to have his kids. I didn't ask for this." I whimper.

She reaches over and holds my hand, "ok... I'll support you on this.... But we need to talk about your actions."

"It seems hard to belive but I don't really remember doing anything... with Lukka I blacked out. I just remember walking in and seeing him and Lauren naked. Next thing I know they're on fire. The others... they kept trying to get me drunk. They would lead me into alleys or their homes where they had friends waiting. That's all."

It seems like I'm lying, I've lied before. But I'm telling the truth.

"You never killed anyone innocent?"

"Maybe the boy from the other night but that's it. I swear."

She nods and sets a plate down infront of me. "Why did you gut them?" I push the plate away from me.

"That was the only thing I could keep down. You know I couldn't eat and looked dead, when I tried Lukkas for the first time... I felt good, I looked better and wasn't throwing it up."

Her eyes dart to my stomach, "I think they had something to do with that...the blood makes sense for them being half vampire. The hearts are your side."

I clench my eyes shut, "I'm sorry." Amethyst stands up and walks around the table.

"You make it hard to be mad at you. " a mix of a laugh and a sob exit my mouth.

She holds me tightly as I sniffle into her shirt.

"How about we get you cleaned up so you can rest in bed?"

I nod and stand up from the table. We walk up the stairs and enter my room.

It's clean... and different.

My bed has different sheets and blankets, my dressers are gone.

"I found the containers... I decided to clean your room after." I nod and walk to the bathroom.

It still looks the same.

"Do you want to bathe yourself?" I nod.

"I'll close the bathroom door but I would like for you to leave your room door open."

I nod and wait for her to leave the bathroom. Once she does I begin to strip. I run the bath water and and step in once it's full.

I sigh out feeling the scalding water touch my skin.

Save your tears • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now