Chapter 15 - Rivalry

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My eyes slowly flit open and I let out a short sigh.

I'm surprisingly comfy given I've spent the entire night sleeping on a rug with blankets.

Morning's low orange glow shines through Montmorency's thin bedroom curtains.

Shaking off my morning groggy feeling, I sit upright and glance over to Montmorency in her bed. She's completely covered up beneath the bed's duvet. All I can see of her is the top of her head with her mass of wavy blonde hair sticking out from the blanket and her slumbering face poking out through it with an almost angelic expression.

I smile at the girl, honestly grateful for her giving me a place to sleep last night.

My thoughts soon drift back to Louise though.

The look of hurt in her eyes, when she asked Montmorency why we kissed, makes my heart ache.

Louise may look small and fragile, but it's clear after our first week together that she has a big heart. No way can I call that into question. Even if she's snappy at times.

I smile thinly, exhaling. Living with her's like trying to solve a puzzle at times, I swear.

Bedsheets rustle off to the side of me, snapping me from my thoughts.

Montmorency rolls over in the direction I'm sitting in and peeks her delicate chin over the edge of the bed, her big blue eyes slowly fluttering open at me.

"Mmmm... I'd hoped to let you sleep a while longer," she expresses with a sweet voice while propping herself upright. "You appear well-rested regardless, though."

Montmorency speaks calmly and unhurriedly whilst smiling warmly at me.

"Y-yeah, uh, thanks," I reply to her comment, my face warming a hint. "I slept pretty well actually, as it happens."

Montmorency goes silent for a moment while observing me sitting there in her bedroom, her lips slightly parting as if she's suddenly remembered something.

"About our talk last night... I appreciate your willingness to help in my hour of need, Michael," she says plainly. "What you did with the situation involving Guiche..." Montmorency trails off her words momentarily. She tucks a lock of her rich blonde hair back behind her ear with her hand before continuing. " meant more than you can imagine," she murmurs with a weak smile.

Shuffling to her knees on her covers, Montmorency reaches her hand out to the air for me, her fingers slowly curled towards the palm of her other like she's asking me to clasp her hands.

"Huh, no problem. I'm here to help"

"In spite of Louise's jealous reaction?" Montmorency asks her outstretched hand still waiting for my attention.

"-Yeah, even though Louise didn't take it so well," I reply with a nod of my head and grasp her hand within mine.

"Speaking of which, I think we should speak with her in short order," the blonde adds in a gentle tone, a hint of guilt shining in her eyes.

"Definitely," I respond, a frown forming on my lips. I need to patch things up between Louise and me. "I'm all for that."

No way am I about to let Princess sit around and mope. It doesn't sit right with me.

"Excellent. Then it is settled."

I nod without a further word and squeeze the blonde's hand softly, almost thankfully.

"On a lighter note, have you ever tried a Tristainian omelette for breakfast, Michael?" Montmorency asks, staring me right in the eyes with her bright and curious blues.

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