Chapter 9 - Rescue

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Kirche and I step out of a heavily forested side road and out onto an open dirt track. The path leads toward a sprawling mansion house. It's the sort of building you see out in the countryside back home in England. It's three floors high with an immense number of rooms.

A vast courtyard stretches out in front of the building and that is ringed with very fancy high stone walls. I make out distant hedge sculptures dotted across the courtyard, too.

I can't help but whistle, immensely impressed and astounded by the sights before my eyes.

"Now this right here is money," I remark, looking at Kirche. "I've never seen a mansion this big."

"Have you not?" she asks with a curious look.

"Nope," I reply, shaking my head. "They don't make them this large where I live, that's for damned sure."

"Count Mott has the largest estate in the region, and possibly this side of central Tristain," Kirche explains, stepping nearer the outer walls with her arm still linked through mine. "He's rumored to have over fifty servants and almost as many horses."

"Damn, that's a lot," I comment, looking the massive estate up and down.

"There is an old proverb in Germania. Never judge a noble by his estate," she reveals, peeking my way with a playful smirk.

I can't help but chuckle and crack a smirk. "That's funny," I tell her. "Meaning he's probably compensating for something with the sprawling house and armies of servants."

Kirche snickers at my assertion.

Together, we step through the entranceway and into the courtyard itself.

Toby whizzes over to one of the many hedge sculptures, this particular one a depiction of a nobleman dressed in fancy clothes atop a horse, and stops in front of the thing as though admiring it.

"The count certainly has quite the garden," the book observes.

"Makes you wonder why he wants a single maid so badly when he already has this much to his name," I mutter under my breath disdainfully, frowning.

Kirche and I continue strolling down the cobblestone path leading into the manor proper. The closer we get the more I begin to hear voices.

The voices are loud, raucous, and boisterous. People are laughing and discussing food.

"This must be one of his afternoon socials," Kirche assumes, eyeing the manor's upper floors. "I heard about them, but this will be the first I see for myself. Count Mott apparently hosts somewhat regularly to impress other noble families."

"Well, I'm sure it'll be a memorable occasion," I quip sarcastically, shaking my head.

The two of us approach the entrance, a grand oak door twice as tall as a normal man. Kirche grabs the door knocker and pounds it thrice against the door.

I frown and step back a bit, taking in the building. I can see the faint glow of lights and movement inside. Someone is coming.

"I hear footsteps," Kirche whispers, her ear pressed against the door.

The footsteps grow louder. The door begins to rattle. There's a loud, metallic clunk as the bolt slides aside.

The door opens, and I find myself staring down at a petite, blond-haired young woman. She doesn't look any older than Louise.

"Greetings, Young Sir, Young Madam," she addresses myself and Kirche with a respectful bow. "Might I ask why you visit the Mott Household today?"

"We're here to speak with the Count," Kirche answers. "My friend here would like to talk to him about a maid that is newly entering his service today."

Zero's GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora