Chapter 7 - Bittersweet Evening

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Louise blinks several times and slowly comes around with a small groan.

The last thing she remembers is that strange talking book.

She lets out a gentle exhale and sits upright. She now sits on her bed instead of the windowsill.

"Michael," she utters in a low voice, recalling him catching her earlier when she felt faint.

The blonde idiot lays against the foot of her bed with his head propped against his arms and snores gently.

"The young fellow stayed awake until he could no longer keep his eyes open," a well-spoken and gentlemanly voice explains.

Louise jolts and spins around.

Sitting next to her window is the sentient tome. It's perched upright.

"Who are you?" Louise asks, her eyes narrow.

"A humble servant, I suppose," the book replies. "As I said beforehand, Miss, I go by the name of Toby. Grim will also suffice if it so pleases you."

Louise breathes in and out to steady her nerves.

"B-But you're a talking book."

"I am not just a book," Toby corrects. "I am a grimoire. And a very special one, I should say."

"I have so many questions," Louise says with utmost confusion, blinking.

"All in good time, young lady. For now, would it not be prudent to awaken your familiar from his slumber? He may well remain perched there at the foot of your bed, if not."

"Oh. Right." Louise shuffles to the end of her bed. She prods a dainty toe against Michael's cheek. "C'mon, idiot," she says softly, almost affectionately.

"Mmmm?" The blonde stirs.

"It's me. Wake up."

Michael's eyes slowly open.

"What's happening?" he asks with a yawn.

"You've been asleep there for a while," Louise explains.

Michael's eyes widen the slightest bit at the sight of the pink-haired girl. "Oh, you're awake again, that's good." He makes a droopy half-smile. "Had me worried there, Princess."

"Princess again... is it?" Louise frowns gently, her cheeks pinkening.

"It's a term of endearment, I'm sure," Toby interjects.

"See? Even the book gets it," Michael comments, his smile widening.

Louise's lips twitch.

"You're an idiot."

"So you keep telling me. Try not fainting for me next time, though. Okay, Louise?" the familiar requests sincerely.

Louise's blush darkens.

"D-Don't make fun of me, you imbecile!"

Michael simply shrugs. Getting up, he stretches his arms and then twists from side to side to ease the tension in his back.

"Not making fun in the slightest," the scruffy-haired commoner insists, his tone losing its light-hearted tinge. "You had me worried."

"W-Worried?" Louise asks with a raised brow.

"When I was a kid," Michael explains, "my mother suffered from fainting fits. It wasn't anything serious back then, but the first few times I saw it happen it was pretty scary."

So that's why he waited beside her until she awoke!

"...Your mother? Really?"

"Mhm. She did, yeah." Michael waves his hand dismissively. "Anyhow, that was a long time ago." He walks around the foot of Louise's bed. Kneeling, he picks up her laundry basket. "Guess I'll wash these for you before I get some proper shut-eye."

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