Chapter 8 - Departure

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Dawn's light penetrates through Louise's thin white curtains, shining directly into the bedroom.

I haven't slept a wink since returning from Kirche's room last night. Too many questions still swirl around in my head concerning Siesta.

Do I truly have the power to help her if, as Kirche warned me, Mott is a square-class mage?

If he is, and I try to challenge him, how will I fair?

Just how powerful are these renowned square-class mages, exactly?

Stronger than Guiche was when I dueled him?

Louise stirs in her sleep, shifting positions as she does so. Her eyes remain closed and she continues to snooze.

The morning is peaceful. I don't have time to enjoy it, though. Siesta will be leaving for Count Mott's estate anytime now.

Groaning, I stretch my tired limbs and force myself upright.

"Guess I'd better get dressed."

Pushing myself off my mattress, I make my way toward the wooden wardrobe to the left of Louise's bed. My discarded cloak and trousers sit by it in a small heap.

"Better be quick," I prompt myself in a whisper whilst pulling up my trousers and buckling their belt.


I look back to the bed, finding Louise sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Ah, morning there, Louise."

"What are you doing up so early?" she asks with a yawn.

Best I'm honest with her. To a point.

I throw on my cloak, fasten the bronze clasp, and stand by the door with folded arms.

"Turns out Siesta's leaving the Academy," I explain to the pink-haired lass. "I promised to see her off last night, along with Chef Marteau."

Louise is quiet for a moment. "Is that why you were out so late last night?"

I nod my head in affirmation. "Yeah, that's why."

Louise gets out of bed. She walks over to me and eyes me sternly, hands resting on her narrow hips.

"And just what were you and Siesta doing?" she asks, her eyes narrowing intensely.

"We talked, mostly. Then we shared dinner with Marteau, that's all."

"Oh, really?" Louise steps in front of me. She raises herself onto her tiptoes and leans into my face. "Nothing further happened?"

Best I omit the kisses we shared, for the sake of avoiding an argument and wasting precious time.

"Nope," I answer. "I was a perfect gentleman the entire time."

"Well, alright," Louise sighs, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

She looks back up to me. "Where is she leaving for, anyway? It is quite rare for servants and commoners to vacate their positions at the Academy."

"Count Mott requested Siesta join him as a servant at his estate. Marteau told me last night," I answer, not at all downplaying the displeasure lacing my voice.

"That's quite the promotion," Louise notes, sounding as displeased as me. "Mott is a square class mage, and a very powerful one, at that."

"So, it's true," I whisper.

Still, what Kirche and I discussed last night has me concerned. Better run it past Louise.

"Question for you if I may, Princess," I pose.

Zero's GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora