ur girlfriend?

my fake*** girlfriend

for now 😈😈

forever bc she's avoiding me now 😭

her curtains have been closed

the whole weekend

do u think she regrets it?

wait what happened when conan

dropped u guys off

she kissed me again

and then said gn

nothing else

fdjkaldlafjd she kissed u AGAIN?!?!

you dawg


ok hear me out

i have some theories

1) she's confused abt her sexuality

2) she likes u but thinks u don't feel the same


i highly doubt this but

don't say it

3) she regrets it

im bout to cry rn

just give her some time

let her come to u


I thank Isa for her advice once again. But I realise that Olivia is my ride to school tomorrow and I am dreading how awkward it will be. Is she even gonna give me a ride? Should I text her? Ugh this is so stressful.


On Monday morning, I get dressed and prepare myself to ride my bike to school. I look out through my window one last time, in hopes that Olivia might acknowledge me. To my surprise, she did.

On her window there is a note taped on it. "MEET YOU IN THE CAR" it says.

I take this as a good sign. At least she's not completely avoiding me. She's still willing to give me ride to school. I hop in her car she gives me a normal smile and greeting.

Sitting in her car, I can't help but feel awkward. I try to find a conversation starter but nothing is coming to mind. Thankfully, Olivia breaks the silence

"How was your weekend?"

My weekend? Terrible. I spent it thinking about you and trying not to cry because it sucks feeling like you're being ignored.

"It was great. Yours?"

"Pretty good. I started rewatching glee. I'm up to season 3 now."

Why is she acting completely normal? Like nothing happened between us at the party? It's freaking me out and I don't know if I prefer this or being ignored.

"Hey Olivia" I glanced at her, "Can we talk?"

"That sounds scary," she jokes, her gaze shifting momentarily towards me before returning to the road. "Sure, about what?"

"About, you know, what happened at the-"

"Oh my god! I love this song!" she turns up the volume on the radio, blasting.

What the fuck? I know she doesn't even like this song. She's doing this on purpose.

Throughout the day, Olivia did this a few times. She avoids the topic, either pretending to have to go to class or changing the subject quickly. I told Isa but she said to just be patient. Let her figure it out and then come to me.

I put my books in my locker and scan the hallway for Jenna. I need to talk to her about what happened at the party. Luckily, I spot her at the end of the hallway, putting her own books away in her locker.

I walk up to her, "Hey Jenna"

She looks up at me surprised, "Y/N."

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah sure." She walks towards a more secluded area of school and I follow her lead.

"I wasn't sure you would talk to me after Friday" She looks down, "I'm sorry for that. I was a mess"

I laugh, "Yeah you were pretty out of it. It's okay."

We stare at each other for a moment, her eyes switching back and forth between mine.

"Are you...okay?" I ask. I still care about Jenna and I didn't realise how much she was hurting until that Friday night.

"To be honest, Y/N. I know that everything is different now....but I meant what I said that night." Jenna takes a step closer, and I stay still.

"I still have feelings for you and I regret avoiding you when you first came back"

If only she said all of this to me before Olivia and I got into a fake relationship. Looking at her now, I realise that I think I will always love Jenna, but just not in the same way as I did a few years ago.

She takes my hand, and I slowly pull it back, letting hers go, "Jenna..."

Her face drops and her expression shows disappointment. We both stay silent for a while. She puts on a sad smile, understanding the situation, and quickly wipes her cheeks, "I get it. You've moved on and you don't feel the same way. I just needed to tell you, Y/N"

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the bracelet that I made for her, the one that says 'I <3 Y/N' on it. She puts her hand out, grabs mine and places it on my palm.

Her words hang in the air and I try to find the right thing to say, "Jenna, I care about you a lot. You've been a huge part of my life and I don't want to lose that. I still want you as a friend"

Jenna looks away, a sad smile crossing her face, "I don't wanna lose you either, Y/N"

"I know. I'm irresistible. Friends?" I smile cheekily.

She laughs, shaking her head. "I'll see you around"

She starts walking away before quickly turning around, "Can I hug you?"

I nod and wrap my arms around her torso, her hands wrapping around my back. As we pull away, she subtly wipes her cheeks again and walks away without another word. I stand there watching her walk away.

That went well I think. Jenna and I are finally on good terms and hopefully we can go back to being friends.

I hear footsteps from the other side of the hallway, and I turn to see Olivia's back, walking away from my direction as well. Was she watching us?

you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora