15. Dumbledore's Army

Start from the beginning

Honeydukes was a place that even people on a diet would be unable to resist. Lollies and chocolate of all shapes, sizes, colours and types were heavenly displayed on the walls and in bottomless tubs. This was a huge hotspot for students to come and refill their secret stash, and today was no exception with children squeezed tightly in the small sweet shop all trying to grab their favourite confection.
I felt someone come up and turn towards me, I looked and saw it was Alex.
"What's your favourite?" He leaned down and said close to my ear so he wouldn't have to shout over the racket in the shop. A shiver slithered it's way up my spine at his close proximity and I nearly fainted as his minty breath blew across my cheek as he spoke.
Stop it Anna! He has a GIRLFRIEND! Out of the corner of my eye I could see him scanning the crowd with his emerald eyes.
"Um, I really like sugar quills but liquorice wands are also one of my favourites. What about you?" He grinned down at me and I could have sworn that I felt a fluttering in my stomach. God, I was such a girl...
"Much the same as you but instead of quills, I'd probably go for every flavour beans."
I looked at him and he glanced down at me. He was just so perfect with his messily styled hair and strong jawline, but I had to stop thinking about him this way, it was wrong and unfair. As much as I disliked Liana, she had the rights to him and I wasn't about to start world war three by getting in the middle if something. Not that he's noticed me anyway.
"Are you guys ready to go? Jace and I want to head to the three broomsticks before we return to the castle." Jez asked with Jace appearing beside her. Their hands were both full of bags filled with chocolate enough to feed the whole school. Jezzy's face was flushed and she looked like she was enjoying a little time with Jace.

Jace was the fun one of the group, he'd often just crack random corny jokes which mostly made us cringe. But they were actually so lame it was funny so we all ended up laughing anyway. Whenever there was tension or someone was feeling out of sorts, Jace would lift them up without fail and everyone appreciated him for it.
"Sure, lets go." We all exited the store and began our way down the snow-covered cobble path towards the Three Broomsticks.
A small robe boutique seemed to have caught Jezzy's eye and she pulled me away from the boys telling them that we would meet them at the pub in fifteen minutes. The shop was only small but the displays of multicoloured fabrics and beautiful pieces of clothing drew the eye towards it, beckoning you to enter and take a look, little did we know that Liana the dragon was also there.
"Well, if it isn't Jezebel and her new best friend!" I slowly turned around to see the face of an ugly cow.
Just kidding but I couldn't say that Liana's face gave me pleasure.
"Liana, what a pleasure to see you here!" I had my bitch-mode on so I drenched my words with honey and sarcasm.
"Well I can't say the same for you, but I think we need to talk." Liana's sugary-sweet zero-percent-sugar voice was starting to impact heavily on my nerves. I could tell that Jezz sensed my annoyance as she took over the inevitable verbal battle.
"I can't imagine what you'd need to talk to us about, but whatever it is, make it quick sweetie." The sassy mocking Jezebel was also surfacing and by the unattractive way that Liana's face was scrunched up, she wasn't appreciating it. She stepped forward closer to us with two of her sheep flanking her, trying to look intimidating.
" I just wanted to warn you. Alex is out of bounds and if you go near him, I'll make sure that nobody will want to associate with you ever again. Understand?" I merely raised an eyebrow at her attempt at dominance.
"Feeling insecure are we? Worried that Anna's going to replace you? Well, you should be because she's a better person than you'll ever be." After Jezzy's presidency speech, which I was really grateful for, the small spat had taken itself from the small shop to the street outside. Luckily there were no students around or we would have gathered quite a crowd.
"How can you think that? She came into this school like she already owned the place! And you say she's a better person?! Alex chose me and he will stay with me whether he wants to or not."
Well that took 'psycho-girlfriend' to a new level...
"Yeh? We'll see about that ugly bitch." Jez spat and the Liana's face turned into a nice piggy pink.
"You bitch!" Just as Liana screeched this, she raised her wand and aimed it at Jezebel. Acting purely on instinct, I ran and jumped in front as the spell hit me in the chests sending me flying backwards and depositing me roughly on the ground, knocking the wind out of me. My whole body was aching and I was slightly dizzy, strands or hair were stuck up everywhere.
"Oh my god! Anna, are you alright?" Running up to me, Jez pulled me upright into a sitting position and looked at me worriedly, while I was still in a daze.
"Yeah, I'm fine..." I was still seeing double but that was quickly disappearing to be replaced with complete disbelief. What the flying wombat just happened here?
"Let's head back to the castle. I can't believe that ugly bitch would do that!" We continued bad mouthing Liana as we walked to the Broomsticks where we said we'd meet the boys ten minutes ago. They were waiting out front with worried expressions and relief crossed their faces as we approached them.
"Jez, Anna! Where were you we've been waiting for nearly half an hour!" Jez was too busy swooning at Jace's concern to reply so I did.
"Sorry Jace, we were just held up for a little bit, but Jez here thought it would be better just to head back now, it's getting late." Both boys looked at us and nodded slowly, they knew that something was up, but thankfully they didn't ask. Jezzy was still quiet so I gently nudged her out of her reverie towards Jace, signalling that they walk together. Alex came up beside me and gestured for me to lead behind Jace and Jez who were already side-by-side and talking about random things in their own little bubble.
"So, did you enjoy today?" Alex's deep voice came from beside me.
"Some parts were great, I think that these self-defence classes are a really good idea." I stated, trying to start a conversation.
"It will be interesting, I personally can't wait to see wall the all-amazing Miss Thomas can do, I've heard that she was one of the best at Beauxbatons." Alex smirked and I blushed at that.
We were just walking up the castle steps and into the entrance hall, preparing to part ways when a hand caught my arm and gently spun me around, warmth flowed through the arm that his hand held and it was all I could do to stop my face turning fire-engine red.
"I just wanted to say that I had fun today, and that...we should maybe do if another time...as friends...yeh...as friends." I half smiled at him as he stumbled over his words.
"That would be good." I stated dumbly and mentally face-palming at my lame answer, but by the crooked grin on his face, he looked appeased. Ever so slowly his other hand reached up and gently tucked a flyaway strand of hair that Jezzy had missed as we scurried back to the Three Broomsticks after my "fall".
We looked at each other for a few moments before I averted my eyes away with flaming cheeks and my heart racing. Alex dropped his hand and coughed awkwardly.
"Um...see you around." he said and spun around, walking away leaving me flustered and hot.

Houston, we have a problem.
Ok, so this was all written on my iPod but I wanted to update for you guys. As I said up too, I will be releasing the winners of the competition in the. Next chapter cause I don't have my computer with me. I hope you liked it and if you have any request of what you would like me to include in the next chapter, just type a comment and I will do it.
So, as always,



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