Alicia's expression turned sour immediately, no matter that he was only talking about what he heard in the halls, or the booth his section would put up.

" I heard that the event will drag on till 10 pm on friday and the student council is planning a bonfire, is it true? "




" Alicia? "

Her lips pursed as she begrudgingly answered him knowing that the conversation will drag on with this topic .

" Yes "

" Nice, I heard there is a tradition in this school during the gathering around bonfires but I bet that it is all made up stories by fourth years "

" What is your point here, Ali? " she sighed

" Oh.. Hemm... nothing. So speaking, I got a good look at the placement of the booths. Ours are not far away from yours and Mia and Viktor's are just a few booths away beside yours. What is your booth about anyways? "

Involuntarily, her cheeks warmed out of shame, she didn't want to say!

" None of your business! " she quipped and walked off almost stomping.

And so Ali finally get it, something must be troubling her regarding the booths, he sighs and went home


Days before the foundation week Ali is set on talking to Alicia about her class' booth and maybe offers her help after hearing some things about the said booth in the hallways. To be honest, he thinks the advice thing is really wholesome; he doesn't understand how Alicia is so cross with it.

It's not until the school's over and someone from Alicia's class shouted to advertise the whole activity the said booth is going to hold that he finally understands Alicia's hate for the said booth. The boy sounds so boastful while he chats with his clique that they get to bid for an hour date with his girl classmates --specially Alicia.

He tried to approach Alicia to talk to her again at their mission, at school, through text before the opening but Alicia just looks tired of it and stressed with all the work so he just sighed and decided to take the matter in his own hands.


Alicia is dreading the opening program which is also the opening of booths but at the same time she just want everything to be over already, nothing too taxing today at her class' booth her responsibility today is all about the program--organizing the queue and smooth progression of the performance of the clubs; music, dance and art club.

Tomorrow though, she is on rotation at the booth meaning she's going to ruin the  day of romantics with her rational advice.

Que sigh, fortunately Mia is off her duty in her class booth tomorrow, maybe they'll try some good booths.

That idiot though...

Tsk, who cares

"Alicia, the speech is going to end soon please stand by"


By Tuesday Ali resolved to just execute his plan by Friday, what could go wrong right?

So when Mia finally let go of Alicia ten minutes before his break he jogged up to her to attempt a conversation with her again to say sorry(?) but he didn't offend her, awkwardly bringing up the booths to sympathize with her(?) maybe offer her help(?)

Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring AliliciaWhere stories live. Discover now