Chapter 43 - Helia

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After a few weeks of trying to get her house back together, Helia had one day to herself with the new generals running things, and Vice had chosen to wake her at the crack of dawn. Both of him. Helia's first urge had been to spread her legs and strip her clothes off, but Vice had put clothes on her. Not sexy. They dragged her out so early that she was still half asleep in Ghost's arms, her thick curls tucked around her face to shade the desert sun as the headed out.

"This is not how I saw my Saturday going," Helia grumbled as she clung to Ghost, her arms around his neck and her face pressed to his chest as he traversed the deserts. Ahead of them, Stone kept watch as they searched the desert for something they hadn't bothered to reveal to her just yet.

As a form of silent protest, she nibbled on Ghost's muscle with a hot breath that had him tripping on a rock and stopping. A steel hand grabbed her chin, cold as ice, but his mouth wasn't. Ghost took her lips in a deep kiss that had him wrapping her tongue with his and his fangs lengthening. Though she was held against his chest with his legs off to the side in his other arm, she could feel the stiffening of his arousal on her hip.

"Helia," Ghost whispered into her lips, a chastisement as he smiled. "You don't want to fuck on the rocks. It's not very comfortable." Helia gave them a look and groaned when there was nowhere to really flop. Even if Ghost was on his back, she'd take the skin off her shins trying to do anything here.

"You could hold me up on your body like before, open my legs with Stone's hands, and slip inside." Helia panted the words on his throat, and a low groan had hands on her body in an instant doing just that.

Stone kissed her neck as he spread her hands under her thighs, leaning her right onto Ghost's erection as he used a cliff to support himself and arch his hips against her core. The slow rub back and forth against the outside of her underwear had her trembling, and she near moaned as Ghost withdrew and Stone took her in his arms.

"It's too hot out here, Helia," Stone pulled down his face mask to whisper, kissing her forehead as she crossed her arms with frustration. "You'd pass out before it got good." Stone ran a hand down her forehead before pushing her curls aside so the wind could do some work on the sweat of her neck. Vice was right, and she hated it.

"All right, all right. Later." Helia sighed as she sank into Stone's arms, and they resumed their trek through the desert.

Part of her was glad they'd left with nothing but a light snack for breakfast, because when Stone dropped down a steep cliff, her stomach jumped into her throat. Stone grabbed a ledge to stop them for a moment, but it was only to give Helia a break before he resumed his decent. With the rollercoaster ride of death, there better be a pile of dragon treasure at the end of this early morning hunt.

When they finally stopped their downward climb into hell, it was at the bottom a wide ravine, and Stone let her down onto her feet. The first thing she did was find solid footing and stretch her arms above her head. The groan of pleasant release that slipped her lips had Ghost averting his eyes, and Stone covering his groin. The laugh that followed from her lips calmed them both down as she surveyed their destination.

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