Chapter 42 - Wren (Part 2)

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"I understand you're leaving us," Wren said down to Helia Cinder from his throne

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"I understand you're leaving us," Wren said down to Helia Cinder from his throne.

Everyone had gathered for her departure, and it looked like she was as enthusiastic to leave as Vice was to lose her. Dressed in her ceremonial Cinder robes and with the classic 'I hate all vampires' expression they wore, she looked the part of their leader, but her shoulders hung just low enough to show her true feelings. Though it was no love for the Sol castles that made her want to stay. Talamayas had been half creeping on her the entire day, ever since she'd taken care of him in the inappropriately close manner that only Vice got away with.

Tala wanted her to stay.

It showed in the way he broodingly sat in the throne next to Wren, his chin on his hand and Vice invisible next to him. The moment his master had returned, Vice had taken up position as he always had, Stone close to Tala at all times, and Ghost peering at the room from another vantage point or out gathering information. At the moment, Wren expected Ghost to be clinging to Helia yet knew he wasn't. Distance was needed to let her go, no matter how much it hurt.

"My place is with the Cinders, and I have sent word of my return. Though many of my people attacked you here, most were only following Blaze and not real hatred for the Sols. I am also set to meet with the Alliance mage heads to discuss their release back to the family," Helia said, her tone and posture as commanding as Pyre's who leaned against the wall far behind Helia with a tired expression. His injury was weighing on him and seeing his daughter leave to lead their people when he would always have to hide in the shadows was a grave blow to his pride and worth.

"I wish you luck in restoring you house," Wren said with all of the strength required of his position, but his expression still crinkled with grief at what he knew her leaving would do to Vice. It was Tala speaking that yanked Wren up from his depression before it could show.

"I understand that you must lead your people and help them heal alone after such a grave split, but you are not one house in an isolated world, Helia Cinder." Talamayas words had Helia focusing unduly hard to try and pick meaning out of them, as was Wren. "I know you still have no desire to join the mage-vampire alliance houses, but perhaps once your house is settled and you find a lull in your duties, you might consider allowing a liaison to treat with you. You don't have to hug every vampire in the alliance to accept that you will have dealings with them regardless of your desires."

"I am aware of that fact." Helia replied with a small sigh. "The previous leaders of the Cinders were old enough to have experienced what true pain at the hands of vampires was, and I hope as someone young and more open to things, that I can help my house find a path that will be acceptable for everyone. Even if they're not giddy with every decision I make, as long as they'll deal with it and move forward, that's all I need."

"Until then, perhaps you'll take Vice with you? Leaders need protection especially in tumultuous times," Talamayas said so directly that Helia cranked an eyebrow to her hairline.

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