Chapter 2 - Helia

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Helia struggled with the body on top of her until cold skin chilled her forehead, and she froze under the man who trapped her against the floor. Fangs flashed in her peripheral vision as he breathed her in like she was about to be dinner, cool fingers trailing the small cut in her face and marring the lighter pallor of his fingertips with black blood. The first thing she'd been taught as a child was to never look directly at vampires because they could bend human will with their gaze and voice, but it was a little impossible to avoid his eyes with his face hovering over hers.

She expected some warped and vicious undead creature but found the man's ash-grey eyes more probing than ravenous for her life. It was as if he didn't know what she was or who he was, because he'd yet to move since dropping out of the depths of the void. Whenever he gathered his faculties, she was roadkill, so she tried to figure a way out of this before he licked her blood off his fingers and thrust his fangs into her throat.

On closer inspection, she found the man propped up on an elbow above her chest while his lower body pressed into her below the hips. A blush colored her face as she saw that he was wearing nothing but a sheet of fabric suited for an assassin, hugging the ridges of taught muscles built for mercilessly silencing her kind. There was not enough fabric in her mage attire to separate her from the weight of his body, and she struggled with whether or not to scream for help or remain as she was.

The more she moved, the faster he'd regain his bearings, and his instincts would kick in. This man was clearly no attendant or lower general, but a master assassin. As soon as he realized he was on top of prey, she would be in a shallow grave, drained of her blood and that much closer to the void her mother already occupied. The color drained from her face as she realized these would likely be her last moments. What had she expected with a forbidden spell that called into he void but to summon her death?

"You smell sweet," the man whispered into her ear, nuzzling his cool face against her warmth, and Helia gasped for breath as he lowered his chest onto hers. It had realized she was a beating pulse, and he was a vampire, so she was that much closer to her doom.

Helia fought with the tumult in her stomach, doing all she could to stay calm as his body lowering on her had him pressing that much more into her skin. This man had been in the void for who knew how long, and nothing superseded a starving vampire's craving for blood. He likely didn't even notice the pressure of his hips spreading her legs nor his chest muscles squishing her breasts between them, but Helia could think of nothing else.

"You're so warm, alive... I want to absorb you." Absorb, to this man, was dropping his chin into her neck and bringing her throat that much closer to his fangs. He constricted around her, a hand threading her hair while the other treaded over her shoulder, and it ignited the magic in her veins to fight him.

There wasn't a flame spell she could wield in this position to save herself though. Not like she had any magic left after tearing a hole open between the land of the living and the dead. Hitting a vampire was like punching a brick wall with bare hands, but she pushed on his shoulders anyway. They didn't budge. Fight or flight kicked on in a rush, and she slammed her fists on him, but it only hurt. When she realized she couldn't physically move him, the trembling started, most from the exhaustion of draining her magic and the rest from lying under unmovable death.

Awakened Flame (Dusk Series - Book 6)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant