Chapter 9 - The Broken Watcher

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A/N: HEAVY HEAVY *HEAVY* TRIGGER WARNING! My hands were shaking by the end of writing this. It's shorter, but good. If you cannot deal with death, self negativity, self starvation, and self harm, I suggest you stay clear of this chapter.

Xelqua flew out of the house, eagerly trying to get away from Xisuma. He flew straight to the Watchers and called for their retreat. As soon as they all got back to the Slip Zone, he went straight for his room. He collapsed onto the large bed, head into the pillow, tears streaming down his face, wings forming a protective barrier around his body.

Soft sounds of his cries echoed through the room as a million thoughts raced through his head, each one worse than the last. He heard footsteps coming toward the bed, and then a depression on the bed. Strong arms soon wrapped him up, going under his wings and hugging the actual person.

"Go away," said Xelqua.

He didn't want to see anyone right now. Not even Aurum.

The arm didn't move though. It stayed wrapped around him, pulling him closer.

"Xelqua," said Aurum, his voice a mix of emotions. Concern, sadness, weariness.

Xelqua just further curled up into his wings.

"Xelqua, please. Just talk to me. What happened?"

"Please just go away Aurum!"

"I'm not going away until you tell me what is going on."

Xelqua snapped out of bed.

"JUST GO AWAY!" He screamed.

Aurum flew back to the entrance of the room. He looked taken aback. Xelqua had never yelled at him. He never yelled, period.

"Xelqua this isn't like you. However, if you need time, I'll give you time." With that, Aurum left him.

Xelqua collapsed back onto his bed, tears coming in full force now. He couldn't stop them. He didn't want to stop them. This is what he deserved. Every single one of these emotions. He killed someone who was near defenseless. He got Xanthous banned.

He was a horrible, terrible person.

The Watchers were horrible, terrible people.

Xelqua didn't come out of his room much for the next week. Aurum tried to check on him, but Xelqua pushed him away each and every time. He kept trying though, and though Xelqua would never admit it, it made him feel even a little bit better to know that someone cared that much.

One night Xelqua didn't have the energy to push him away, Aurum came into his room and climbed into the bed with him. Xelqua tried to turn away from him but Aurum held his shoulders.

"I just want to know what happened. Please tell me. It'll help. I promise."

Xelqua didn't say anything, just curled up into his wings again.

"I don't want to push you. Just whatever you're comfortable with. But please tell me. I swear that it will do a world of good for you. And if you need someone to cry into, I'm right here."

Xelqua inhaled a long shaky breath, a single tear falling down his cheek.

"I went to find Xanthous," he began, voice shaky, "and I found where he was. A cabin in the middle of the woods. In front, was Biffa, Xisuma's best friend. He told me that I had to get through him. I laughed it off and began to fight."

He stopped to inhale a slow, labored breath.

"I told him, to make it fair, that I would only use one power. So I did. I didn't fly. I used Bellum's curse. I got a hold of the arrow he shot at me, turned it around...and- and..."

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