Chapter 6 - A Blossoming Love

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A/ N: Hallo! It's TLW time! So, this is not a full chapter, so it's rather short. Only 400ish words. BUT! It's nice and fluffy, and it's hard to expand this little concept I had into a full chapter, or fit it into a full chapter. So you get a mini chapter! With Auqua? (Is that their ship name? Help me out in the comments) fluff. So yay! Next chapter will be normal length, and will *start* leading up to non Watcher stuff. 

Fun fact, the Watcher stuff was only supposed to be one chapter, which is why chapter one has a different tone than the others. Than I realized that couldn't happen. So yeah! Also, if you notice a plot mistake, let me know. I don't read my book each time I write, so accidental retconning may occur. Just let me know if it does. Anyway, on with the chapter.

After around an hour, they got all of the Watchers instructed. There were two of them watching over each world. Aurum, Gem, and Xelqua would dot around, but mainly they were watched over Charlie's world. They would just kind of hang there. Joking around, goofing off, playing stupid games. It was a great time.

They loved their new life. Occasionally, people would go into the End, and they always enjoyed watching those fights. They honestly did not miss their life in the End. Aurum and Xelqua were also getting closer. Xelqua found Aurum leaning into his shoulder more, giving him more small kisses, and just being sweeter.

One night, Xelqua was awoken by a violent shake on the shoulder. He woke up and turned around to find Aurum standing at his bedside. "Whaaat?" yawned Xelqua. "It's like super late." "I couldn't sleep. A bit too dark for my liking."

"You realize that you can just make a lamp, right?" "Yeah, but can I snuggle with a lamp? Xelqua sighed and pulled off his covers, inviting Aurum in. He climbed in and snuggled up next to Xelqua, Aurum putting his head onto Xelqua's shoulder.

Although he was doubtful at first, Xelqua actually was glad he had let Aurum stay. It felt nice having another person with him, and he just enjoyed having his boyfriend close to him. It was a comforting feeling, and before long, he had drifted right back to sleep.

When he woke up in the morning, Aurum had his arms around Xelqua, and his head buried in his chest. Aurum was still very much asleep, and when Xelqua tried to move, Aurum just adjusted himself in his sleep, still clinging onto Xelqua.

He sighed, trying to decide wether he should accept this and just stay in bed cuddling with Aurum, or try to wake him up. He almost immediately chose the former, just deciding to stay with Aurum for ten or so minutes. After around five of those ten allotted minutes, Aurum opened his eyes.

He seemed to have forgotten where he was for a second, and then saw Xelqua and just reburied his head into his chest. "Can we just stay like this? Forever? Because this is nice." Xelqua laughed at Aurum's comment.

"No Aurum, we can't. We have other things to do." "More important than what we're already doing? More important than spending time together?" Xelqua sighed. "Five more minutes, and then we have to go. Alright?" Aurum hugged him tighter and nodded. "Fine." He said.

See? Nice and short, but cute. Anyway, if you enjoyed, do those wattpaddy things because 

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