Ch-6: Die Hard at Oscorp (#3)

Start from the beginning

"We are currently experimenting with a particularly volatile substance," Dr Connors explained, and Y/n's eyes widened in interest, "when the power went out, so did our safety equipment. We had to flee 'less we risk bodily harm. That and..."

Dr Connors' eyes flicked out to the side. Y/n followed it and found a fidgety Harry Osborn standing a good distance away. Half behind a shelf with wide eyes and a broken chair leg held defensively in one hand. The boy dropped it with a yelp immediately when their eyes met.

Huh... Interesting.

"You have an attachment to the kid?" Y/n asked incredulously, amused. "Don't tell me he's your illegitimate son. You didn't fuck around with Mrs. Osborn, did you? You dirty old man."

"N-No!" Dr. Connors jolted in his seat, scandalised. He took a breath, steadying himself. "I've done nothing of the sort, I assure you. I just... Yes, I have grown attached to the boy. His relationship with his father is strained. I've become- Sort of his-"

"I get it," Y/n shook his head, "whatever. Just tell me, would the lab still be a death trap if I waltzed in there? Honest answers only please. You'll be coming with me so dont lie."

The scientist gave an affirmative hum. "It should be safe. I mean the lab is the most secure room in the whole building. The room has three levels of backup power to fall back on, so the safety contingencies should have kicked in some time ago."

Slowly, Y/n nodded, bringing a gloved hand to stroke his masked chin. "What are your stores of Orracaclum like?"

Dr Connors stared at Y/n for a moment. The cogs in his head so obviously rotating in speculatuon. You could see it so clearly in his scrunched grey eyes. "Plentiful. We keep a ready supply at hand 24/7."

Y/n was practically battling the devil himself when he subdued the maniacle grin that threatened to split his face.

"Then it's settled," Y/n suddenly shuffled out of the booth and stood with a stretch, "bring along two of your most talented scientists. We leave in five minutes."

"I- Alright, I'll get them to come," Dr. Connors moved to stand aswell, "are the residents left to stay here?"

"Yeah," Y/n nodded before an idea blinked into his head, "except for master osborn over there." Y/n flicked his head over to Harry, "he'll be coming with us aswell."

"What!?" Dr. Connors practically squaked.

"Oh, don't sweat it, old man," Y/n pointed him an easy-going smile, "I need a potential bargaining chip. An alive potential bargaining chip."

Flexing his arm, Y/n couldn't help but whistle at the impressive peak of his own bicep muscle, "Don't you trust me? Haven't I shown you how strong I am? I have a route sorted out already anyway. It should divert us away from the main halls where security drones will be prowling around like kiddy fiddlers. We'll be fine." At least he thought they'd be.

Dr. Connors could say nothing more.

The far left corner of the library held many secrets.

With one hand, Y/n tapped along the drywall while looking down at the tower blueprints in the other. A few steps away, watching him, Harry Osborn, Dr. Connors and two other scientists Y/n didn't bother to ask the names of- stood off to the side, perplexed.

"Hold on," Y/n chewed on the inside of his cheek as he knocked on yet another spot of the wall, "I almost have it."

Reserve power hidden within the sublevel floors of Oscorp tower had allowed some of the more basic amenities of the tower to survive through the EMP. Things like lighting, some automatic doors, the lab, and even basic heating according to Dr. Connors had shown signs of being otherwise operational.

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