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Jungkook reached his head quaters, he was furious as if General Kim was one of his enemies. Jungkook stopped at the door as his dark eyes landed on General Kim's sorrowful figure, he didn't appeared to be affected and marched towards him. General Kim payed his respects as Jungkook sat on one of two chairs in the big room. He clenched his sharp jaw showing that he's clearly angry by General Kim's uninvited presence.

General Kim's knees fell weak infront of that unbothered mafia king. "Help us!" he cried falling on his feet.

"I don't want to" Jungkook said coldly keeping his eyes straight, away from General Kim.

"You cannot say that, your majesty! It's your kingdom, you're it's heir!" he squealed asking for help. "You cannot turn your back like that, it was your parents kingdom, your late parents left it believing in you!"

"Which parents? The ones who abandoned a 3 days old child in this cruel world?" Jungkook spoke swallowing the bitterness that was flowing inside of him.

"They did not abandoned you" he said looking down as tears dropped from his eyes. "They saved you, they wanted you to survive and take care of the kingdom after them"

"Throwing a child alone to survive is not saving. Just to take care of a fvcking falling kingdom they left me alone in the world full of fires to burn and survive!!" Jungkook raised his voice standing up from his seat. "That is not parenting, that is selfishness!!" he barked.

"You were just 3 days old, my lord. How can a parent let their three year old die? That day they died in that fire, so you could live. They were saving you." General Kim's voice got softer, trying to make Jungkook understand that his late parents loved him and they didn't wanted their small baby to die and that is why he's here today, breathing just fine because that day his parents gave him their breaths.

"I would've rather preferred dying than to survive in this hell" he clenched his jaw hard. "They were supposed to protect me but did not. And today, I have no interest in saving their fvcking kingdom or saved their people" he stated implying his hatred towards his parents.

"They are dying, the people. There are kids, women, sick and old people waiting for you lord" the General told him about how bad was the condition expecting jungkook to get soft and go with him.

"I never volunteered." he straight forwardly said on his face. "And if you're worried about people dying then don't be, let them die hm? What is good about living anyway?" Jungkook's words were as cold as ice and rude as hell. He showed no softness, he felt no sadness, no tears, he just stood there hearing General Kim with the blood shot red eyes.

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