chapter sixteen

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I sprung up from the bed the ringtone of my phone waking me, it hasn't been long I slept, because I came back from Phoebe's late, and judging from the time I slept it should be 3:00 am. Who the fuck calls by that time, can't it wait

Searching for my phone with sleepy eyes, the bright light shone into my eyes, causing me to wince of move away from the phone, I cleaned my eyes with my hands before attempting to go take the phone, I pick it up, fighting the urge of the phone falling off my hands

I squinted, and it was my sister, immediately my heart began to race, it wasn't alright for my family to call at odd hours, it was mostly in the morning when they wake up, or in the evening. What was happening? Something definitely was wrong, or was she in labour, it can't be, she's not 9 months already.

Before I could process everything, the call have ended and she was calling again.

"He_hello" I managed to say

"He_mandy?" My sister's shaky voice said from the other end, my heart immediately lost it rhythm of beat, and forgot it was supposed to beat

"What is happening!" I stood up, the sleep I was trying to fight immediately left, as I walked round my room, I felt the urge to vomit

"It's Dad!"

My life ended at those two words, was he dead?, That means I'm also dead

"We are at the hospital, it got worse and he is in the ICU" she continued

"Which hospital"

"Same one! But also_____" the rest of her words fell on deaf ears, as I ended the call, tears was also streaming down my face, I dialed Jakes number twice but he didn't pick up, I called Brian's number but it was switch off, I tried Phoebe but no reachable

Luck was against me, I ran out the house feeling uncomfortable, and I continued calling her number, with no other choice I decided to call Reyne, my hands shook as I called him, fortunately for me it didn't work because Jakes call came in.

The manner at which I picked up the call was crazy, as if I was going to eat it on an empty stomach which have been longing for food for over one week

"You witch, why are you calling by this time" he said immediately after I picked up, humour in his voice

"My dad" I cried to him

"What happened to him" the humour disappeared from his voice, now replaced with that of panick missed with his morning voice

"He's at the hospital, and I__ I want to go see him" I cried my heart out, it was selfish of me to call someone by that time and demand them to come take me somewhere but at that moment I didn't care.

While I waited for him, I paced round my house, going to the toilet to throw up, from fear, and constantly calling my sister to ask how my dad was

It took like for ever for Jake to pull up,  with saying a word to him I hopped in to his vehicle and showed him the address

Goosebumps was all over me, from fear, I wasn't sure I was going to make it to the hospital before dying. It became worse when I called Elora and she didn't pick up her call

"You've got to stop panicking" Jake spat those words, I felt like slapping him, but I kept quiet "look everything is going to be alright, your dad will be fine" he read my countenance somehow it managed to soothe me

"Then why is Elora not picking her calls" I displayed my fears again

"She will, she's probably busy, aren't she pregnant" he said

"At least she should pick up" I dialed the number again, I could hear my heartbeat in my head, I think I am going to pass out

"She will call back definitely" he said, just like magic, Elora's call came in, Jake let out a smile, while I picked up

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