chapter one

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I think I'm the most angry person on Earth right now. This best friend or whatever she calls her self just spoilt my mood.

"This is fate" Sharon said showing her thirty two teeth, she's been smiling since she carried me in her car and I have also tried to play along, which sometime moved to a grin and thereafter to a frown

"Yeah, I never thought I would see you again" I said,

how could I have said such when we are both in same city. Sharon was my best friend when we were in high school since we graduated I haven't seen her and it has been my prayer not to see her because I don't want any body to remind me that I haven't made any achievement, but fate was working against me.

"So where have you been girly" Sharon smiled even more

"I have been around, doing one thing or the other"

Yeah one thing or the other, that's my job sleeping with people to have more money. No big deal. Don't judge

"Doing what babe"


"What! Mandy don't tell me you are not yet in college" she turned with her mouth open, this time she was not smiling

I tried to grin but it Soon fades and my grin turned into a frown

"Yeah, going to enroll this year" I defended

She brought the car to a stop and then turned to me with a more serious look on her face

"So what have you been doing girl"

"I said business" this girl is really getting on nerves I would come down from the car if l was not enjoying the cool breeze from the air conditioner, and also a cool feeling of meeting a friend.

"What business"

"Enough of the questions Sharon," I said smiling trying my best not to look annoyed, to be frank I was already pissed off.

That's one thing with Sharon, I have known her since high school and she had not changed a bit, still that dramatic, inquisitive, pet. Always wanting you to blurt out things. And never going to have no as an answer

"Your turn" I added

"Okay" she started the car and cleared her throat, like I told to smile for a candy she started smiling, I wasn't prepared for her. I knew she would tell me everything thing which she has achieve at twenty, while Mandy is wasting her life. " You know, when we left highschool I got into college and I have been doing just great, I also got my self a job at a restaurant nearby, during weekends I help my mom at her office and get paid"

"Oh that's nice" I managed to say.

Don't miss quote me, I'm not jealous of my best friend, but I'm tired of hearing her rants. Even if I'm more intelligent than her, which she never agree to despite me getting better grades, she was the type that thinks she better than everyone and whatever you can do she knows it better. Like I heard, she joined wrestling because her brother who I have never seen, became part of elementary school wrestling but unfortunately she got her nose.

"You know, I'm quite successful" she smirked"just a boyfriend remaining" she said in a lower voice, almost like a whisper, but in a sad way before letting out a chuckle

"You've still never got a boyfriend?" I asked perplexed, like wtf this girl has everything, a gorgeous blue eyes, a long blonde hair, one of the sexiest lips, moderate boob and ass size and a slender boy. I'm not as cute as she is, but for sure I'm hot. I started dating since elementary school and eventually popped my cherry in middle School with one of the cutest boy in our class, but for sure I regret it. Because that boy is one of the biggest idiots I have seen.

"Yeah" she said moody " I don't know what is wrong with me, that's the only thing that makes you bigger than me"

Was that an insult?

"Tell me am I not beautiful" she added

"Sharon you are cute, owner of a car, a college student, and an employee, there is nothing wrong with you" I said trying to bring her back to her dramatic mood

"I know, thank you"

"Smile babe" I grinned and she smiled

"Are you still interested in Harvard"

"Yeah, no Harvard no college"

"Shit!, Just go into one of the community college, it's still same thing" she advised

"Wait, are you going to a community college?" I asked, because Sharon was not the type to advise somebody to go to college else she had ulterior motive.

"Yeah" she answered having a smile within

"And you want me to apply so we could both be in same community school so that you would still be at the top"

She let out a chuckle "you got me " she confirmed my suspicion. And we both started laughing

She stopped at the front a one house and turned to me smiling

"This is my house" she pointed " let's go"

"Yeah thank you"

Even if Sharon and I are friends I haven't been to her house, she doesn't know my family l  don't know hers either. Our friendship ended within the four corners of St Columbus.

I came down taking my bag, I shut the door. I remembered that I shouldn't be here now, I was supposed to meet a guy who would give five hundred dollars, if I sleep with him. That would go a long way in adding to my Harvard saving which I started since I was eighteen, two years ago.

"Hey! Come inside" Sharon said bringing back my attention

"Okay" I followed her and knocked at the door and somebody answered. A male voice, probably her dad. But Sharon has never mentioned anything about her dad and I never cared asking.

Instead of her dad, a very beautiful boy opened the door, yeah he was not handsome but beautiful, he has same blue eyes as Sharon, he looked exactly like her. A male version of Sharon.

Gosh! What am I doing, 'stick to the plans' I said to myself, NO DATING , and no dating requires no falling inlove, I quickly took hold of my self still muttering ' no dating'

"Hey;" the boy said

"Hey!" I said

"Yeah, Reyne meet my best friend, that I have been telling you about" Sharon said and turned to me "Mandy meet Reyne my elder brother"

"It's a pleasure having you" Reyne said

"Thank you" I said letting out a huff.

He was staring at me, he was liking me and I knew it, I decided to play along. This was the creator helping me, since Sharon made me lose that guy, her brother for sure would replace him.

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