chapter six

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The talent/music audition show started very nicely with music from all genre playing I really felt home, the fact that I could sing along with most song was a so nice.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to fernando talent hunt 20th editioooon!!!" The man behind the mic announced and an uproar followed, everybody looked so excited

"Today we will selecting our top 10 contestants, who will all go in to bring their best and after which our top 5 will be selected, a round of applause as we welcome Mr Fernando to the stage"

"Oh my god!!" My jaw dropped, this was the popular music idol everybody wants to meet, right in front of me, for once Larry isn't sick, I joined the rest of crowd to shout why singing along to one of his songs played in the background.

"Thank you, thank you all so much" the old man or rather legend started "I am indeed glad to be here, this little talent show we started twenty years ago has grown into something magnificent, just like yesterday it's twenty years now, and it won't be possible if not because of you all"

the crowd interrupted him with  screams "yes" he continued " for twenty years this show has continued to create stars all over the universe, and as natural rule, it has had its own share of backlash and at a time we almost ended the show, but all that has made us who we are, made us bigger, better and bolder, I wouldn't want to waste your time here, because nobody wants to see an old man's face talking for hours, twenty years is big for me, and that's why I decided to show up today, to be part of it. Thank you all so much and may the contest begin, I love you all" he ended

"We love you... I love you... We love you more" filled the air.

"There are twenty seven contestants selected to perform here, before the first contestant comes out let's welcome Justin Bieber to the staaaage"

"Oh my goodness!!!" I shouted as I hugged air

"Dance with me under the diamonds
See me like breath in the cold
Sleep with me here in the silence
Come kiss me, silver and gold
You say that I won't lose you
But you can't predict the future
So, just hold on like you will never let go
Yeah, if you ever move on without me
I need to make sure you know that
You are the only one I'll ever love
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone
(I gotta tell ya, gotta tell ya)
Looking back on my life
You're the only good I've ever done (ever done)
Yeah, you, if it's not you, it's not anyone (anyone)
Not anyone...."

"Forever's not enough time to..." I continued singing until someone tapped me so hard to get me to stop singing, I turned around really angry 
"What the fuck!" I yelled at the person

"Hey calm down, do you remember me?"

"No? Who the hell are you, you are disturbing me"

"Sorry I'm Jake, from the shop on Sunday"

No way! What was he doing here, I was having my peace

"I don't remember, bye!" I turned around to continue vibing to the sound but he wouldn't let me

"I want to..."

I didn't let him finish before I cut in "I'm enjoying myself here, this isn't time for business, okay?, And have you worked on yourself?" I said fed up with him

"Um..." He smiled "I wouldn't be sure, but I hope I have, that was my first time doing something that sensational"

"Then how do you intend to improve, because I hate it when you guys don't last and your money just come to me, though I don't refund but I'm hurt" I said honestly

"I just know I won't be that way again, I see... You came all alone?"

"Yes! Would I have to come with someone?, What about you I don't see anybody on your side also" my smile giving ' touché'

"Fair enough"

"So what were you going to say"

"Nothing, I can see you are enjoying the show" Jake asked

"Yes I am, everybody will, it's nice, oh my gosh, the first contestant!" I pointed happily at the tiny girl that came out first, she won my heart I was rooting for her already, it's a pity I can't see her well

"Are you okay?" Jake asked again nothing my mood change

"I'm fine!" I sounded more rude than I intended to, but I couldn't take it back, what does he want, I should fuck him here and now "I told you I'm not doing business now!" I yelled again this time intended

"Neither am I asking, I just told you could go with me to the VIP section, and friends got a table there and there are still extra seats, you can come if you want"

"No thank you" I declined, knowing fully I wanted it, and also having it mind not to sound desperate, if only he could say it again then I will reluctantly agree.  But he didn't.

"Okay fine" he said and started making his way out

"Wait!" I said shamelessly "um.. I could join"

"No thank you" he said, my face became red "sure" he smirked knowing he got me.

"Bitch!" I muttered under my breath, as we made our way to the VIP section

People in regular are suffering! It was as if there were in another world, you actually see the people face to face.

The first contestant performed, it wasn't a song by another musician, though the artiste was not popular but it was song I knew very well and at that joined her In singing quietly, a really emotional song, I didn't know when I started shedding tears, not because anything happened, but how life has been for me, despite it's downs I'm still somewhere

"You really like music, don't you?" Jakes voice interrupted me

"Yes, sorry..." Before I could wipe the tears he did for me "thanks, I love singing I really wanted to be a musician, but I guess my career is headed to medicine now"

"Wow, I can't relate because I have a very bad voice, but why didn't you choose music, since you love it, and you can sing"

"Umm... It's a family thing, my mom doesn't want me to, because they're lot of artiste who are not making it and she says I might be one them, so I better choose the one my path is clearer"

"Fuck!" He cursed "then why aren't you in school yet"

"I can't answer all that" I stated

"Oh, yeah... Can I take you on a date?" He asked from nowhere

"What? No!, I don't date" does he realize I have not dating rule.

"I meant a friendly dinner not a date.. date" he clarified

"Umm okay, let's see how it goes" I turned concentrating on the performance

The rest of the night went awesome, I had chance to talk to Jakes friends, something about meeting new people felt different today before I had nice interaction with them, the show ended by 10pm with the last contestants and after which the ten where chosen, luckily the first girl was among them. Mr Fernando ended the show by saying at the mark of twenty years they will hosting another audition this same year.

I got home so tired, hungry and tired again, I managed to make something for myself before retiring to my bed, I felt this relief, and happy to have gone out today. Slowly sleep came and overcame me. What a day to remember, I miss home I really really miss home

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