11- The odd one? that's me

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The next morning Felix was at his desk at work a bit early, he couldn't sleep as well thinking about Yesterday.

Chief knows best...

He was typing while Han and Changbin were watching some comedy show on his phone, Minho was with Chan in the meeting room with Chief assuming the new contracts they are discussing and signing.

At least I can still see him?

Felix was checking the divisional news and updates on his screen, then suddenly they all heard a loud slam of the door open.


"What the hell...???" Han fell of his chair scared by the loud sound, they all looked to see it was Chan...

And not happy.

"Jesus Chan, break the door why don't you-"

"Both of you out, now" Chan gave a death glare to them which All knew...

Get the fuck out.

Felix was surprised too and confused as he stood up to look over.

"What's...going on?"

"Come on Felix, let's leave...uh leader looks pissed" Han said scared again.

"No, I need to talk to Felix alone. So both of you get out NOW!!" Chan yelled at the pair with anger, they both didn't say anything else but ran out and closed the door.

The blonde was still confused but also a bit nervous from Chan looking angry, he's never seen him this furious before.

"Channie? Why do you need to talk to me? What-"

Chan walked over and slammed a piece of paper on Felix's desk, the younger now seeing it...

It's the contract termination form he had signed yesterday when in her office...

"Felix what the fuck is this?" Chan clenched his jaw staring the boy down, the younger took a deep breath putting his hands up.

"Channie calm down-"

"Don't tell me to god damn calm down!! Do you know what the fuck this is?? Why the hell would you terminate our contract??" Chan yelled in more anger and hurt, Felix came around his desk to approach him.


"You better have a good damn reason then" Chan said lowly, the boy looked down trying not to sound too sad.

Chief said it's for the best ...for Channie

"Channie...Hyolyn talked to me and-"

"And what?" He demanded.

"I think it's better if Minho...is your partner from now on...not me" he said quietly, Chan looked away as he clenched his fist.

"Felix, I don't want him as my partner. I want you and you fucking know it! What's wrong with you?? I get already along fine with Minho" Chan scoffed at him.


"Is it me?? Did I say something yesterday to make you change your mind??"

Felix was quiet as he looked to the paper and then back at the older.

"Channie...I'll still see you around, we live together-"

"I refuse"

"Huh...? Refuse what-"

"I refuse to sign that" Chan pointed To the paper, Felix sighed again knowing Chan now was being stubborn.

"Channie don't be like that-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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