10-The most special star

183 18 4

1 month before Chan's arrest

Even though Chan felt him and his team had a major setback with Changbin's actions, they made much progress and even managed to capture their target with the next weeks.

"Great Job team, it took some time but we have another criminal off the streets! Chan, as expected from you amazing performance with your partner and team"

Their chief Hyolyn had Chan and his team present in her office for a meeting, the other smiled and bowed.

"Thank you Chief! Couldn't have done it without my team...especially my partner, ya..." Chan smiled softly to Felix reaching his hand to pat his back, Felix smiled happily hearing the compliments.

"Once again great work! You may carry on with your day, I'll let you know when the next case will be assigned. However each of you I'll have a 1-on-1 talk with, as it's closer to the time of evaluation as well as contract renewals or termination with your partner. Changbin you opted from the beginning you would rather not have one, but I will still talk with you about job performance later on. Thank you that's all!" She smiled going to sit at her desk, everyone said thank you as well before leaving her office.

"Hell yes!! This means we can get like a week off! Treat me to lunch Minnie!" Han grabbed Minho's hand pulling him down the hall, the other just shook his head.

"Fine... see you clowns later I suppose" Minho waved to the other three, Changbin laughed as he went off down the opposite direction.

"And I'll be going to get some soda, see ya!" He waved leaving Felix and Chan alone, the younger looked to Chan speaking up.

"Well, you wanna get lunch with me Channie?" He asked With a small laugh too, the older smiled patting his head.

"You know I always do~"

Rest of their day carried on after lunch, they each had their talks with Hyolyn making Felix the last as he was in their workspace checking some files.

The others went home while Chan had just finished talking with her and came to get Felix.

"Lix? I'm done, your turn to talk to her" Chan said going up to Felix's desk leaning on it.

"Oh how was it? Only good things I presume?~" he teased giving Chan his attention.

"Thankfully yes, talked about a raise. Adding more 5 star reviews to my evaluation and our contract..." Chan said looking into his eyes.

"Our contract? Oh ya I forgot it really is that time...it went by so fast since we first signed it together" Felix smiled with a giggle standing up, Chan hummed reaching to hold his hand.

"It has...but I'm really happy I signed it with you...that you're my partner, I told her of course I will renew with you...Wanna stay close to my sunshine~" he winked, Felix turned red pouting again.

"I should put in that contract for you to choose a different nickname..." he stuck his tongue at him, Chan laughed pulling the boy closer to his body.

"Aww come on, it's not that bad. Is it?" Chan whined back in a teasing tone, Felix crossed his arms giving an unimpressed look.

"Being called something related to weather isn't a wow factor for me Channie" Felix gave a fake smile, Chan laughed again shaking his head.

"Fine, I'll think of something else...maybe..."

"Chan..." Felix whined as well, the older patted his head as he made his way to the door.

"Well on that note, I'm gonna head home. See ya later after your meeting ya? I'll order us in pizza" Chan waved, Felix smiled and waved back.

"Pepperoni please~"

"Of course as expected, bye Felix~"

Felix shook his head laughing at Chan's comments.

And he's our leader...doesn't act like one~

After Chan left Felix went to have his meeting with Hyolyn, giving him a good review as well.

"Thank you Chief!"

"I'm really proud of you Felix, you stepped up for this case! You're definitely one of the good ones amongst our divisions!"

"Really?? That means so much!" Felix felt on cloud 9 hearing so much compliments. Hyolyn was making a few notes on her paper then turned the page.

"Ok so lastly...your contract with Chan-"

"Oh yes Chief! We work great together! I'd like to Renew it with him" Felix felt butterflies in his stomach hearing himself say those words.

I'll be with Channie again...

He was in a small daydream then heard Hyolyn say his name a few times.


"S-sorry! Yes?"

"Actually the contract with Chan...that is something I wanted to speak to you with..." she gave a small smile, Felix tilted his head confused.

"Is something wrong Chief?"

Hyolyn took a small breath then spoke up again.

"I think it would be best...for you to end your contract with Chan..."

And those words Felix heard...
Had him too stunned to barely speak...

"Best...to what...?"

His smile dropped and expression turned into complete disbelief.

"Felix, I know you two work wonderful together...but I am a bit concerned Chan may have become too dependent on just you as his partner..."

"But...isn't that the purpose...? Of the contract?" Felix asked with sadness.

"It is...but it also means to give attention to other people on the team, by that I mean...as leader of your division he will grow stronger creating strong bonds with as many people as he can. So most likely Minho at the moment. He did mention he felt left out at times between you and Chan. Understand?"

Felix didn't know his teammates really felt out of the loop like that, probably because he gets most the attention from Chan...

He sat there trying to respond.

"Um...I...ok...if that's...what you think is best...for Chan..."

"I do, I did mention to him today but I think he may grown too attached to you as I said, he declined right away...but you not renewing the contract may give him the push he needs to branch out with the others. Ok?" She smiled going back to writing some notes, Felix just nodded and tried to smile...

But on the inside he was breaking.

"Yes Chief..."

"Great! Here is the contract document to terminate between you and Chan, I'll have him sign in the morning. Don't be too sad, you still live together and see each other right? So it's all good!" She handed Felix the paper with a pen, the boy just nodded looking at it.

He read over the words...feeling his heart ache...
Shakily he clicked the top of the pen pointing it to his signature name...but in his own thoughts.

This is the right thing I'm doing for the team...and for you too...right Channie...?

S-Class: 5 Star Love ContractDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora