5- I hate the feeling of being left behind

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4 1/2 months before Chan's arrest

And since their small miscommunication incident...Felix began to ignore Chan for days...and weeks...

Now going into week 2 of it, and it was driving the older crazy. Of course by first week the issue between the pair spread to his team...so Han Minho and Changbin were all aware...

And also sensing the awkward tension anytime in the room with the pair, anytime Chan would even try to show kindness Felix would brush him off or be cold.
Even at the shared loft it was like that, and what made it worse is that they are partners at work.

So any tasks done by pairs...they would usually do together. As in tonight, they were staking out an empty building for criminals from the gang.

So both were in an undercover car quietly looking out the window with some music playing in the background, Felix would check his phone periodically but no words were exchanged unless had to be related to work.

And that sucked for Chan.

This is rough...

Chan was sipping his energy drink to stay awake as it showed 1 am, he glanced over to Felix almost dozing off but then the boy woke himself up to check outside the window again.

The older cleared his throat and spoke up trying to ease the bleak mood as usual.

"You can sleep a bit, it's ok I'll keep watching still-"

"I'm fine" Felix muttered with a sigh, Chan also sighed giving up once again.

And still a rain cloud...ugh I miss when he's happy sunshine

Which has put a damper on Chan's mood the last weeks, he hasn't been able to give or receive any attention nonetheless affection from the younger that he's so used too.

Wondering about their closeness again...

Am I more of a friend to him...then he feels he is to me?

Chan thought sadly as he looked out the window for a bit longer, then he noticed some dark figures going into the building they were watching.


"Lix!" Chan tapped Felix's thigh as he kept his eyes on the building.

"What now?" Felix said with irritation.

"Look! We just saw 2 guys go in! They've gotta be hiding something in there, get your gun let's go"

"Really? Ok" Felix became more serious as he listened, even if still salty with Chan he always would follow orders from his leader.

The pair got out the car quietly to check around the building and follow where they saw the men go in, once they stepped in they could hear voices from the floor above.

Chan pointed for Felix to follow him as they carefully did so, once they got upstairs both peeked to see a transaction taking place between 3 men. They didn't notice Chan at first but then the floor made a sound signaling them.

"What's that-
Shit! We got caught! Grab the bag and run!
I'll take care of these two" one of the men grabbed a piece of metal on the ground going to attack Chan, the older grabbed his arm and punched him.

The other 2 men were trying to run but Felix took out his gun and shot them both in their feet making them fall in pain. One of them hit his head knocking him out instantly while the other held his foot in pain.

While Chan was dealing with his guy Felix handled the other two.

"What? You two thought you would get away? You're not very smart~" Felix replied dialing for the crime team to come to their location and jail the men.

Chan in the meantime was interrogating his criminal still beating him up.

"Now before I make you lose all your teeth, tell me what the money is for" Chan threatening grabbing his hair, Felix glanced over to Chan letting him know.

"Chan these 2 are-

"You're not very smart either~"


Within the few seconds Felix looked away, he didn't know the man below him also had a pocket knife...when his guard was down...

The man sliced a deep cut on his thigh making him yell in pain, which Chan also heard.


"Ah...!" Felix fell down as the man tried to get on top him and stab him in the neck, the younger struggled holding the wrist holding the knife inches away from him.

"You dirtbag...!"


Chan dropped the guy he was interrogating who was barely conscious to rush over to Felix, he tackled the man and slammed him against the floor punching him until knocking him out.

"Fucking criminal..." Chan said in anger pushing him to the side then rushed over to Felix, the boy was holding pressure on his thigh seeing more blood drip down. Thankfully not so much but it hurt like hell.

"Lixie??" Chan got on his knees to check the boy, Felix of course would always try to be a tough cookie but even if him and Chan aren't on best terms...His sensitive side would come out.

"C-Channie..." he whined some in pain, the older quickly tapped on his smart watch then reached for Felix's thigh.

"It's ok Lix, I dispatched the medic to come here too. You're gonna be ok, let me check to make sure he didn't cut a major artery" Chan said calmly sliding closer, Felix sighed and nodded in pain as he moved his hands. His leather gloves were covered in blood as now Chan's while the older gently checked.

"He barely missed it...that's good..." Chan took Felix's hands to place pressure back on this thigh. The boy whimpered in pain again and nodded as Chan removed his own gloves.

"O-ok..." Felix shakily said, Chan gave a small smile reaching his hands to cup his freckled cheeks.

"Chan...?" The close touch took Felix by surprise seeing the older look at him softly.

"Don't worry, I'm right here by your side...as promised in our contract...sunshine" Chan quietly said with a smile, Felix felt his heart skip a beat as his cheeks began to blush again.


"Thank you...Channie..." he shyly looked down, Chan smiled even more as he gently pulled the boy into a hug. Felix felt at ease already feeling Chan's hug, he closed his eyes recalling when they first signed and agreed...

To be partners within the team, with their own contract. Han and Minho have one, so do Chan and Felix. He remembered when they were in their chief's office both happily about to sign it.

"This contract formally binds you both, Chan and Felix into this partnership within the team. To agree and commit without any doubt, to be there for one another as long as you are part of this division.
To take care of each other no matter the circumstances, a promise you won't go back on while apart of the counterintelligence team.
This contract will not dissolve unless written to do so or either of you leaves the team and division.
You both understand?"

The chief explained to the pair standing before her, Chan and Felix looked at each other with fond wide smiles and nodded both speaking at the same time.

"I do"

And after signing that, it made their bond even stronger both felt...
And Chan showing a perfect example of it...no matter the situation, he will always be there for Felix.

S-Class: 5 Star Love ContractOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora