8- A special star rises among the hidden stars

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3 months before Chan's arrest

Days carried on as Chan and his team felt close to completing their case, they got much more intel and information over the last month.

"Awesommme!! Movie night! We watching the new mission impossible?" Han jumped on the couch with Chan following after.

It was one of the weeknights they called it a day with work finishing early, so as most roommates do they gathered to watch a new movie on Netflix.

"Yup we-
Hannie?? What the hell??"


He had a can of soda in his hand so when Han jumped on the couch...some spilled on Chan's shirt on all over one of the cushions.

"Great...clean it up before the other 2 get here...while I go change my shirt" Chan rolled his eyes, Han covered his mouth laughing a bit at Chan.

He went to do so and came back to see the 3 of them bickering.

Oh god

"You're buying a new couch dumbass!"

"I said I was sorry Felix!!"

Chan came back to see the pair yelling and Minho
Just shaking his head.

"Ok stop, what happened now?" Chan asked with some frustration, Felix gave Chan a look then pointed to the couch.

"Han put damn bleach on the couch so it's fugly now and soaked!"

"Hey Chan said to clean it!!" Han whined.

"Not with bleach you idiot-"

"STOP, both of you. Now" Chan raised his voice a bit, Felix crossed his arms rolling his eyes as Han did the same.

Minho sighed going to sit on the bean bag on the floor.

"And this will be my seat, you 3 fight over the couch" he sang pulling up Netflix to choose the movie. Chan pushed his hair back taking a deep breath looking to Minho.

"Thanks for the help" he said sarcastically as he was left to dealt with Felix and Han himself. Looking to the couch he saw 1/2 of it ruined.

"Well...we need a new couch...
no one sit in the middle-"

"I call the right seat!" Han hopped on the middle leaning back and checking his phone, Felix huffed again annoyed with the other.

"Of course..."

Chan gestured to the end seat talking to Felix.

"Lix you-"

"I'll sit on the floor then" he muttered about to do so but Chan grabbed his hand.

"Wait, you don't have to. I don't mind taking the floor"

"Channie you said your back was killing you today, it's fine you can take it"

"But you also said your hip was sore today when you fell during yesterday's arrest and chase" Chan gave a small smile, Felix shyly pouted looking down.

"I know but you're our leader, I feel bad to make you sit on the floor...and those 2 won't give up their seats anytime soon" Felix sighed looking over to see Han trying to poke his foot in Minho's face.

"Ew!! Han stop that!"

"Smell my feet Minnie! Haha!!"

Chan cringed a bit nodding.

"Ya...um...oh! I mean if you don't mind you can just sit in my lap, I'm ok with it. I promise my thighs are comfortable~" Chan offered laughing a bit, Felix's cheeks turned pink as he shyly smiled at that.

"Are you...sure...?" Felix asked, the older nodded pulling them closer to the end of the couch.

"As long as you don't do to me whatever is going on there..." Chan quietly pointed to show Han trying to poke his toes in Minho's mouth.

"Taste it Minho! Hahaha!"

"God dammit Han! If you don't stop I'll pour bleach on your head!"

"Uh...I promise..." Felix also cringed but laughed seeing them be weird, he then felt his body being pulled forward.

"Chan?" Directing his gaze to now see Chan sit down near the arm rest and gently hold Felix's hands to pull the boy between his legs.

"Come here...sunshine~" he teased the nickname very quietly on purpose, Felix hid his smile pouting as he blushed more.


He slowly turned his body around to lower his waist, before he knew it Chan's hands were on his hips to slowly pull into his lap.

"Alright, ya good now?" Chan asked patting his head, Felix nodded turning his head.

"Mmhm, thanks Channie" he smiled happily, the older smiled back staring into his eyes for a moment then heard Han and Minho get louder...


"Hey! Circus clowns! Start the movie!" He yelled, the two stopped fighting as they listened.

"Yes leader" Minho sighed as he turned out the lights and hit the button to play the movie. Felix was excited to see it as well as the others, focused on the intro already but then he felt Chan's arms slip around his waist.

"Hm?" Felix looked down then felt the older hug him closer against his chest.

"You can relax Lixie it's ok, you barely weigh much" Chan joked as the boy was sitting up straight, Felix didn't realize he was so stiff but now relaxed as Chan told him.

"Thanks!" He melted into the older's hold resting his head against Chan's shoulder.

The older smiled even more feeling his heart warm holding the boy so close to him.

Cute sunshine

He softly pressed his cheek against the boy's fluffy hair as he started to watch the movie too, Felix didn't notice he himself hugged onto Chan's arms that were around his waist.

Channie is warm like a blanket

The older's body gave him so much comfort as always just like the softness of his bed.

They all continued to watch the movie, of course Han being loud with the action scenes. Minho passed out, and Felix felt close too it.

Chan noticed Felix's head droop to the side a bit.




"H-huh...?" Felix opened his eyes as he dozed off shortly, he blinked a few times and turned his attention to the older.


"If you're tired you don't have to stay up" Chan teased a bit stroking his hands on Felix's small waist, the young blonde held back a yawn but shook his head.

"N-no I'm awake!" Felix tried to perk up with a smile to him, Chan quietly laughed but nodded.

"Alright sunshine~"

Felix pouted trying to hide his shy smile.

"Of all the names Channie...? Really?" He whined quietly, the older's gaze flickered to Felix's pink lips that were pouting at him. He stared at them for a moment then looked to Felix's eyes.

"Well it's better than sunset isn't it?~" he joked, Felix shook his head but laughed.

"You're a strange leader Bang Chan~" he teased back then directed his gaze to the movie again...but not noticing Chan having that fond gaze on him still. The older couldn't help but keep his attention only on Felix yet again.

I'd rather be strange then... if it keeps me close to you like this...sunshine...

S-Class: 5 Star Love ContractWhere stories live. Discover now