21. Christmas

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"You're telling me Namjoon is Nathan and you've been hiding the prince everyone is searching for?!" Oliver asked in shock after I had explained everything to him.

"Uhm... yes," I said while fidgeted with my fingers.

"Damn," Oliver uttered in disbelief, and looked at the wall. "Wow, just wow." There was a moment of awkward silence as Oliver took this moment in. I just sat there, nervously looking at him. "And your parents? What was their reaction when you let Namjoon go home?"

"They agreed actually. Shocking, but true. They made him promise to never get kids. That's it." I shrugged. "They wanted him to either stay childless or marry-"

Ring ring ring!

I was cut off by Oliver's phone ringing. He sighed and apologized before answering the phone. Soon, he ended the call and looked at me. "Sorry, Y/N, I have to go home. My mom needs help with preparing for our Christmas celebrations tomorrow," he said.

I frowned. "Tomorrow? Today is the 23rd."

He nodded. "I know. Colombians celebrate on 24th, not on the 25th like in Korea. Wanna come to our celebration tomorrow? I invited some friends. It's not just family. We always invite friends, but it's always my parents' friends. This year I could bring mine. Wanna come?" Oliver offered with a smile. I hesitated, but then smiled and agreed. "Cool! See you tomorrow!" Oliver kissed my cheek, waved and then left. It was normal to kiss my cheek. Me and Oliver were pretty close.

I sat alone in the living-room after Oliver left, putting on some music and humming to it. After some time I got a message from Namjoon. My face lit up and I reached to check the message.

Good evening, Y/N.
I would like to invite you to the royal Christmas celebration on the 25th of December. You are very welcomed. The celebration takes place in the palace.
My mother would like to see you.
Please come 🙏🏼 Thank you. Have a good day 🤍

My breath stopped for a moment when I saw the heart, but I quickly brushed it off.

I was now invited to two Christmas celebrations, Oliver's and Namjoon's. Oliver's Christmas celebration or party seemed fun. It's something new for me, because of the culture, and he will bring friends. As for Namjoon, it's also something new as it is in a goddamn castle with the king and queen. However, I couldn't help but think about how different I would be around them. I would be weird. They're all family, dressed up well, rich and royal. While I am a casual woman, speaks street language, dresses casually, is a goddamn mafia and don't even basic royal rules. To add on top of that, I'm probably celebrating Christmas with my own family on the 25th.

I sighed disappointedly, and decided to address my worries to Namjoon.

Hey Joon
Well, I really want to come to your Christmas celebration but I celebrate Christmas too with my family you know?
Plus, it'd be so weird to be there when I'm not your family
It's weird
I'll be so out of place
Sorry Namjoon

To my surprise, Namjoon was online. He saw my message right after I had sent it and immediately replied.

Apology not accepted.
You are coming.
I do not take excuses.
Alright, no, jokes aside.
In the morning and early afternoon we will have our own family celebration.
During the evening and night I am arranging a party, so it will not hinder anyone's Christmas celebration with their families.
If you so badly wish to, you are free to bring your parents along.
However, I wish if you came without any seniors.

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