Chapter 81

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Mariam's pov
I wake up not finding the kids as I went to the bathroom as I take a shower as I smelled him hey I wrapped my arms around his neck hey do you know where are they long story short focus on me for now I am every day as I feel him sucking my neck as well he is squeezing my butt you are my everything so you are I am already careless his cheeks he kissed my palms I wrapped my arms around his neck as we share small kisses as he bring us to our bedroom as we continued sharing small kisses as our tongues goes in and out of each other's mouths as he moans as he sucks my tongue as I moan he ripped his lips as I saw Darcy where he continued his job as he closed and locked the door as he eats me out as he finished me as he turned me on my stomach as he ordered to get on four I did as told as he held me as we kiss hungrily as he pulled smiling I could love any other woman I fanged “hey relax baby relax" he said as he holds me from my throat as his lips closer to mine as we kiss slowly as he took my nipples between his fingers then he started massaging as I throw my head back as he gives me small kisses on my neck I purred as he kissed as I pulled his hair as he already wrapped his arms around my waist as we kiss slowly as I got my tongue out he hummed as I am against the wall as he sucks my tongue as I putted my hands on his shoulders as I run my fingers through his curls now as he already grabs my butt as I careless his cheeks as he holds my hands above my head as he pressed our bodies together as he slipped his tongue in as he felt him behind my legs as he already wrapped his arm around my waist as he sucks my tongue as he took me on bed as I am already on my hands and knees as he fucks me from behind as he is slow as he makes me feel so good as he pulled me up as he holds my throat as we kiss as he let go as he pulled me from my hair as we kiss hungrily as he holds I moaned as he explored my mouth as he moved as he let me go on my hands and knees as he continue moving as he already grab me from my hair as our tongues plays as he pulled as he moaned loudly as I bended out of the bed as he still fucking me as our moans filled the bedroom as we went back to the bathroom as he lifted me as he finished us as he putted me down as he pulled out as he stood under the shower nuzzled he pulled me with him as he pushed my hair back I was rough this time I shook my head as I smiled as I putted my hands on his chest I love it when you do this to me you do I hummed nodding as he kissed as he already holding my face up by chin babe I hummed are you okay I nodded then I took his hands as I moaned as I love him “oh yeah Harry I love you so much shit oh my yeah yeah baby boy yeah fuck" I moaned loudly as his hands moves between my legs as he rubs me as he kissed my cheek I wrapped my arms around his neck he already wrapped his arms around my waist as we share small kisses he said let us clean up before the kids comes as he cleaned us as he changed our bed's sheets do you want me babe “yeah yeah I can't miss a day without your love" I answered neither do I baby as he already holding my face up by chin as I walk backwards and he walk forward as he grabbed me by waist as I can feel his mouth as he smiles then he kissed babe I love you so do I more than you think he moaned as we kiss as I teased by my tongue as he catched as he already suck as I moaned as he fisted my hair he already careless my cheeks kissing as he sucks my bottom lip as I moaned as he kissed as I already wrapped my arms around his neck he already wrapped his arms around me as I keep kissing his cheek as he dropped us on our bed as I wrapped my legs around his waist as he flipped us as he kisses my neck I moaned his name as he moved his hands on my butt as I grind as he moaned as I tease by my tongue as he flipped us as I am now laying as he already holds my hands above my head as he kisses as he interwined our fingers as I flipped us as he hummed as I slipped my tongue in his mouth as his own tongue making connection with mine as he pushes his hips against mine not the time Mr Styles he groaned as he pulled as I got off him as I went to the kitchen as the kids came I turned as I surprised by Daniel as he is smiling as he is hiding something behind him as well Darcy and Tyler even Hannah which caused me confusion as I see four roses for being the best mother" Daniel said I thanked as I remembered that is one of Niall's favourite flowers and the daisies also as I noticed Daniel and Darcy & Tyler Hannah has daisies also on their hair I gasped “did you meet your father Dani ?" I asked he looked down as I smell Niall's scent I ordered Darcy and Tyler to leave mum I..." I cut him off “shhh you didn't made a mistake I know that he isn't my enemy anymore I should have done this before it is too late your father could've been dead by now your biological grandparents doesn't want you neither your step sisters and brother or even your father and your step father as I won't have anyone of you   Dani your father was a human even your step father I fell in love with both you are my first ever kid who I raised on my own I did that on purpose as I waited until you grow old enough to know which one of them is your biological father I did all that on purpose because I felt lonely and sad & hurt and brokenhearted I lived a terrifying childhood Daniel all my life before your father and your step father both of them saved me from all of these things I saved them back I protect you and your step siblings all of you are my everything I killed all my enemies to keep you all on safety and security of me I did the impossible just to keep you I always think that is my death is coming but I wanted to live for you and your step siblings when you were young as ya wanted me to be with your father but I chose your step father as I am married and have kids between us I don't know why I did that happen between me and your step father even your father I just love you and your step siblings I love Harry so much I am not letting you neither your father go ever I will try it is a huge mistake but no it never will be I love you Dani I love you so much I love y'all" I said as I kissed his forehead as I can see him crying I shook my head don't cry baby don't kill me but be happy as he shouted no I took his head as I saw Harry and Niall as he is teary eyed I ran into his arms our son has grown Mariam I laughed then I opened my arm for him as he got in it as I kissed the side of his head mum I want to know why you did that happen Darcy let her Harry “because I have the right to have a better life and I can't live my whole life without a man you already heard didn't you I..." Harry cut me off “Darcy your mother survived to give us this life she..." she cut him off “dad I didn't mean to say that she can not love you and..." Daniel cut her off “Darcy at the end we have the same mother without her we won't be here" he said stop arguing about what happened and what happened I did what suppose to happen I killed all the people who doesn't want me to have this life I survived and suffered to have a life like I wanted not like what they wanted what do you want me to do Darcy let you all mum I am just wondering how you survived for us I just can't believe I sighed then I walked towards her, I just wanted you all to live I don't matter no mum stop saying that as they all agreed as I felt someone pulled my shirt I kneeled down to her height as I got on my knees “Hannah I am not leaving you" I said she wrapped her arms around my neck I picked her up as they joined us Harry Niall can we, we walked towards the dinning room as we got seated I closed my eyes as I sighed “I just wanted you and our kids safe I..." Harry cut me off “stop we live together we die together babe no danger or fear or anything of this stop I will kill myself if you die even though the kids can..." Niall cut him off “I will too without you we live broke Mariam don't think that way you are the mother of..." I cut him off “I just felt it when you and Daniel especially him our son Niall he was in danger they were damaged by me I damaged my own kids I broke Daniel appearing in my life again Daniel Darcy Tyler Hannah you & Harry won't be here I wanted to kill myself for all of you, you both know how my life was before you two I..." I stopped as I breath come on babe come on as Harry held me as I got seated on the bed “I love you" he said I love you more he closed and locked the door as he got seated next to me as he rubs my cheek “I can't handle myself together it hurts" I said as I already stood up you want me aren't ya yeah I do, I am here as he gives me open mouthed kisses come on bed I love it here first okay anything for you when we love each other I feel so good, I should love you often, you do already “I need Niall's love too but I am your wife" I said he fanged as he crashed his lips against mine I moaned as he already interwined our fingers as I am already against the wall how could you want another man's love when you married to another man kiss me I am all yours he crashed his lips against mine as he pulled me yes that is much better he moaned in response I thought that you are ending us no I am not, I have your scent all of you inside of me baby boy I purred he kissed my forehead as I walked towards the bed baby boy he purred as I purred we walked out of the bedroom as Harry fanged at Niall Harry what is going on mum as Niall fanged back as I already careless Harry's cheeks as Niall took me “give me my wife back" Harry said let me go Niall but just do it mum what do it Niall as he did you killed my wife Daniel stopped them Tyler help your brother as Darcy walked me upstairs to mine and Harry's bedroom mummy Darcy take your sister to safe place but mum just go stay in a safe place I could find you sweetie don't worry we can connect but leaving you both as Hannah is calling they are calm now mum I reached for Daniel you two should be protect your sisters I will connect follow Darcy's scent but mum just go I will be bring us back as I heard Niall and Harry at the same time Niall go follow Daniel's scent why me because you should stay away from me as you bring home to yourself I am married to Harry okay I will follow Daniel's scent before you go don't hurt Darcy and Tyler & Hannah but they are my step kids just don't they are only Harry's and I as he struggled his shoulders as he walked out of the bedroom as I crashed my lips against Harry's he moaned I got on my knees I thought that you are killed by him I wasn't, I just wanted you back inside of me oh I hummed nodded “I am not letting you go wifey" he said smiling I can see that as I smiled back as he kissed my cheek as he already started kissing my neck as he sucks I moaned as I pulled his face up finally I got what I want what you want yeah baby boy you are what I want as he smirked I don't want another man to take me no another man could touch you, you belong to me yeah I am as he kisses oh god Harry stop loving me never as I let him chase, I can't you are too beautiful to me your love can not be described as he kissed I hummed you are the most beautiful woman what else you drive me crazy what else you make me love ya more than I should no our love has no ending until we die yeah I will never stop loving you, you know who you are belong I hummed nodding yeah you good girl I laughed he kissed don't you dare to need Niall wow jealously I love it he kissed as he already wrapped his arm around my waist as he slipped his tongue in my mouth as he held the back of my head as he sucks my tongue as I sneaked my hands under his shirt as he gasped as he pulled what you naughty girl as he smirked as he pulled me closer as I heard an echo of mum calling “mum dad Tyler he..." I ran as I found them at the beach I can see Daniel holding his brother Niall where the fuck are you as he appeared didn't I told you don't hurt Harry and mine kids I didn't it is a werewolf I fanged Liam his enemy when he was young Liam appear right now take the boys back home don't stay with Harry okay I will come and help you with that werewolf don't bring Harry I want him why not me I said take the boys and bring Harry okay okay calm down Daniel come on let's go get your brother as Harry appeared remember Liam the werewolf yeah I remember he attacked our son what “welcome Mr and Mrs Styles you thought that you killed me and my friends aren't ya ? oh..." I cut him off “what do you exactly want from our son Liam ?" I asked he started walking around us as other werewolves appear “all I want from your son is to stop follow..." I cut him off “we're vampires and y'all are werewolves our son isn't following you Liam leave him alone" I said he laughed then he raised his hands up on defense I rolled my eyes “don't you forget that I once gave you my scent and how jealous Mr Styles has gotten so you..." Harry cut him off “she can not have your scent as she has mine as well she is my wife why do you want her she..." I cut him off “have you lost your mind I am a vampire & my husband is right I belong to him not you, Liam leave us alone order your army to let my husband go" I said as he did as he said that we will see each other again and I will be Mrs Payne I rolled my eyes as we went back home as I hear Tyler's painful screams as I went to his bedroom mum shush take my blood mum I said take it as he did any injuries on your body my leg as I called Darcy thank you mum shut up you are my son it is my job to do this I surviving for and your sisters as Darcy came with the emergency box where is the injury on thigh Darcy close the door and go as I helped him even my ankle mum it hurts so bad I know honey I clean them and cover them you will be fine in few days I am sorry for..." he cut me off no mum no if I knew that gonna happen I should have told you" he said I careless his cheeks it is fine I teach you how to fight for yourself remember you did but I failed this time mum honey you are still strong and brave enough for protecting yourself and your sisters but I felt like a failure when I saw my brother who attacked I laughed both of you are strong and brave I can't believe that you felt embarrassed and failure when you saw your oldest brother stronger and braver than you, you still learning Tyler I will always be proud of you and your siblings really yeah honey I will always be there for your highs and lows nobody can understand them more than your father and I, I am sorry mum for failing it is fine I will kill myself if you died even if your brother and sisters I will always make you feel proud I kissed his forehead I helped him to rest I kissed his forehead for the second time I took the emergency box as I walked towards the door as I opened babe Is he okay yeah Harry  our son is fine just lost blood as he got two injuries and that is it he let out a sigh of relief as I climbed downstairs “mum Is my brother okay ? I didn't let..." I cut him off “your brother lost blood as well he has two injuries" I said mum please forgive me I protected my sisters I never thought about anything except them I putted the box in its really you cared about your sisters more than your brother I feel ashamed right now Daniel I know that you protected your brother also mum can I know who are those werewolves who attacked my brother “none of your business Daniel focus on yourself" I answered why not should I know about them they aren't important they are old enemies to me but still mum even if they are Daniel get yourself out of this no mum I should know about them I can't let them do this to Tyler Dani just leave it I will fix this just stay protect yourself and your step siblings okay mum I was about to close the door as Harry stopped me I am not done with you yet as he closes and locks the door we never done that is why I can't get enough of you as we walk towards each other “I love you more than you think" he said I know as well I am married to you for it come on baby girl let us have a great shower as he pulled my silky pajamas off as he let me pulled his shirt and short off as we got in the bathtub as he turned the water on as I already wrapped my arms around his neck as we kiss as our tongues goes in circluar way as he hummed you are my favourite flavour I moaned in response only me yeah only you, you don't trust me I trust you as long as you never thought about another woman shut up you are the only woman in my mind he kissed hungrily you are mine only mine I am your wife, you are my wife but there are people who want ya, as he kiss and licks my neck as I moaned as he turned me as his back against my front as he squeezed my butt as he went to my breasts come on let's go to our bedroom not this time why not the kids are home oh yeah but I want us on our bedroom I sighed as we did as I am already on the top of him as he squeezed my butt as I lick his body as I stood as I went to continue showering what was that for what do you mean leave me alone on the bed I laughed we should hold ourselves together he sighed but we are married and have kids as well we should be loving you said it yourself that our love has no ending until we die I know that I said that but I don't know I should need to know what that werewolf wants from me he wants to take you from me and I am not letting this happen Harry I can't give myself to an werewolf he lost his mind, I washed my body as I got out of the shower to the bedroom if you can't give yourself to that werewolf why he keeps threating us by our son I don't know Harry he could be someone from my family what we will go through this again we will not that is bullshit Tyler in this if he died absolutely we won't ever forgive ourselves no no you can not be serious about this I don't know Harry you protect them and I will see what this werewolf wants from me what no I am not letting you go to him you are the one who lost the mind I know that I did but why he threatens with killing Tyler there is a main reason for death to him calm down baby I will fix this but he wants me I told you I am not letting you go to him he wants to put his scent on you to not let me found you what the fuck you are serious about this I am babe but this time he can't put his scent on you don't ya have mine I do, I don't think that I can have a werewolf's scent I am a vampire as you are my husband as well a vampire we could kill anyone have a scent of werewolf is impossible I have yours since I chosen you he is making you jealous that is all, I wrapped my arms around his neck what is happening is impossible as I belong to you still, he rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip I will kill him you alone is impossible to fight he had an army but he wants to takes you from me babe I told you our scent is on each other I am your wife and the mother of your kids I am born a vampire but that makes me scared that I couldn't have you if ya gotten his scent there is a way of letting him not take me we Harry we if we why did you say that I can't be with you in this mission because I want you to protect the kids here I know that Daniel isn't your biological son I could gave him back to Niall to protect him I just want him with Darcy and Tyler & Hannah he growled as he fanged “Harry calm down I know that you want not to let Liam take me" I said as I wrapped my arms around him as he calmed as I still see anger and frustration I careless his cheeks as now there is sadness and hurt I pressed my forehead against his Niall is here I can smell his scent yeah I am here Is there is a problem for..." I cut him off no no it is good very good that you are here look there werewolf that you saw I know that you protected Tyler Hannah even Darcy and Daniel he is a threaten for us now he wants to take me so the person who protect them is..." he cut me off Mariam you..." I cut him off Niall you are the only person who could protect them ya can not be selfish and protect our son only I..." he cut me off you know what I am taking him I am done with the danger you..." Harry cut him off “you protect them or I will kill you" he said angrily as he is holding him from his neck against the wall I gave him a begging eyes fine but you should remember that ya told me don't come near Darcy and Tyler & Hannah Niall you are protecting them I will be taken from my husband and them what now you notice she told you from earlier if she was your wife don't ya will feel the same Niall just ran his fingers through his hair don't impress her she is now my wife “I am not impressed with him anymore" I said Harry already wrapped his arm around my shoulder you two are just whatever I will get them to inform them this don't eat her face haha very funny she is my wife don't forget that she fell in love with me at the same time whatever at the end she married me stop fighting as I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck I looked at Niall “she still can control you" he said smirking I do all the time he is my husband any woman can control her husband as he loves it when I do so wow I am leaving before I vomit as he left us alone as I turned to Harry as I kissed as I closed and locked the door as I pulled him towards the bed wow baby girl he lost interest in you of course I am now yours wife, you took me no other man can take hey I also made Liam lose interest in me what so no worries about you get taken by him yeah just a second hey Niall no worries I made that werewolf lose interest in me good I am having a great time with the kids “so what should we do now ?" I asked as I made him lay as our tongues are playing he hummed as he squeeze my butt as I kissed as I grind against him as I hum moan he whined as I pulled don't get tired of all those kisses we had every day no I don't as he pulled me from my arm as he pinned me on the bed as he kiss hungrily my neck I growled loudly as he stopped as he apologized don't be sorry I know that Liam when he threaten by taking me makes you feel any better as I started kissing his neck as I lick as he throw his head as I continue licking as I pulled his boxers as I show his v-lines then I lay next to him as he hover over me we kept saying no and yes as he crashed his lips against mine I careless his cheek then I let go of his cheek as I stood up as I touch myself as he already looks at me like I am his favourite food as he licks and he rubs his hands together as he growled as I got grabbed as he growled loudly as he hold my hands above my head now on the bed as I spread my legs how dare you to tease me how when he shouted he scared me a bit as I switched our places on the bed sorry daddy he moaned when I kissed as he already holding the back of my neck fuck I love you as he now careless my cheeks as he is already topping daddy yes baby girl you scared me oh baby girl I am sorry let us talk and love as we got seated against the headboard daddy baby girl as he kissed my cheek and here I pointed at my other cheek now I pointed at my chest and here I pointed at my stomach and here as I gave him my butt as he smacked daddy that hurts I hummed that much better as he rubs and squeeze gently I hummed daddy yes baby girl as he is now rubs and massage my breasts oh my god daddy “you sounded so sexy babe" he complained smiling I moaned as I got out of the bed as he keeps kissing I moaned when he kissed my lips I wrapped my arms around his neck you are only mine I grabbed his face as I kissed, I am idiot he growled loudly as he lifted me as I can feel his hands on my butt as I moaned as he took my pajamas as he gasped I smiled as I am wearing a lace bra and panites as he kissed are you trying to impress me more than I am as he kissed you married me for what “love and care for me" he answered as I kissed what else loyalty many things baby many things as he is rubbing my butt already as he kissed you are my man I am as he still rubbing my butt as we share small kisses as he unclasped my bra as he squeezed my breasts as he pulled my panites off as I got seated on his face as he sucks as I moaned loudly as I layed as he continue eating me out as he kisses you taste delicious and healthy like usual baby girl I growled loudly as he licks as he pushed my hips as I give him my back as he licks I hummed he pulled my hair as he sucks my neck as we kiss randomly Mariam don't love another than me as I ran my fingers through his curls I pulled him from his neck you are an idiot I am your wife how could I cheat on you as I grabbed him from his face as I feel his hands on my butt now I know that you are my everything I hummed as I got back in my clothes as I went to check on the kids as I saw Niall is playing with Hannah even though she is his biological daughter but they are so cute Harry was going to ruin “babe he..." I cut him off “she is your biological daughter but we can not ruin something like that" I said whispering he crossed his arms as I can see jealously I elbowed him hardly as he owed loudly which caused them to look at us as Hannah ran towards him I walked towards Niall the connection between us and our kids shouldn't break Harry who wants to break Mariam I know he is just jealous like before as you should know he is my husband now as you just have one child from me but that doesn't mean he ruins my connection between me and his two daughters and son I know how to control him he laughed Harry is an amazing man Mariam as well a good father don't tell me I could see it focus on our son Mr Horan if you lost him I will blame you why those enemies Mrs Styles because he is the only child you have from me, I walked back to Harry and Darcy & Tyler and Hannah dad you still in love with mum she is in love with another man son as she also married to him we are just fine like us I looked at them as I pointed at my two ears did we talked loudly I bet that dad I would hear that too don't talk too loud it is too late dad mum is very good listener they laughed both of you are idiots but she still hot and sexy didn't see dad shut up I am married to another man and you know him so well as Niall raised his hands on defense as I pointed at my eyes I told you dad she is dangerous really I am dangerous I still watch relax ma'am shut up I still watch, I told you don't talk too loud son aha hear that mum come on dad is saying shut up absolutely you teach your brother that ow I did mum whatever I am now surrounded by four man and Is that bad babe I gasped when I heard Harry but I am belong to one man I am warning you bro she is dangerous Harry laughed too much I know hey you are with them yeah mum shut up as I heard them laughing mummy yes sweetie what are those men saying about you as she smirked none of your business she laughed don't deny that they are flirting because you are beautiful Darcy stop your father who suppose to flirt only sure mum what do you mean by that nothing mum as she left me speechless as I went back home to the bedroom as I wear a silky dress as I got seated on the bed come to me my lover boys as they did I stood up as I closed and locked “I love it when you two aren't fighting over me even though Harry is my husband" I said Niall rolled his eyes I walked towards him as I crossed my arms if you rolled your eyes one more time ya will see worse than that worse than that of how sexy you..." I cut him off “Horan don't pass the line I did gave myself to you as we had a son that doesn't mean you have the right to flirt with me even though I have missed you" I said as I already wrapped my arms around his neck I have missed you more, I pulled as my back against Harry's front come on babes as I walked towards the bed as I felt their lips on my neck I breathed in as I feel their tongues as Niall already eats me out as I already rested my head on Harry's lap as we kiss as our tongues going in and out of each other's mouths as I feel Niall's tongue as he kisses you two did a very great job only me Harry and your jealously you said it yourself he is jealous I should be, I crashed my lips against his stop angering my husband he anger me also baby girl hey don't call her that as I kissed “look he is being sassy to me and I..." I cut him off “my Niall he is just jealous over me" I said while I ran my fingers through his hair he purred as I do the same to Harry those are my boys as they purred as I kissed their cheeks as Niall decided to leave to find a home nearby “my baby boy is being sassy to others" I said he pouted cutely I kissed it away you know how much I hate to share I am not doing it again now love me and I love you not happening Mariam he got out of the bed as I closed and locked the door you always say that as ya end up being my Romeo and I am your Juliet you made me lost my love and feelings for ya as I saw him ouch my heart what no I love you and all your little things even your stupid ideas I walked towards the mirror as he wrapped his arms around my waist as he kisses that is my husband you won't give yourself to Niall anymore yeah baby I am all yours he growled then he kissed as our tongues going in and out of each other's mouths you are only mine relax baby relax I can't relax as long as you are sharing yourself to other men like I am nothing to you I am your husband woman you should never share yourself to other men as he slapped across the cheek which caused me shock in long since we started everything I deserve it please forgive me I promise that I obey you in everything but just forgive me stand up as I did as told as he rubs his thumbs over my cheeks I am sorry I deserve it please forgive me please as he pulled me closer I wrapped my arms around him you don't deserve it Mariam you deserve all the love by me “but I..." he cut me off “no Mariam no I must not use violence on you neither the kids" he said I careless his cheeks I forgive you I told you that I deserve it you don't “Niall is..." I cut him off “please don't I smell the kids scents they could heard keep it between the three of us what I did" I said if you cared about your loyalty to me why did you gave him yourself sorry Harry I can not let my powers stay inside of me you and him should have it as a source of protection oh yeah I am a woman and I sometimes feel that I am not a source of protection to our kids but you are my everything I can feel everything whenever we are close I know Harry I know as I feel the same promise that Harry I can't promise anything about this why not I don't know I just can't but I am in your heart forever and ever that is all I want to hear and know as he kissed my forehead as he careless my cheeks as he kissed I am not gonna lose you right yeah right we have a little princess between us yeah Hannah as he smiles as I heard Darcy calling I walked towards the door as I unlocked as Hannah ran towards him mummy you still have the thought of death no sweetie no she smiled I smiled mum Daniel is staying with Tyler good I want that but I know sweetie he will have a home nearby should call him uncle daddy I laughed call him whatever you want but just you and your siblings stay together Daniel and Tyler will have the source of protection after your fathers sure mummy Daniel is my oldest brother and Tyler is my youngest brother Hannah is my youngest sister I love them no matter what happens I hugged her you know you give me relaxation to know that you and your brothers & sister stay together really mummy yes sweetie always love you oh mummy I love you more mummy daddy Harry and I kneeled down in her height when I grow up I will be strong and brave like my older brothers and sister surely you will be Hannah go play as Darcy hugged Harry as she took her sister as he closed and locked the door and you will be killed by my love I laughed Harry stop I can't as he kissed my cheek I am already laying on the bed I am in love close your eyes as he did as I move my fingertips over his face should I open now as I pulled him in a kiss he hummed as I can feel his hotness of his body against mine I flipped us as I can feel his hands on my butt I hummed as I pulled “I am hungry but don't take long" I said as I rolled off him ten minutes and the food will be in your mouth hurry up as he really took ten minutes as he is now feeding me when you cook I love it and I love you so much wifey I love you so much more anyway doesn't mean that I don't love it when you cook I got on my knees but you distribute me he laughed I can't handle you as I lay he started kissing my neck as I feel so lucky and loved as he took my silky dress as he gives me open mouthed kisses as well I feel his tongue as he took a long lick on my pussy as he moaned as he eats me out now as he took my legs on his shoulders as he holds my hips as I cum as he swallowed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand I have the most delicious food, I pulled his shirt above his head can I have mine or I wait, I am not done with you yet as I layed on my stomach as he also fully naked as I got on my knees as he holds my chin as his thumb in my mouth “come on baby girl it is your lollipop" he said as I held his wrist as I suck as he pulled me from my hips as he made me fall on my back as he rubs me by his thumb “Harry don't tease" I said annoyingly as he is now kissing I moaned loudly as he lined himself inside of me as I dragged my nails on his back as he moves then he kissed I moaned as I move with him as he tight his hold as his hands and fingers will print but I careless as I careless his cheeks as he let go of my hips as he deepen the kiss as he pulled as he pressed his forehead against mine I moaned his name as he moaned in response I already wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me as he flipped us as I ride him as I slipped my tongue in his mouth as his tongue fights with mine daddy yes baby girl I love you I love you more as our tongues goes in circluar way as our hips smack now my eyes on the back of my head as I never felt that good in million of years as we came together as he pulled out oh my fucking god Harry I know baby that was so amazing as he pulled the sheets as he already wrapped his arms around my waist as he kisses and licks my neck as I turned my head as we kiss as our tongues goes in and out of each other's mouths as I turned with my whole body as I wrapped my arms around his waist let me eat you another time as he nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck

A vampire girl fell in love with two boysWhere stories live. Discover now