Chapter 35

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*seven months later*
Mariam waited all these months doesn't want to the gender but she knows it is a girl Harry and Daniel are so excited for her to come to became a dad and big brother in other hand Niall isn't feeling the same at all since her stomach got bigger so he thought about disappearing but can't do it his son will be so sad sometimes wishing didn't know done the DNA test Niall was so excited and happy on the day Daniel got born and mariam giving him his last name they are in doctor williams clinic he is moving the wander on her stomach to if it is really a girl Harry's smile hasn't left his lips focused on the small monitor doctor williams took Daniel on his lap to see the baby “mummy my baby sister will be so beautiful just like you" the little boy said mariam looked at her son we still doesn't know if mummy have a girl or a boy handsome just like you" the doctor said the little boy looked up at him pouting “but mummy said..." she cut her son off Daniel" mariam warned he crossed his tiny arms still pouting jumped off the doctor's lap walked towards Niall “it is true you're having a girl" doctor williams said smiling mariam looked up at Harry “we're having a girl" he said smiling happily kissing her forehead then pecked her lips she kissed him back “sorry doctor he has been so excited and happy since I got pregnant" she said the doctor is confused but he ignored “it is okay any man gets so excited and happy when his never mind anyway congratulations on your baby girl see you soon mariam" he said smiling standing up so she can get up off the bed Harry helped her mariam putted her hand on her back and holding his hand “bye doctor williams" Daniel said waving at the doctor smiling “bye Daniel" the doctor said waving she walked out of the door then Harry holding his hand again she looked at him smiling “I feel like a penguin" mariam said still smiling which caused them to laugh and she pouted “mummy is a penguin but a beautiful" Daniel said they walked towards the car Harry walked her to the passenger seat Niall and his son getting in the car sitting on the back seat “I bet you told him to tell me that" mariam said looking through the review mirror smirking looking at the dark brown haired lad “I always hear daddy and uncle Harry calling you that" Daniel said Niall also giving the silent treatment the curly haired lad started the car mariam looked at him he struggled his shoulder she let out a sigh resting her head on the seat the dark brown haired lad looking out of the window mariam putted her hand on her stomach rubbing it feeling her daughter's kick “she kicked" she whispered to Harry smiling “really ?" he whispered back smiling she nodded the curly haired lad rubbing his hand that not holding the wheel driving “she kicked again" he said smiling mariam took his hand on hers intertwined their fingers Harry took it towards his lips kissed it Niall let out a sigh she looked at him found her son his head on his daddy's lap stroking his hair her hand got squeezed by the curly haired lad which caused her to look at him he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles pulling it towards his lips kissed it “can you focus on the road instead of loving her don't want us to die me and my son" Niall said annoyingly Harry focused on the road mariam let go of his hand looking out of the window silence filled the car they reached the house stopped the curly haired lad got out of the car first went to help the pregnant vampire girl out “you shouldn't have waited all these months to know the baby's gender" Harry said cutely mariam laughed get out of the car he is holding her hand she walked towards the house on her own Niall ran towards her holding her hand “thanks" she said smiling they walked towards the house entering he sat her on the couch sitting “god this little girl is taking all over my energy" she said breathing heavily rubbing her stomach the little girl kicked which caused her mummy to smile “Niall would you mind get me water ?" mariam asked he nodded smiling walked towards the couch getting her water then came back “thanks" she said taking the glass of water from his hand drinking he took the glass from her hand putted it on the table “my back hurts" she said looking at Niall who is admiring her which caused her confusion “Niall" she said loudly he shook his head helping her to lay on her back “you weren't like that when I was pregnant with Daniel" mariam said looking at him he laughed getting on his knees smiling Harry came which caused the dark brown haired lad to get up walked towards the stairs climbing up walked towards his son's bedroom “I would see him talking now he has been giving the silent treatment since your stomach got bigger" the curly haired lad said smirking which caused her to roll eyes “Harry don't have a word to say because I don't understand Niall anymore he might be jealous or something never mind going to take a nap since your daughter sometimes kicks while her mummy is sleeping" mariam said smiling he kissed her forehead then walked towards the stairs climbing up walked towards their bedroom entering closing the door laying on the bed looking at the ceiling smiling not believing he is going to be a father soon hearing her screaming they came running seeing her sweat on her forehead and her eyes are closed looking at each other “mariam" Niall shaking her awake mariam opened her eyes started sobbing “I have a nightmare that my parents killed you all even Darcy" she said the dark brown haired lad stood up said he will get her water the curly haired lad helping her comforting “they are dead baby" he said her head already resting on his shoulder his arm already wrapped around her shoulder “there you go" Niall said with a glass of water she raised her head they helped her to drink the dark brown haired lad wiped the sweat on her forehead “are you okay now baby ?" Harry asked she nodded smiling rubbing her stomach feel her daughter's kick he is already holding her hand “Harry can I have a talk with you alone ?" Niall asked getting a simple sure from him they stood up walking towards the backyard standing in front of each other “the nightmare might do something with your daughter mariam might die while giving birth there are two months left" the dark brown haired lad said the curly haired lad shook his head not believing what is said “Niall you are scaring me" Harry said walked away thinking about it giving him his back turned back to Niall “this is impossible" he said shaking his head walking inside towards his sleeping girlfriend shaking her awake mariam hummed opening her eyes sleepily “come on baby sleep on the bed better it is more comfortable" he said helping her up they walked towards the stairs climbing up walked towards the bedroom helping her to laying sitting next to her looking down at her pulled her hand kissing the back of it Harry and Niall can't imagine how hard it will be if mariam dead after giving birth Darcy not seeing her mother not knowing how she looks Daniel not believing his mother is gone forever

A vampire girl fell in love with two boysWhere stories live. Discover now