Chapter 33

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They got downstairs after the rough sex that happened in the shower and Niall smirking at Harry in the kitchen making lunch actually the curly haired lad smiling while cutting the cucumber the dark brown haired lad stand next to his best friend which caused him to look at him smiling then laughed he can't stop laughing leaving the knife Niall got confused mariam came carrying her son also confused seeing her boyfriend laughing without a reason the little boy looked at his mother “mummy why is uncle Harry laughing ?" Daniel asked she putted him down telling him to go to the backyard will call him when the lunch is ready “what's so funny ?" mariam asked crossing her arms “the smirk on his face" Harry said still laughing pointing at Niall who has a raised eyebrow she excused the dark brown haired lad slapping her boyfriend across the cheek which caused him to stop laughing and made Niall laugh “to..." her lips got pressed against the dark brown haired lad's lips which caused him to be surprised “hey you're mine" the curly haired lad said Niall already wrapped his arm around her waist  “oops" she said kissing him again careless his cheeks and wrapped his other arm around her waist “stop it" Harry shouted she kissed Niall one last time “wow" he breathed out her arms already wrapped around his neck “don't make me feel this is our first kiss daddy" she said pouting at the end and there is an angry Harry behind them “he about to murder us" Niall said laughing she turned laughing walking towards her boyfriend “you're jealous adorable daddy" she said shaking his face like a little boy which caused him to laugh “look I can't let him murder anyone" mariam said turned looking at Niall she looking back at her boyfriend “oh my god" she pushed Harry running to the bathroom towards the toilet taking the cap up thrown out “oh yeah she is pregnant" the curly haired lad said smiling happily Niall smiling proudly “she was pregnant with my son before yours" the dark brown haired lad said she looked at them laughed “you two are idiots" mariam said thrown out again stood up after finishing going towards the sink getting rid of my smell of her brushing her teeth “Daniel Daniel you are going to have a baby sister" Harry said loudly the little boy came smiling happily the three are smiling like idiots “I am have three idiots" she said they pouted kissing each one of them cheek “I had to..." mariam putted her hand on the curly haired lad's mouth nodded at her son the dark brown haired lad slapped his best friend's head mariam took her hand off Harry's mouth raised her eyebrow at Niall “how dare you to slap his head huh naughty daddy" she said looking down at her son pointed a finger the dark brown haired lad making him walk backwards “god I'm gonna die" he said melting from the love also Harry “oh my god Harry Niall" she said Daniel ran towards his father trying to wake up crying “mummy did daddy die ?" the little boy asked sadly she shook her head “one a minute" mariam said walked towards the kitchen getting two bottles of water walked towards the dark brown haired lad pouring one of the bottles on him “what the fuck" Niall swears then she walked towards the curly haired lad pouring the bottle on him he swore also “did mummy do anything no" she said walked towards the kitchen putted the bottles they stand in front of the kitchen crossed arms mariam turned jumping a little the lads tried but the Irish lad can't help it letting it out “aww my boys looks so hot with wet hair god Harry is going to murder me" mariam and Niall looked at him laughing he also laughed searching for her son “where is our son Niall ?" she asked looking at him Harry pushed Niall who was about to walk towards her “mummy" Daniel said hugged his mother's from behind “do you have baby inside of tummy ?" he asked going in front of her mariam looking down at him smiling “we will know tomorrow my little pony" she answered still smiling the little boy wrapped his tiny arms around his mother's stomach “uncle Harry am I going to talk to my baby sister ?" Daniel asked looking at his uncle “you are going buddy" his uncle answered mariam is already running her fingers through her son's hair Niall picked his son up walking towards the living room “come here" Harry said pulling her towards him his arms got wrapped around her waist “I can't believe" he said excitedly which caused her to laugh shaking her head “don't worry baby your excitement will be gone soon" she said patting his shoulder unwrapped his arms “that is mean" he said putting his hands on his waist “and you are an idiot" she said mocking his action which caused him to laugh mariam dropping her hands walk towards Harry wrapping her arms around his neck and wrapping his around her waist it she kissing him hummed then pulled away walking towards the living room finding Niall sitting on the couch watching the television mariam sat looking at him which caused him confusion “kiss me" she said he confused more putted the remote control away “mariam are..." she cut him off “kiss me" she repeated loudly Harry kept winking at Niall kept biting his lip he careless her cheeks kissing she kissed him back like done with the curly haired lad then pulled away “thank you" mariam said stood up walked out of the living room walking towards the stairs climbing up walked towards the bedroom entering what just happened" the curly haired lad said laughing the curly haired lad “it is the pregnancy hormones bro" Harry said taking the remote control turned the channel “but I love that" he added looking at his best friend “of course because she is only yours now" Niall said smirking Harry laughed shaking his head his eyes are on the television “sometimes I like sharing her" the curly haired lad said jokely leaving the remote control away “Niall bro don't..." he got cut off “Harry Niall meet me backyard" mariam said walked towards the backyard they stood up did as told “okay I don't have to say it for millionth time doesn't talk about my love for you both in..." she got cut off “listen here kitten you have been kissed both of in front of our son billionth of times which causes me to fall in love with you more and more" Niall said which caused her to blush smiling putted her hands on her face shaking her head “I think it would be a good idea if we did like seven years ago both of you go away from me" mariam said looking between them Harry got shocked “I am not doing that again" he said shaking his head Niall looks like he doesn't care looking between them both of them looked at him “babe we won't do it again you might be pregnant can't take care of yourself on your own by the way I don't mind you kiss me we're family now both of us fathers of your son and daughter as Harry wants" Niall said winked at the curly haired lad smiling Niall is right but the kissing part I don't like it all the love and kisses for me only" Harry said looking at smirking mariam laughed walked towards him “your jealousy making no sense I love you both and nothing can change that" she said looking up at him then looked at Niall smiling he smiled back the vampire girl walked towards the dark brown haired lad wrapped her arms around his neck “what do you think Mr Horan ?" she asked looking up at him lovingly he is already looking down at her “I think you are crazy" he answered Harry laughed which caused her to look at him “I agree" he said still laughing she pouted unwrapped her arms “I want ice cream" she said stamping her feet like a little girl “and here the pregnancy hormones will begin" they said at the same time she pushed them at the same going inside “god this is love" they said at the same she pulled them from their shirts inside towards the kitchen “Niall get me ice cream and Harry make for Daniel food" she said smacking their cheeks they got shocked looked at each other mariam giggled pecked their lips walked towards the living room the dark brown haired lad walked out of the kitchen to the front door putting his shoes and the curly haired lad started making food

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