Chapter 48

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Mariam and Niall has explored the city now they are sitting on a place that he used to sitting on with his friends in silence they have missed each other so much she also wants to tell him to come back live with her and Harry as a family again looking down thinking not knowing what to say or do Niall feels a shame on himself for getting angry at her mariam isn't sad knowing he doesn't meant but himself doesn't know that she knows all he knows that mariam going back to London now has to say or do something before leaving she looked at him after a while of silent already closer to him looked at each other's lips then eyes again for the last time they leaned at the same time kissing slowly their eyes aren't close she jumped off letting him chase her giggling he grabbed by waist already wrapped her arms around his neck kissing again they pressed their foreheads “Niall I want you back" she said which caused him confusion pulling away mariam felt he will disagree about living with Harry and her again “what do you mean by that ?" he asked mariam let out a sigh playing with his necklace closed her eyes letting the tears falling “I mean we live together as a family" she said he shook his head walked away giving her his back “please Niall at least for Daniel our only son" she said begging he turned with teary eyes walked towards him “I can't" he said sobbing looking away from her she begged sobbing also “we will already lose each other if I told your mother the truth and if you come back nobody will know anything about us also thinking about making a visit to the Styles family won't accept me if they knew the truth also don't care about humans expect you and Harry also our kids even though Daniel is like me but small version of you" she said he is thinking about it and that what mariam wants “I'll fight for you" he said smiling taking her hands kissed her knuckles which caused her to smile also happily hugging him tightly letting out a sigh of relief “I knew it" she said smiling happily kissing him taking his breath away “will the truth myself but that doesn't mean won't agree with anything she will say listen you and Daniel go back to London now" he said she shook her head sadly looking down doesn't want to lose him for his family but give up “okay do it I know that you have to agree with your mother in everything she will say I know have Harry might lose him also for his family" she said sadly they hugged tightly he kissed the side of her head repeatedly “Niall you have to know something I might be pregnant but please don't tell Daniel" she said looking in his eyes that has no emotions “does Harry know that ?" he asked she nodded smiling happily knows her fiancé wants to keep it that's why there is happiness “but we're not sure" she added smiling happily he doesn't show happiness or anything could see sadness mariam rolled her eyes “Niall I don't know what to say but you have to...sorry just know our lives are different now Daniel isn't your only kid Darcy also even the baby that is coming if am even pregnant" she said smiling taking his hands on hers intertwined their fingers “we're safe and secure" she added whispering smiling pressing their foreheads “I know babe I know since you came in it" he said smiling wrapping her arms around his neck “you saved my life mariam bringing me Daniel who brought happiness and joy" he added she already rested her head on his chest let out a sigh looked up at him “will keep saving until the day I die" she said he pecked her lips already careless her cheeks rubbing his thumbs over it “I saw you when were looking around my childhood bedroom and how your eyes were bright" he said which caused her to blush hiding her face on his chest “can we go the airport since it look like it is midnight before I miss my flight" she said changing the topic crossing her arms “it looks like you miss Darcy and Harry" he said smirking she stucked her tongue out which caused him to laugh “that doesn't mean I don't miss you also around the house when you two make fun of me" she said hitting his shoulder he carried her bridal style as called him crazy “we will be completed when you come back and Darcy will love you but not more than her own father" mariam said smiling happily Niall pecked her lips “at least he doesn't get a daughter from a woman who doesn't look like his mother or grandma" Niall said mariam hit his chest which caused him to laugh “they are nothing compared to me doesn't even deserve him" she said proudly he putted her down as they reached the end of the road wrapping his arm around her shoulder kissed the side of her head reached Niall's childhood house he unlocked the door entering finding all the lights off they walked slowly towards the stairs climbing up to his childhood bedroom where is their son is sleeping opened the door slowly switched the light on Niall closing it slowly dani Daniel little pony" she shook her son awake the boy awake up stretching his body rubbing his eye “mum dad you're back" he said smiling happily sitting up straight they kissed his cheeks smiling “listen buddy you will go back to London with your mother now I will come after you tomorrow morning" Niall said which caused the boy to cry mariam took him in her arms “mummy please take daddy back you promised" the boy said sobbing looking up at his mother with teary eyes “I already did my little pony" mariam said smiling at Niall who leaned forward kissing her lips wait did..." mariam gave Daniel a look who wiped his tears and smirked “so you and daddy... holy shit" the boy said mariam looked at Niall shocked because she knows he swears a lot “Niall James Horan you are teaching our son to swear" she said crossing her arms he is pretending that didn't “yes mummy" their fourteen years old son said nodded “dani I'm your only father don't..." he stopped when noticed she is in front of me Daniel is laughing at his father “babe I love you" Niall said pouting patting his eyelashes “wait what did you..." she stopped crashing her lips against his already holding his collarbones exhaling sharply “told ya mummy that daddy still in love with you" their fourteen years old son said smiling happily seeing his parents in love again I love him also but can't keep cheating on Harry" she said walking towards the door opening “now I know the real you miss mariam" someone said which caused her to look up seeing it is Niall's mother “I..." the older woman cut her off pointing out “ma'am I..." the older woman cut her off again not give her a chance to talk “get out of the house and go away from my son and grandson" his mother said mariam already in tears “Mrs Horan I was..." she cut her off “out" his mother said she looked at them one last time “Mrs Horan please you can't stop from seeing Daniel I will leave your son alone but please don't stop from seeing my own son please have done a lot of mistakes in my life but please don't stop seeing Daniel please" mariam said sobbing on her knees looking up at the older woman who is looking down at her doesn't have any feelings or emotions “okay okay take him as you promised leave my son alone" the older woman said mariam stood up thanking her kissing her hands walking towards him on the bed taking him in her arms kissing his hairline “can I have a moment with them mum ?" Niall asked looking at his mother who nodded smiling the older woman closed the door taking them in his arms kissing their heads “are you really going to leave me ?" Niall asked whispering mariam raised her head stood up wiped her tears let out a sigh started explaining her plan which caused Niall happiness knowing she won't leave him as said to his mother this makes their hearts pure “I love you two so much" he said taking them in his arms smiling happily she looked up at him smiling happily also “thought that I will lose you and daddy" Daniel said sitting on the edge of the bed as his parents sitting either sides of him “buddy if I didn't come back to London will still have you and your mother here" Niall said pointing at his heart as the parents holding hands “don't say that Niall you will come back to London safely to us and be completed" she said smiling took Daniel in her arms “dani I'll wait for you at the airport" she said kissing his head stood up Niall did the same also “I love you mum" he said in tears mariam kneeled down in front of him “love you too honey please don't cry I know it hurts but everything will be fine between us again" she said stood up kissed his hairline me and Niall walked towards the door walked out of the bedroom towards the stairs climbing down to front door opened it they walked out of the house “I love you babe" he said holding her hands she kissed his palms hugged him pulled away kissing his lips “I love you too take care of yourself will wait for ya with an Irish accent this time" she said which caused him to laugh as their fingers already intertwined they kissed one last time “I am going to miss the taste of your lips" he said which caused her to giggle “I am going to miss yours also" she said smiling wrapping her arms around his neck kissing it turned into a heated make out squeezing her ass which caused her to moan someone cleared throat which caused them to pull away they already knows it is mother who is crossing her arms “goodbye Niall" mariam said whispering winked Niall's mother walked inside he pulled her next to the house against the wall started kissing and sucking on her neck which caused her to moan running her fingers through his soft dark brown hair went to her jawline massaging her breasts “Niall" his mother called Niall pulled away winked at mariam walked towards the house she smirked the older woman rolled her eyes walked back to the house “hey" mariam heard someone whispering which caused her to looking “Niall how did you your mother will catch us for hundredth time" she said whispering while kissing he licked her bottom lip which caused her to open her mouth exploring kissing her one last time “I'll go back before she notice by the way called a car to take you to the airport there is your passport and visa also ticket" he said whispering she nodded smiling “love ya I'll come back to London soon" he added whispering kissed her cheeks and nose also hands giving her passport and visa also ticket walked back to the house she waited for the car that will take her to the airport

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