Chapter 41

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*five days later*
Mariam went to her childhood house to say to her so called parents who are Davis and Viki to tell them that she has killed her fiancé who is a lie to them she found the front door opened hearing an evil laugh who is belong to her so called father appeared in front of her having an angry face then someone pulled her back holding a dragger knife on her neck biting the person who is a dragger knife on her neck fighting who her so called parents who are Davis and Viki killing them but they stopped her she shook her head not wanting to hearing another single order from them will make them disappear from the whole world earth this time becoming stronger and braver than ever fighting for her family finally killed them hear them calling her name they are in a sea of their blood mariam wiped her mouth with the back of her hand “baby" she heard her fiancé's voice running in his arms “thank god they didn't do anything to you" he added her forehead against his smiling hugging her again his face on the crook of her neck kissing her fingers already on his curls “I thought will lost you this time" he said kissing her lips she kissed him back repeatedly “we have to leave before the neighbours knows me actually some of them still remember me they might sent me to jail" she said whispering he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and hers wrapped around his torso baby how about I take you for a walk and call it a date for being my fiancée" he suggested she bite her lip shyly blushing  hiding her face on his chest “but I look like a mess" she said looking up at him “okay we go home so you could take a shower" he said smiling she nodded in agreement smiling also they walked towards the car Harry got his keys out unlocking it mariam walked towards the passenger seat getting as they got in his phone started ringing he got it out seeing it is Niall “hello bro" the curly haired lad answered with a smile “how is she ? Is she safe ? Is she with you ?" the dark brown haired lad asked worriedly Harry looked at mariam “yes she is" he answered Niall let out a sigh of relief “Niall we're safe now I killed them they left us alone we will live together forever without danger" she said holding the phone tears in her eyes there is silence “I love you so much babe" Niall said smiling through his tears mariam looked at Harry giving him his phone back opened the door she kept running the curly haired lad noticed that mariam running away from his while he talking with Niall “Niall I have to go" he said hanged up putting the phone on the passenger seat started the engine driving asking the people and people who works in the shops until one of them told him that she got kidnapped by a black long car also the way it drove to got in his car driving quickly to place that he hopes to find her until seeing the black long car the man of the shop told him about starting the car seeing bodyguards having ear pieces and wearing sunglasses noticing his fiancée getting out of the long black car shrugging to get out of those bodyguards hold suddenly she turned into a vampire that Harry wished for attacking them as they are falling one by one in front of his eyes running out he waved at her to come jumped on the back seat as there are gunshots at his car he doesn't care about the car all he cares about her safety Harry I can go like this home" she said appearing as they go out of the gunshots safely “baby I can take you to Cheshire" he said she leaned back against the seat looked out the window Harry looked at her through the review mirror smiling then at the road again mariam layed looking up at the ceiling of the car “will buy you some clothes first then will go" he added looking at her through the review mirror smiling then at the road again mariam I am thinking about calling Niall tell him to meet us in Cheshire with the kids leave them with my mother" Harry suggested smiling mariam sit up straight her mouth is wide open laughed “Harry listen I am not going anywhere you take Darcy to her grandma if she asked about me get any excuse Niall takes Daniel to Ireland if his family asked about me he will get any excuse also" she explained he let out a sigh can't believe mariam letting them do something like that both of them should know that mariam wants to keep Daniel and Darcy safe even though they are from the same mother but different fathers it might hurts her but Harry and Niall are a beautiful mistakes for her “when they grow have to know everything" she added he is so shocked by her words pushing the breaks “what you are doing is bullshit also what said why you fucking still wants to separate us even the kids Is it because they from different fathers" he said she opened the door then closed it Harry let out a sigh opened the door then closed it turning around around the car mariam is leaning against it “sorry I know you want to keep us safe but can't separate us" he said his fists on the car as she isn't making eye contact “what the fuck am not separating us just want this so Marco doesn't know that I have Daniel and Darcy a son neither a daughter plus they will safer with their fathers which is Niall fucking idiot you how many times had to explain that" she said he laughed leaned down kissing her hands are flat on his chest “even though you smell blood and guts I kissed" he said she hit his chest which caused him to laugh kissing her again but pulling her against him this time wrapping her arms around his neck hand on her lower back “I want to fuck you" he said whispering against her lips “I am already wet for you" she said whispering against his lips which caused him to moan opening the passenger seat's door “okay get in naughty girl" he said smirking she giggled turned getting in doing as told Harry walked around the car going to the driver seat started the engine “there is some naughty boy in you also" she said smiling he looked at her then laughed started driving “kissing you give me loads of fun" he said smiling she smirked licking her lips looking at the vampire bite given by her “I feel so fucking lucky that myself making you feel this babe" she said touching the bite he has strange feeling by this simple touch

A vampire girl fell in love with two boysWhere stories live. Discover now