Chapter 20

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They went to the hospital for the DNA test mariam said she doesn't know the name of the hospital that her aunt works at plus she doesn't want her to touch Daniel so decided to go to any lab to the test they took some blood from the three niall is the nervous one the six years old boy doesn't understand why they took blood from him so his mummy told him the truth but not all of it the dark brown haired lad's hands are sweating and the nervous system is still working “mr horan miss mariam mr styles" the doctor called the three of them got up walked towards her niall biting his nails “the result says mr horan" the doctor said smiling mariam smiled happily because she was so sure it is him “I can't believe it is me" niall said smiling happily letting out a sigh of relief the vampire girl hugged him “I'm so happy" she said his smile faded away quickly “what's wrong niall ?" harry asked which caused mariam to pull away “the three of us can't live together anymore and Daniel will be so sad" he answered tears in his eyes “I know niall I know but you can stay with us as long as you want" she said resting her forehead against his her arms already wrapped around his neck and his around her waist “mummy" mariam pulled away quickly wiping her tears “are we going to the park ?" the six years old boy asked she kneeled down in front of him “how..." she got cut off “it is okay we can go" niall said she got up putted some hair behind her ear looking down “are you sure ?" mariam asked looked up at him he nodded “come on buddy" niall said smiling offering Daniel his hand they walked out of the lab harry wrapped his arm around her shoulder kissed her hairline walked out of the lab “let's go mummy and harry" Daniel said excitedly the curly haired lad already got his arm off her shoulder they got in the car after a few minutes drive from lab to the park Daniel got his guitar and ran towards the grass putting it “come on niall" he said pulled the dark brown haired lad's hand running again to grass niall carried the little boy putted him on his shoulders mariam can't wait to hear Daniel calling niall daddy she sit on the bench watching them “what do you think Daniel will react when he knows that niall is his father ?" harry asked sitting next to her licking an ice cream “as I said before he will be so happy but I know shock in the beginning" she answered he hummed licked his ice cream “gimme gimme" she said in an American accent “under one condition licking it together" harry said cutely mariam nodded in agreement actually he lied kept licking until reached the biscuit cone giving her an end and he took the other “I..." she got cut off by hearing him crashing the biscuit cone with his teeth mariam is so nervous that Daniel will caught them started crashing also until their lips touching they looked in each other's eyes “what..." she got cut off by his lips which caused her to pull away “what's wrong ?" harry asked mariam laughed pointing at his lips he got up which caused her laugh to stop “are you mad that I laughed at you ?" she asked pouting standing he laughed pointing at her lips grabbed her by waist “ah harry" her hands are flat on his chest harry kissed her mariam kissed him back “mummy" Daniel called angrily which caused her to pulled away quickly wiping her mouth with the back of her hand “what..." he cut her off “you can't kiss harry he isn't daddy" she kneeled down in front of him “ did you know ?" mariam asked nervously putting her hand on his shoulder the little boy suddenly laughed and niall joined him she crossed her arms they walked towards the car harry sit on the passenger seat mariam and Daniel sit on the back seat niall is on the driver seat starting the engine “mummy I made a new friend" the little boy said out of the blue looking at mariam “don't tell me it is a girl I better get you a sister" she said jokely he pouted which caused her laugh careless his cheeks kissed his nose “her name is Anna" Daniel said smiling happily mariam smiled he described her which never happened “she goes to school learns and drawing a lot of things there" the little boy said mariam looked at him sadly taking his head against her chest kissing his head “mummy can I go to school ?" he asked looking up at his mother “of course buddy" niall answered smiling “can I learn guitar there ?" the little boy asked she nodded smiling “you can" mariam answered niall looked at them through the review mirror smiling “mummy can I sing also ?" he asked smiling happily she nodded smiling “can niall came with me ?" Daniel asked smiling happily her smile faded away she doesn't know why “ye...yes he can" mariam answered niall felt sad that her smile faded away the whole car ride got silence mariam looking out of the window the dark brown haired lad always check on them he loves mariam but the problem that she loves harry and other thing that niall is the father of her son his parents got divorced in his age five lived with his mother and older brother for a year his own son lived with his mother for six years plus niall didn't know that he is the father any woman can love one man “what's up Harold ?" the dark brown haired lad asked smiling getting Harry's attention smiled back mariam and Daniel has already fallen asleep “they fell asleep" niall said whispering he reached the house the curly haired lad carried her bridal style and the dark brown haired lad carried him niall unlocked the door walked towards the stairs climbing up harry walked towards her bedroom entering putted her down gently “no stay" she said sleepily he layed next to her mariam rested her head on his chest harry wrapped his arm around her shoulder kissed her head

A vampire girl fell in love with two boysUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum